American and English traditions, government, history

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Контрольна робота за підручником Карпюк 2008 року видавництва. Перевірка знань учнів про загальні відомості Сполучених Штатів та об'єднаного королівства Великобританії та Пн. Ірландії.
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US / Uk outlook

Variant 1


I.  Answer the questions

1. Where is the UK situated?

2. For how many years does monarchy exist in Britain?

3. On which holiday do British children leave a long sock at the fireplace?

4. How many stages does the British educational system consist of?

5. Which schools are included in primary education in Britain?


II. Choose the correct answer for each question

1. The UK is

a) a parliamentary monarchy

b) a constitutional republic

c) a constitutional monarchy

d) a parliamentary republic

2. This chamber in Parliament is elected

a) the House of Commons

b) the House of Lords


III. Match the personal name and the description

a) One of the US Presidents, from a very poor family, was a lawyer, fought against slavery, is a symbol of American democracy.

b) One of the US Presidents, took part in many battles, fought for the independence of the country, during his ruling the US Constitution was written.

c) He made 4 voyages to North America, discovered one of the Bahamas Islands, discovered a new continent, and died ignorant of the greatness of his discovery.

d) He made several voyages to South America, wrote a description of what he had seen, proved the existence of the new continent.



1) A. Vespucci


2) C. Columbus


3) A. Lincoln


4) G. Washington




Variant 2

  1. Answer the  questions
  1. By what is the UK separated from the continent?
  2. Which chamber of the British Parliament plays the major role in lawmaking?
  3. What kind of a state is the UK?
  4. For what do British children collect money on Guy Fawkes' Night?


II. Choose the correct answer for each question


3. The legislative branch of the British Government is called

a) Court

b) Congress

c) Parliament

4. British women usually get married at the age

a) of 24

b) of 18

c) of 30


III. Match the word and the description

  1. Wales

2. Northern Ireland


4. Scotland


a) It has a warm, wet climate, green brilliant grass. Much of the land is farming country. It is separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea.


b) It is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. Most farmers keep sheep. Deer live in the forests here.


c) It has pretty valleys. But it has plenty of industry too, with many factories and coal mines. The people of this part are very musical.


d) Some areas of it are very crowded, especially the southeast of it. Fishing is an important industry in the northeast of it. The most important river flows here.



Variant 3



  1. Choose the correct answer for each question


5. The British bring up their children

a) to be dependent

b) to be independent

c) to be rich


6. Britain's national drink is

a) whiskey

b) coca-cola

c) coffee

d) tea


  1. Answer the questions


6. What kind of a state is the UK?

7. Who is the head of the USA?

8. By whom was the American Declaration of Independence written?

9. What is the US White House?

10. How big is the population of the USA?


III. Explain the word (what is it?)

1. The UK-

2. The Union Jack -

3. Belfast -

4. Cardiff -

5. Edinburgh -




Variant 4


  1. Answer the questions


  1. Which are the two biggest youth organizations in Great Britain?
  2. Who rules the USA?
  3. When was America discovered by Christopher Columbus?
  4. What is Broadway in New York famous for?
  5. What is the capital of the USA?



II. Match the word and the description

1. the House of Commons

2. a quality newspaper

3. the House of Lords

 4. a popular newspaper




 a) This chamber of Parliament is made up of 650 elected members. It is presided over by speaker. It plays the major role in lawmaking.



b) This chamber of Parliament has more than 1000 members, although only about 250 take an active part in the work. Members of it are not elected, they have the right of inheritance.


c) This newspaper is serious and covers home and foreign news. .


d) This newspaper likes shocking, personal stories, sport.



III. Choose the correct answer for each question

1. The UK is

a) a parliamentary monarchy

b) a constitutional republic

c) a constitutional monarchy

d) a parliamentary republic


2. This chamber in Parliament is elected

a) the House of Commons

b) the House of Lords


15 квітня 2020
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