Зразки завдань для учнів 10-11 класів. Підготовка до ЗНО.

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Тестові завдання для учнів 10-11 класів, які допоможуть їм якісно підготуватися до виконання вправ на читання та використання мови при підготовці до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання.
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Зразки завдань для          контролю навчальних досягнень та підготовки учнів до ЗНО










вчитель англійської мови

Чорна А.M.










Grammar Test  (11th form)

1  Choose the correct answers.


She looked frantically / fortunately for an exit, but there wasn’t one.

1  ‘Is it a long way down?’ she asked nervously / relentlessly as they started to climb down.

2  All morning I wondered / wandered through the forest, paying no attention to where I was going.

3  I had an argument with my colleague but my boss was very even-handed / harmless with us and we soon cleared up the misunderstanding.

4  I use a bit of gel to get my hair really spiky / frizzy because I like the punk look.

5  It was snowing deeply / heavily as we left the house.

6 I got this long, rambling / snappy email from a friend of mine, it went on for pages and pages!

7  I noticed / made out that she was upset when we talked this morning.

8  The puzzle was so intriguing / cautious that it had me interested at once.

9  She peered / spotted for a long time through the window but it was too dark to see anything.

10  I have a horrible compulsive / recurring dream where I’m falling through the air.




2  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.


I was shopping (shop) in the market when I saw her.

1  She ______________ (love) getting up early when she was a child.

2  Before you ______________ (go), remember to tidy up.

3  I ______________ (clean) the bathroom all morning but it’s still not clean.

4  We ______________ (visit) my uncle for three weeks when we got the news.

5  They ______________ (stay) with their uncle in London this week so you can call them there.

6  My brother ______________ (forever / complain) about how often my friends visit us.

7  I don’t think he ______________ (agree) to that.

8  This time next week we ______________ (fly) to South Africa!

9  I ______________ (never / stay) in one place for very long before, so it was a new experience for me.

10  Why don’t you come round at 7.00? We ______________ (eat) dinner by then.









SPEAKING (11th form)


1. Natural disasters.

What is the biggest threat civilization can face in the future: viral pandemic, volcano eruption, earthquake or another kind of catastrophe?


1. Animals.

Furry Friends. What role does your pet play in your life? What do you think of keeping animals at home? Your responsibilities and duties when owning a pet.

2. Natural disasters.

 What can mankind do to prevent serious natural disasters in the future.


2. Animals.

What should be done to stop testing on animals? Do you agree with the argument that there are no alternative to testing on animals? Prove your point of view.

3. Natural disasters.

Global warming as a result of environment pollution. Litter takes away from the beauty and safety of many places throughout the world. What are some practical ways in which the litter problems could be solved.


3. Animals.

How to stop the extinction of rare species of animals? Can people do something about it?

1. Jobs.

Life after school. What does studying at university give people? Does it guarantee them a well-paid job?

1. Extreme Sports.

Sphering. Would you like to try this kind of sport? Why? Why not?

2. Jobs.

Do you think taking a year off after leaving school is a good idea? Why? Why not?

2. Extreme Sports.

Adventure Tubing.

Would you like to try this kind of sport? Why? Why not?

3. Jobs.

Your plans for future. What are you going to do after graduating from school?

3. Extreme Sports.


Would you like to try this kind of sport? Why? Why not?












SKILLS TESTS (11th form)




Family and social life

• Travel and tourism

Choose one of the topics below and write

a description of 200–250 words.

1. Describe a person who always manages to

break the ice with people thanks to his/her

exceptional communication skills.

2. Describe a person you are on the same

wavelength with who could be your ideal

travel companion.


• People

• Health, Sport

Choose one of the topics below and write

a review of 200–250 words.

1. Write a review of a book, a play or a film

whose character is a positive role model to

many people.

2. Write a review of a book which tells the

story of someone struggling with his/her



• Work

• School

Choose one of the topics below and write

a story of 200–250 words.

1. Write a story about a real or a fictional

event that happened to somebody when he/

she was a child and had a great impact on

the person’s decision about his/her future


2. Write a story about an amusing event, real

or fictional, which happened to you while

you were at school.


• Shopping and services

• Culture

Choose one of the topics below and write

an essay of 200–250 words.

1. Shopping in shopping centres has become

a way of spending one’s free time. Write

a for-and-against essay presenting the

advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

2. More and more artists are releasing their

records or books on their own without the

help of publishing or recording companies.

Write a for-and-against essay presenting the

advantages and disadvantages of thisWork













You are going to read the article which describes the worst mistakes some recruiters have seen during job interviews. Some parts are missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-10) in the text. There are two extra parts you don’t need to use. Write the letter next to the number below.






       Let’s face it :( 1) _______, and you can use all the help available to avoid the mistakes that can doom a promising job candidacy. Perhaps you can draw some lessons from these fatal false steps (2) ________. They consider them the worst mistakes they’ve ever seen.


