Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 7-9 класів за темою: «Моє село. Моя батьківщина. Мій світ» (“My Village. My Motherland. My World.”)

Про матеріал

Позакласний захід «Моє село. Моя батьківщина. Мій світ» було проведено з учнями 7-9 класів Подільської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІ ступенів. Захід присвячено 350-річчю села Подолу, яке відзначалось у липні 2016 року.

Мета заходу: Ознайомити учнів з історичним минулим та сьогоденням рідного села, з його видатними людьми. Удосконалювати комунікативну компетенцію учнів, уміння та навички практичного володіння англійською мовою. Розвивати творчі здібності учнів, уміння працювати самостійно та у групах. Виховувати почуття патріотизму, любові до рідного краю, поваги до односельців.

Перегляд файлу

Позакласний захід з англійської мови

для учнів 7-9 класів за темою:

  «Моє село. Моя батьківщина. Мій світ»

(“My Village. My Motherland. My World.”)

Мета: Ознайомити учнів з історичним минулим та сьогоденням рідного села, з його видатними людьми. Удосконалювати комунікативну компетенцію учнів, уміння та навички практичного володіння англійською мовою. Розвивати творчі здібності учнів, уміння працювати самостійно та у групах.

Виховувати почуття патріотизму, любові до рідного краю, поваги до односельців.

Форма проведення: урок-екскурсія.

Обладнання: герб села, географічна карта села, виставка творчих робіт учнів, презентація Power Point на тему «Моє село».


План заходу:

I. Організаційний момент. Привітання, визначення теми та мети заходу. Вступне слово вчителя.

II. Основна частина заходу. Презентація проекту «Моє село».

ІІІ. Мій світ. Презентація творчих робіт учнів.

ІV Заключна частина заходу. Рефлексія. Підведення підсумків.


The development of the lesson:



Teacher: “Good morning, students. Glad to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It’ll be a trip to our native place Podil. Some of you are tourists. And other students are guides. What are we going to talk about? (We are going to talk about history, nature, famous people of our village).  As the great poet Byron said: ”He, who  loves not his country, can love nothing”. It will be the motto of our meeting.


The main part. Presentation of a project “My village”.

Students speak.

(slide 2)


My Village,

The one i live in,

and the one that lives in me.


Pretty birds,

The whistle of the squirrels

The blowing wind,

The smell of grass,


This spicy earth.


(slide 3)


Friends like those village men

and the cattle down near the river,

and those blossoming flowers


The sky so big,

so full of shifting clouds

and then those clouds


over the fields...

making the green,



(slide 4)


The sun smile at my village,

The moon laugh with my village,

The stars live in my village...


The song of the wind,

sound of rain,

heavy lanes,

full of names...


(slide 5)


The mornings

with the whole day waiting

full of promise

The nights

so quiet

filled with expectations and dreams...


My village

the one i live in,

and the one that lives in me...


(slide 6)


We know the English word motherland. For Ukrainian people it has two meanings. Firstly, it is the place you were born in. Then it means the whole country where you live. For me my motherland begins in my own village, in which I have grown up. To my mind my native village is the best place in the world. As the English people say, “East or West, home is best” or “There is no place like home”.



Yes? You are right. Every man has his own Motherland. Maybe this place is usual and uninteresting for other people, but for you it is the dearest place in the world. There is no place like home. and no need to roam the world in the search of the most beautiful place.


Two Colours

(Два кольори)

Words by D.Pavlychko

Music by O.Belash

When I was young and ready in the spring

To seriously start my own road,

My mother had  embroided  a shirt for me

With red and black, with black and red

On very soft and nice a piece of  cotton.


Two   colours   are  forever in my heart ,

Two   colours are forever in my soul:

Red   colour means the mother`s greatest love,

Black   colour   means  unhappiness  and sorrow.

My life`s been full  of  problems  and  bad luck,

But I came always back to a native town,

Thanks to my mother`s precious needlework,

I`ve   had  happy ,   sad, exciting,

My   happy,  sad, exciting, glorious triumph.


And when approaching my silver age

I   haven`t   brought the  richness to my house,

I haven`t   had   nothing    but my   mother`s  towel,

And all   my own life , and all my own life,

Has been   depicted  brightly  in  both  colours .



(slide 7)


Villages keep in their memory the past of our people. Some of them are quiet ancient, others appeared not long ago. Each village is individual with its history, traditions and especially with people.



Podil was founded in 1666. The village is situated on the picturesque banks of the Lysohir river. The population is 874 of people. You can see a green countryside and beautiful landscapes.



And is the village large? Oh, no!

It’s just a hamlet in a ring.

All its daily drinking water

Comes from one, lone tiny spring.



Neither cold nor hot, its water

Mild and soft will ever please;

At times it rains, at times it snows,

And sometimes comes a gentle breeze.


(slide 8)


There are several versions of the origin of the village. First version: village located along the river, hence the name. The second version, the village was located at the bottom of Sribne and the lower part of any town called Podil.


(slide 9)


Since ancient times between the silver and the hem is as eternal watchman Danchykova Mountain - botanical nature monument.



(slides 10 and 11)


Every year   the holiday of Midsummer is held near Danchykova mountain. Midsummer is  the most poetic celebration of the Ukrainian people.


(slide 12)


Podil is my motherland and everything here is dear to my heart: people, birds, flowers, trees, shops, forests, rivers, fields. 



