Завдання з курсу країнознавства для 10 класу з теми:"Загальна характеристика Об"єднаного Королівства,Англії та Шотландії".
Great Britain, England and Scotland.
Complete the sentences:
1. The UK comprises……
2. The highest mountains are…….
3. The longest rivers are…….
4. The currency of the UK…….
5. Factors creating broad contrasts of the climate in the British Isles……
6. The population of England is……….
7. A densely populated part of the UK is……….
8. Scotland falls into three main regions……..
9. What is the centre of Scotland's heavy industry……
10. The chief administrative unit in Scotland is……
11. What is the largest island of the British Isles……
Great Britain, Scotland and England(answers)
1. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
2. Ben Nevis and Snowdon..
3. The Severn and the Thames.
4. Pound.
5. 1) the elongated shape,
2) the position between a great land mass and a vast ocean,
3) the relief.
6. 46 million.
7. England.
8. The Border, the Lowlands, the Highlands
9. The Lowlands.
10. A county.
11. Great Britain.