Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом do або does
1. he take the bus every morning?
2. she ride a bike every day?
3. you drive a car today?
4. we walk every evening?
5. it run every day?
6. they take the train ?
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом don’t або doesn’ t
7. I my homework today.
8. She brush her teeth in the morning.
9. We play every day.
10. He get dressed today.
11.They dancing every day.
12. He sing today.
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом do або does
1. he take the bus every morning?
2. she ride a bike every day?
3. you drive a car today?
4. we walk every evening?
5. it run every day?
6. they take the train ?
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом don’t або doesn’ t
7. I my homework today.
8. She brush her teeth in the morning.
9. We play every day.
10. He get dressed today.
11.They dancing every day.
12. He sing today.
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом do або does
1. he take the bus every morning?
2. she ride a bike every day?
3. you drive a car today?
4. we walk every evening?
5. it run every day?
6. they take the train ?
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом don’t або doesn’ t
7. I my homework today.
8. She brush her teeth in the morning.
9. We play every day.
10. He get dressed today.
11.They dancing every day.
12. He sing today.
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом do або does
1. he take the bus every morning?
2. she ride a bike every day?
3. you drive a car today?
4. we walk every evening?
5. it run every day?
6. they take the train ?
Заповніть пропуск у реченні допоміжним дієсловом don’t або doesn’ t
7. I my homework today.
8. She brush her teeth in the morning.
9. We play every day.
10. He get dressed today.
11.They dancing every day.
12. He sing today.