                                                  Audrey W. Hellinger:


During the interview with me, a candidate bit his fingernails and proceeded to bleed onto his tie. When I asked him if (3) _______, he said that he chewed his nails all the time and he’d be fine. He continued to chew away.


                                                                Nina Proct:


In his first meeting with me, a candidate made himself a little too comfortable. Not only did he liberally (4) ______, he also pulled his chair right up to the edge of my desk and started picking up and examining (5) _______.


                                                           John A. Coleman:


One of the top candidates for a senior (6) _______-products company was a young man under 35 who had grown up in a small town in the Midwest. (7) ______ I asked about his years in high school. He said he’d been a star swimmer- so good that he’d even won a gold medal in the Olympics. It hung in his high school gym. The client liked him very much and was preparing to make him an offer. But when I checked his references, I discovered he hadn’t gone to the college he’d listed, and he’d never swum in the Olympics.


                                                               Janet Garber:


I walked into the reception (8) ________Sarah B., a recent college graduate. Once in my office, I glanced at her well-written resume, which was really perfect. She was obviously intelligent and articulate. How, I wondered, could she (9) ______ this way?

The sad fact was that I could never send her out to be interviewed by our administrators. They might forgive her sandals, her long billow skirt and her white peasant blouse – but never, ever, the large gold ring through her nose.


                                                               Tony Lord:


It was a million-dollar job, and he was a top-notch candidate. My client had decided to hire him, and they were having dinner. He asked my client: “How do we travel?” The response was: “We’re being careful of costs these days. We travel business class abroad and (10) _______. Without thinking, the candidate said: “I’m used to travelling first class.” 


  1. survive all that with good humour
  2. area to pick my next applicant,
  3. and knickknacks
  4. misjudge our corporate climate

      E.  As related by the Chicago executive recruiter

  1. back-of-the-bus domestically
  2. he wanted a Band-Aid
  3. pepper his conversation with profanities
  4. gleaned from veteran corporate and executive recruiter
  5. As I frequently do,
  6. It’s a jungle out there
  7. vice presidency at a big consumer







Here are several proverbs which can express the main idea of each recruiter’s opinion you’ve just read. Choose the most suitable one from the list (A-G) for the speakers (1-5).There are two extra proverbs you don’t need.


  1. Audrey W. Hellinger
  2. Nina Proct
  3. John A. Coleman
  4. Janet Garber
  5. Tony Lord


  1. Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.


  1. He who says what he likes shall hear what he doesn’t like.


      C.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.


      D.   Familiarity breeds contempt.


  1.  In every beginning think of the end.


  1. Habits will master you if you don’t master your habits.


  1.  Failure teaches success.









Read the article below. For statements (1-10) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, and F if it is false.



        A pleasant Sunday outing in the spring sunshine almost turned to tragedy for two Harpole families at Ladram beach last weekend.

        The children in the party had pleaded to be allowed to explore an adjacent bay together, and their parents, who were looking forward to a cup of coffee at a nearby café, had agreed that they could go, provided they promised to be back within an hour. The four children then scampered off along the beach by the foot of the cliffs, clambered over the rocks at the end of the bay, and disappeared from sight around the headland.

        They failed to notice the time passing, until they realised in dismay that the tide was coming in rapidly, and hurriedly they retraced their steps along the now narrow strip of sand. If they had been a few minutes earlier, they could still have paddled back round the headland, but already the water was too deep for them to pass. Although they tried, they could not climb the steep cliffs either, so the eldest of the four, the only one who could swim, left the others sitting on a rock, holding one another by the hand, while he attempted to swim back and raised the alarm.

        The boy, 12-year-old Thomas Tailor of Manor Road, Harpole, struggled manfully in the cold water against the strong current, and twenty minutes later he succeeded in rounding the headland. Soon after, he was able to scramble ashore in the next bay. After pausing to regain his breath, he raced to his worried parents and told the story. Luckily they managed to find the owner of a nearby motor boat, and sped off to the rescue. They found the frightened youngsters, still holding one another’s hands with waves now lapping around their feet.



  1. The children’s requests weren’t really urgent.
  2. The children were eager to investigate a nearby gulf.
  3. One can’t be overburdened when children are involved.
  4. The children roamed along the beach by the foot of the cliffs.
  5. They realised in dismay that the law tide was coming in rapidly.
  6. The children’s efforts to clamber the steep rocks were vain.
  7. Having understood their problem, Thomas Tailor didn’t hesitate what to do.
  8. Thomas Tailor purpose was to double the cape first of all.
  9. Thomas raced to his worried parents without losing a moment.
  10. The children escaped the great danger they were facing.                                


















You are going to read a dialogue. Its phrases have been mixed up. Decide on the correct order for the phrases, and write the letter to the number below.






