Активний та пасивний стан

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота для учнів 8 класу про вживання активного та пасивного стану для того, щоб оцінити їх рівень знань з даної теми. В цій контрольній роботі використані тестові завдання різного типу.

Перегляд файлу

Active Voice and Passive Voice

Test Paper       the 8-th form


  1. Choose and write the correct item to complete the sentences.
  1. The students greeted/were greeted/are greeted the famous singer warmly.
  2. A new album by Ruslana are recorded/was recorded/records this month.
  3. Our teacher loved/loves/is loved by many people.
  4. People in Britain are read/read/were read newspaper when they are at home.
  5. Music is heard/hear/heard everywhere.


  1. Change sentences in the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.
  1. I bought two tickets to the concert three days ago.
  2. They sell many encyclopedias in this shop.
  3. Music always inspires people.
  4. The Black Sea washes our country.
  5. We staged this opera in our concert hall last season.


  1. Make up questions.
  1. This portrait of my father was painted by the great artist. (What..?)
  2. He made a mistake in this sentence. (Where..?)
  3. A parcel to his friend was sent two days ago. (When..?)
  4. It was very hot and the boy has opened the window. (Why..?)
  5. This poem was learnt by heart by children very quickly. (How..?)


  1. Make up a short story about Khortyn Fortress using Active Voice or Passive Voice.

Khortyn Fortress: the fortress of the 13th-18th centuries, the first fort of the 9th century, to be built under Prince Volodymyr, to be situated on the important trade crossroads, to be connected with the names of many historical figures (Danylo Halytskyi, the Turkish Sultan, Ian Tarnovsky from Poland, Bohdan Khmelnitskyi  and others).


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 березня 2018
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