The main feature of my village is extraordinary diversity and beauty of its scenery, the forest expanse and green glades bringing to mind the immense space of my Motherland. The green lawn carpets are punctuated here and there by small groves, tree clusters gaily bunched together.


(slide 13)


The river Lysohir is very beautiful in all seasons.


(slide 14)


           The Tiny River

I am that which flows freely,

never stopping.

I move forward making my way around obstacles in my path.

I create new life and sustain the existing,

nurturing my surroundings.

I rise and fall but push forward peacefully for the sake of all life.

I am small but connect in a way that's never ending.

I am everything to all.


(slides 15 and 16)


History of the village is large and tragic, with ups and downs, joys and pains, disappointments and hopes.


(slide 17)


Since 1240 our area was ruled by the Mongol-Tatars for 80 years. Our village, like many other ancient towns and villages were destroyed and burned by horde of Batu Khan.


(slide 18)


In 1321, Podil was under the rule of Lithuania and after the Polish-Lithuanian Union of 1388 under Polish rule


(slide 19)


In the 15th century the village was a part of the estates division of the Lithuanian tycoon Alexander Vyshnevetsky


(slides 20-21)


1900 in the village of Podil had 376 households with a population of  2,328 people. After the establishment of Soviet power in the countryside there was a cultural revolution. Since 1924 elementary school was opened at the parish school, which was founded in 1886. In 1931, the primary school has spread to seven years, which taught children of school age.


(slide 22)


Happy life was interrupted by World War II. The village  was occupied on September 14 1941 and was released on September 17 1943. People lived heavily. All collective farms were destroyed.


(slide 23)


There is a mass grave in the center of Podil. The veterans come here on holidays. All sadly remember those terrible events.


(slide 24)


Hard times have come to our country. But we are a strong nation, and Ukraine is an indivisible country. Each of us has to love our people, our culture and traditions, as did those who died for our independence on the Nezalezhnosti Square and on the battlefield.


(slide 25)


Podil is a small dot on the map of  Ukraine.    But for many Ukrainians it is a native land, a homeland where they were born, live and work, where their grandparents and great-grandparents lived.


(slides 26-27)


Yes, the greatest value of our village is people. They are open hearted, kind, talented, tolerant, hospitable. They are well-known all over the world. It is a small Motherland for Olga Sydorenko, a poetress, an author of the famous “Sribne tragedy”,  Victor Kava, Ukrainian writer, Borys Zayets, a famous person in the country, the general director of the National Circus of Ukraine.



(slides 28-30)


From year to year our village becomes larger and nicer. In Podil there is a secondary school with a nice gym, a kindergarten, a library, a house of culture and a small hospital. Buildings have gas and water supply.


(slide 31-32)


July 23, 2016 our village celebrated its 350th anniversary.  All the villagers and many guests gathered in the center of the village.


(slide 33)


The writer Tatyana Sydorenko, who was born in our village, presented the book "Podil  and podolyany".


(slide 34-35)


Above the village were heard the songs and   delicious porridge was boiling in a big pot.


Song  about  a towel

(Пісня про рушник)

Words by A .Malyshko

Music by P. Maiboroda


Dear mother, my love

You  were  not  often  sleeping,

And you helped me in life and my home alone,

And  no  distant  my  way you saw off me at dawn,

And you gave me your towel embroided  by you.

And to distant my way you saw off me at dawn,

And you give me your towel for luck and the fortune to me .


Let`s on it be a dew road which is always in blossom,

And the nightingale`s groves and the green meadows too,

And your mother`s sincere and wonderful smile,

And  your  very sorrowful blue and gentle eyes.


I shall take this my towel and shall cover the fortune,

In a soft rustle of grass, in a twitter of groves,

And all known to me will become animated,

And my  childhood  ,  my parting and my loyal love.

And all known to me will become animated,

And my childhood and parting and your mother`s

Exeptional  love .


(slide 36)

A teacher

We should remember our history and respect war veterans, veterans of labor who did everything so that young generation lived in better conditions, so that our village became more beautiful. The task of young people is to be active, to develop themselves, to become a very good citizens of our Motherland.


(slide 36)

P1 and P2

Welcome to Our Village!



ІІІ. Мій світ. Презентація творчих робіт учнів.

T: Students, you have written your compositions about your motherland, your village, your world. Let’s listen to them.



I love my village

The land on which I live

Yes, I’m sure, my heart

Its truest love can give.



For it I love my village

I’ll try to be the man

My country  may be proud of

If I try I can.



It is so beautiful and bright

It gives me home, a shelter and light

And we are proud of its history,

Full of struggles and victories



We got this country from God as a gift,

Not just to take, but mostly to give

Our mother land takes care of you and me,

And only here can we stay forever free.



We are proud to be her loyal kids,

It brings us up, teachers and leads

It is our life, it is our best part,

It is our soul, brain and heart.




The work of our meeting is over, and so is our lesson. I hope all of you have got very useful information about ancient village Podil. Maybe, you won’t be tourist managers or guides, but all of you should know the history of your homeland. You should love your native Motherland, your native village

Students, I’m very pleased with your work today. You worked hard. You are great. You all were at your best. I see you’ve got deep knowledge of the subject. I hope you enjoyed the projects of your classmates, haven’t you? I’d like you to write a letter to your pen-friend from England about your native village, your motherland, your world. Thank you. Good luck!




7 січня 2018
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