  1. It’s not ridiculous at all. It was the height of fashion then.


  1. Do you really remember such trifles? Look! Here’s an old photo of your mother. Didn’t she look like you then?


  1. So?



  1. Don’t be nasty! Look, here’s the photo of my sister Paula when she was still in the fourth form at school. That’ an old boyfriend of hers beside her.


  1. Something has just occurred to me-if your mother looked like you twenty years ago, you’ll probably look just like her in twenty years time…



  1. Gosh! Is this a picture of you as a baby? You were quite cute then. It’s a shame you’ve grown up.


  1. Look who’s talking! I remember looking through some of your old photos a while ago and I found a whole collection of pictures of different girlfriends of yours.



  1. So…er…well… Look, a picture of young David!


  1. Yes, everyone says we are very alike.



  1. I’ve just come across my mother’s old photograph-album in this drawer. Come and look, Mike!


  1. She looks a bit young for boyfriends, but I suppose she takes after you-you always used to have a different boyfriend whenever I saw you in those days.



  1. What a ridiculous hat she is wearing!



   1.                  4.               7.            10.

   2.                  5.               8.            11.

   3.                  6.               9.            12.






Listen to the following text. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write the letter to the number below.




  …tell you about my two sons as you asked me in your last letter.


      Malcolm has been working very hard all this year; he is sitting some exams this month as he


 is determined to win a grant to study History at the University of Oxford. Although the sun has


 been shining all day today, he has been slaving at his books at home reading about the history of


the French Revolution. Fortunately he adores books, especially history books, and he isn’t


interested in games. In any case he hasn’t got enough time for sport, as he spends all his time and


 money on books.


       His younger brother James is totally different. He’s bored with school and studying. He says


he’s fed up with them, but he is very keen on games. He loathes books. Especially the books they


oblige him to read at school. He never stays indoors when the weather is reasonably fine. James


is fond of football, but he is evidently crazy about tennis. He thinks he can make a fortune at it,


so he never stops practising. But as far as his studying is concerned… well, his teachers say he


has ability, but he is too inconsistent and he rarely does his best. His mother doesn’t really






       Now Ann’s busy with her…


1. Malcolm is


                A. really idle    B. industrious indeed        C. careful        D. absent-minded


2. Malcolm’s aim is to


       A. study History   B. pass his exams  C. receive a scholarship  D. enter Oxford University


3. All day today Malcolm has been


       A. studying very hard               

       B. trying to find as many prompts as possible

       C. working out different ways of studying  

       D. reading novels about the history of the French Revolution.


4. Malcolm 


       A. doesn’t like sports   B. doesn’t mind sports    C. neglects sports    D. despises sports


5. James


     A. follows Malcolm’s example   B. shares his brother’s interests

     C. minds his preferences             D. is absolutely careless


6.  The boys’ characters


     A. have very much in common      B. can’t be considered similar

     C. have lots of nasty features         D. are admired by everyone


7.  James finds studying   


      A. tedious    B.  useless     C.  incomparable    D.  compulsory


8.   James


      A. is indifferent to books                             B. feels an aversion for books

      C. thinks reading is boring but necessary    D. willingly reads books.


9.  James can’t be called


      A. a diligent student                            B.  persistent as a sportsman  

      C. a couch potato                                 D. absolutely lazy



10. James adores tennis and hopes to


      A. take part in lots of tournaments         

      B. get as many gold medals as possible

      C. finish his career as a professional sportsman

      D. earn great sums of money  

















                                             GRAMMAR TEST (8th form)                                                                                                        



I. Fill in the blanks:


  1. Do you think I should _______ for this job?
  2. The river _______ its banks and flooded the area.
  3. It was so frightening! I’m still _______.
  4. The driver lost _______ of his car and ______ into a tree.
  5. The policemen interviewed everyone who ______ the accident.
  6. The weather was so bad that all the flights were _____.


II. Open the brackets:


  1. Look! He (to try) to find his wallet. He (to lose) it.
  2. When I (to wake up) it (rain).
  3. This computer operator (to work) for this firm since 2005.
  4. Our manager never (to remember) what he usually (to promise).
  5. Don’t tease the dog! It (to bite you).
  6. Helen told it was the best birthday party she (to have) ever.


III. Render the following:


  1. Nelly said: “Have you ever been to London?”
  2. She said: “Don’t waste your time!”
  3. Ted said: “I don’t like it here at all! I think we’ll find another hotel tomorrow!”
  4. Beth said: “Why doesn’t he ever tell anyone about it?”
  5. Father said to his son: “Read this book! It will be interesting for you!”
  6. The policeman said:” What can you tell about the accident which happened yesterday?”


IV. Translate into English:


Ми не підпишемо контракт, якщо ти не підготуєш всі документи.

