Контрольне тематичне оцінювання для учнів 9 класу
Завдання створено на основі програмного матеріалу для 9 класу за підручником О.Карпюк Англійська мова 9 рік навчання для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Видавництво Астон», 2017
Тема: Хто ти?
I.Complete the sentences about yourself
I am interested in……
In my free time I………….
My favourite school subject is…………….
My favourite singer/group is……………….
My favourite books are………………………..
I usually wear …………………………
My surname is………………………….
My form teacher is……………………
II.Fill in the adjectives to the right place in the sentences
1.He thinks he will be successful and the situation will have a)outgoing
A good result…………………………………………………………………….. b)honest
2.He is very good –looking. ………………………………………………. c)positive
3.He is friendly and open. …………………………………………………….. d)determined
4.He helps people when they are in trouble. ………………………….. e)gorgeous
5.He knows what he wants and tries hard to get it…………………… f)caring
6.He doesn’t lie to people…………………………………………………………
III.Answer the questions.
1.What films do you think are worth seeing?
2.Do you enjoy travelling?
3.What do you do after coming from school?
4.Which do you enjoy more,going to the theatre or going to the cinema?
5.Do you like or dislike travelling long distances by train?
6.What places are worth visiting in your town?
IV.Write 100-150 words about your tastes in clothes,subjects you like at school,hobbies and interests,tastes in music,favourite hang-outs,or anything else that you think might be interesting for other people to know about you .
Тема:Вибір професії.Робота.Кар’єра.
I .Answer the questions
1.What is one of the most important decisions in the life of any personality?
2.Is choosing a career easy?
3.Who can help young people to get good training?
4.What are the examples of skills that can be useful?
5.Why is education important?
6.Where can you get specialized training?
II.Fill in the gaps with ‘who’,’which’,’whose’,’where’,’when’.
1.It’s a new kind of car………………………runs on electricity.
2.That’s the boy………………………………….dog attacked me.
3.I remember the day ………………………….there was a festival in our town.
4.The people ……………………………live above our flat are very noisy/
5.The school subject ………………………….everybody likes is PE.
6.I hate people…………………..complain all the time.
III .Say (write) what qualities these jobs require:
An accountant,a journalist,a nurse,a shop assistant,an estate agent,an architect,a carpenter,a police officer,a lawyer,a dentist,a plumber,a judge.
IV. Write 8-10 sentences about the profession you want to get in your future life.