Алан Маршал. Конспект уроку з теми "Письменники англомовних країн".

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Мета: Познайомити учнів з біографією та творчістю письменника. Вдосконалювати мовні навички, навички читання, аудіювання, говоріння. Розвивати швидку реакцію та мовну здогадку, самостійність, уміння одержувати інформацію з тексту. Виховувати інтерес до творчості письменника, повагу до його праці, любов до читання.

Обладнання: текст для аудіювання, текст для читання, картки із завданнями по творчості письменника, портрет письменника.





T. Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you

    Warming-up (brainstorm)

T. What do you think about the life of writers? Is it interesting? Is it boring? Is it dangerous? Is it ordinary? Why do you think so? Give some more ideas.


Today we continue to talk about famous writers of English-speaking countries. And at this lesson we’ll speak about one more writer. We’ll listen to the text, retell the events and facts from the text, express our opinions.

We are going to speak about the writer whose life was not an ordinary. In his childhood he fell ill and could not walk for many years. Can you guess his name?( Гра «Поле чудес». Alan Marshall ).

Yes, it is a famous Australian writer  Alan Marshall.


1. Check on homework

2. Listening. (Text “ALAN MARSHALL)

1) Pre-listening task. (New words)

fell ill – захворів

courageous – сміливий

crutches – милиці

to ride a horse – їхати верхи

later on –пізніше

was awarded – був нагороджений

2) While-listening task. (Try to complete the text by filling in the missing words).

3) Post-listening task. (Let’s compare in pairs. Answer the questions on the text. Read the questions and answer them).

3. Speaking.

1) Divide into three groups. Prepare the retelling  about:

1. Marshall’s childhood;

2. The life after school;

3. Marshall’s writing works.

 ( Учні в групах готують логічно послідовне повідомлення так, щоб коли кожен учень розповідав по порядку вийшла розповідь).

4. Reading. About Marshall’s story "I can jump puddles".

1) Pre-reading task. (vocabulary)

Puddles - калюжі

primarily – переважно

struggle - боротьба

disease – хвороба

recognize – впізнавати

circumstances - обставини

human intentions – людські наміри

the evil destiny – зла доля

primarily – передовсім

to persuade – вмовляти

fate of the crippled – доля каліки

the inner core – внутрішній кістяк (структура)

alien – чужий

sticks – палиці

foe – недруг

descend – спускатися

overcoming – подолання

helplessness – беспоміч

2) While-reading task. (Pay attention to such questions: What is the main thing in the story? What does the boy do to fight the disease? Who helps the boy in his struggle?

Glory to the writer brought autobiographical trilogy "I can jump puddles" ("Can Jump Puddles", 1955), "Is grass" ("This is the Grass, 1962), "In my heart" ("In Mine Own Heart", 1963), which speaks of his struggle with the disease and the victory over it. The story "I can jump puddles" is recognized by the author's best work, this is in spite of the disease - a return to the bright and happy world of childhood. The main thing in the story is the struggle of a boy with the circumstances of his life that do not depend on human intentions. The author tells the story of how the child was struggling to spite the evil destiny to become a complete human being, and that helped him in this struggle - the struggle primarily with Another Boy in itself, careful and helpless, who tried to persuade him to accept the sad fate of the crippled. Marshall builds episodes, putting into focus the moments overcome, they constitute the inner core of the story. Alan alien tragic attitude of "little cripple": he fights with sticks with school foe, descends into the crater of an extinct volcano, learning to swim, ride... All this for Alan - overcoming a mountain peak, a new victory over helplessness. The joy of this victory is shared with his parents.

( Славу письменникові принесла автобіографічна трилогія: «Я вмію стрибати через калюжі» («І Can Jump Puddles», 1955), «Це трава» («This is the Grass», 1962), «У серці моєму» («In Mine Own Heart», 1963), де йдеться про його боротьбу з недугою та перемогу над нею. Повість «Я вмію стрибати через калюжі» визнана самим автором найкращим твором, це — попри хворобу — повернення до світлого та радісного світу дитинства. Головне у повісті — протиборство хлопчика з обставинами свого життя, які не залежать від людського наміру. Автор оповідає про те, як дитина боролася, аби всупереч злій долі стати повноцінною людиною, і що допомогло їй у цій боротьбі — боротьбі передовсім з Іншим Хлопчиком у собі, обережним і безпорадним, котрий намагався вмовити Алана змиритися із сумною долею каліки. Маршалл вибудовує епізоди, вміщуючи у фокус моменти подолання, — вони й становлять внутрішній кістяк повісті. Аланові є чужим трагічне світовідчуття «маленького каліки»: він б'ється на палицях із шкільним недругом, спускається в кратер згаслого вулкана, вчиться плавати, їздить верхи... Усе це для Алана — подолання чергової вершини, нова перемога над безпомічністю. Радість цієї перемоги ділять з Аланом його батьки).

3) Post-reading task.

- Complete the sentences.

1. The Marshall’s autobiographical trilogy  are …

2. The main thing in the story is…

3. The struggle primarily with …

4. The Another Boy tried to persuade him to accept …

5. Alan  fights with …., descends into the crater of … , learning …. , ride…

6. The joy of this victory is … .


- Find the pairs:



is shared with

the disease

a mountain




putting into

of childhood





in spite of

his parents


Answer: putting into focus, Another Boy, in spite of the disease, Jump Puddles, Own Heart, world of childhood, a mountain peak, is shared with his parents.



Thank you for your work today.

Your marks are ...


Your homework is prepare the report about the life and working of Alan Marshall.

* Make up as many questions as you can about Alan Marshall.





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 Alan Marshall is a famous Australian writer. He was born in 1902 in the family of a farmer. When Alan was six he fell ill and after that he could not walk for many years. But Alan was a courageous boy. He wanted to be like other children, that’s why he learned to walk on crutches. He walked for many hours every day in the field. He also learned to swim and to ride a horse. Alan liked horses and dogs, trees and flowers. He was a very kind boy.

 When Alan Marshall finished school he wanted to see his country. He made many trips around Australia and learned very much about the history of his country. Later on Alan Marshall wrote about the people whom he met and places that he saw in his stories. He became a writer. Alan Marshall also wrote many good stories about children, animals and nature.

 During the Second World War Alan Marshall was a war correspondent. In 1978 Alan Marshall was awarded the Order of the Friendship of the Peoples.

Meeting with the families of veterans, visit Marshall as a frontline correspondent of the newspaper Queensland, New South Wels and Victoria became the basis for his essays on the fate of the common soldier.

While traveling at, tropical North of Australia, traveling poorly known areas of the Peninsula, Arnhem land, Marshall became acquainted with the natives, learned their language, customs and traditions, recorded and legends of the savages, has personally earned the nickname "Gurule", that is "the Creator of stories’’.

Literary processed transfers aboriginal included in the book "People of ancient times" ("People of the Dreamtime", 1952).

Collections of short stories, Tell us about the Turkey, Jo" ("Tell us About the Turkey, Jo", 1946) and "How are you, Andy?" ("How's Andy Going", 1956) again reveal to the reader the hidden and invisible life of ordinary people of Australia.



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