  1. Як тільки спрацює сигналізація, поліція одразу ж прибуде.
  2. Перед тим, як він поїде у відрядження, він переговорить із своїм замісником.
  3. Я розповім всю правду, коли мене запитають про цей випадок.
  4. Якщо він не прийде вчасно, ми вирушимо без нього.
  5. Якщо завтра рух буде таким же напруженим, ми знову застрягнемо по дорозі в офіс!


V.  Change the following into the Passive:


  1. The picture shows a luxurious steam train at the station.
  2. One can choose elegant accommodation that they have perfectly restored.
  3. I think they will include all sightseeing tours and safari drives in the price.
  4. We admired the breathtaking scenery from the observation car.
  5. Nobody must pollute the environment.
  6. Don’t worry! I will ask him to find a taxi.




VI. Write the opposites (lexical task):


Sensitive, responsible, contented, believable, mature, loyal, pleased, patient, forgettable.      










LISTENING              COMPREHENSION    (3rd form)


Listen to the article about Britain’s weather conditions and mark sentences (1-12) as

T (true) or F (false).



                                         BRITAIN’S WEATHER CONDITIONS


       Britain has quite a cold climate. The weather there is often rainy and cloudy.

       It usually snows in winter and it’s very cold. The sky is grey and cloudy most of time. In autumn, it is quite windy and leaves fall from the trees. Spring isn’t very warm and it rains a lot.

Summer is usually hot and sunny. But sometimes it is cloudy and rainy.

       Britain’s weather is really changeable. It can start raining at any time. So you always need to carry an umbrella with you, if you don’t want to get wet.




  1. Britain has a warm climate.
  2. The weather there is often hot.
  3. The weather there is often cold.
  4. The weather there is often rainy.
  5. It usually snows in winter.
  6. It never snows in winter.
  7. It is very hot in autumn.
  8. It is often warm in autumn.
  9. In autumn leaves fall from the trees.
  10. It rains a lot in spring.
  11. It is usually warm in summer.
  12. You never need an umbrella.






Quite - досить

Fall - падати

Changeable - мінливий

Need – потребувати



                                        READING     COMPREHENSION  (3rd form)



Read Ted’s letter and answer the questions (1-12) below.




Dear Adam,


      I’m staying in Scotland with my uncle and aunt. I’m having a good time but the weather isn’t


very good. It isn’t raining at the moment but it rains nearly every day. My aunt Liz is a doctor.


She starts her work early and comes home late. My uncle Andy is a musician. He writes music


for films. His studio is in the house and he does all his work at home. Liz doesn’t do any


housework. Andy always buys all the food and cooks the meals. Right now he is making three 


pizzas and a chocolate cake. We all eat a lot in this house!


      What are you doing? Are you having a good time with your Mum?


       Write to me!






Early - рано

Buy – купувати

Cooks the meals- готувати сніданок, обід, вечерю

Housework- робота по дому


  1. Who writes the letter?
  2. Where is Ted staying?
  3. Is Ted staying with his Mum?
  4. Is Ted having a good time?
  5. Is the weather very good?
  6. When does his aunt Liz come home?
  7. What does Andy writes for films?
  8. Where is Andy’ studio?
  9. Who does all the work at home?
  10. Does Liz cook the meals?
  11. Is Andy cooking three hamburgers now?
  12. What is Andy making now?










                                                    D I C T A T I O N (3rd form)



      Hello! My name is Helen. I’m nine. I am a pupil of the fourth form. I like school. We have


English, Art, Science and Sports every day.


     We all like English as it is so cool to write, read, sing songs, ask and answer! Art is very good


 too. We can draw nice pictures.


      But as for me Science is the best! My teacher tells us about penguins, giraffes, sloths, lions,


frogs and goats. Animals can jump up and down, swim, dive and climb mountains and trees.


They eat meat, vegetables, fruit and even litter! Some of them can sleep upside-down. You see,


to study is so interesting!





                                                         T E S T (3rd form)


I.  Fill in the blanks:


    Pen_uin       D_ve          Qu_rter            S_it

    F_st             J_do           Hav_                J_mp

    Le_ves        Fru_t          O’clo_k            Sci_ence


II. Write the time:


     4.30            8.15            7.00             6.45            12.05             3.50



III. Match:


       play               underwater

       take               bananas

       wear              football

       swim              photos

       eat                  shorts   


IV.  Complete the following:


  1. What ___ it?
  2. ___ Sally like her new blouse?
  3. These sandals____ too big.
  4. He ___ got a new camera.
  5. I____ not swimming.
  6. People _____ fly.


 V.   Write the short answers:


  1. Does he want an egg? No, ______.
  2. Are you’re a student?  Yes, ______.
  3. Is he your brother?  Yes, _____.
  4. Can you fly? No, _____.
  5. Do they often sing songs? Yes, _____.
  6. Am I right? No,______.
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