АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА Збірник текстів та лексико-граматичних вправ для студентів І-ІІ курсів з англійської мови загальномовне спрямування

Про матеріал
Збірник текстів англійської мови створено відповідно до вимог програми з іноземних мов для студентів І-ІІ курсів коледжу. Збірник має на меті розвиток навичок комунікативного мовлення, а також забезпечує "підготовку студентів до, самостійного читання, розуміння та перекладу оригінальної літератури на німецькій мові. Збірник призначений для аудиторної та самостійної роботи. Збірник складається з 2-х розділів. Кожний текст має дотекстові лексико-граматичні завдання, сталі вислови та вирази, які студент повинен опрацювати, читаючи та перекладаючі текст та виконуючі вправи. Виконання серії вправ дозволяє поступово формувати певні рівні мовного вміння. Система лексико-комунікативних вправ спрямована на свідоме практичне засвоєння мовних елементів фахового стилю. Тексти посібника добирались з підручників та книг німецьких та австрійських авторів та зазнали деяких змін та скорочень. Тематично пов'язані тексти призначені для аудиторного та самостійного навчального читання. Створення збірника пов'язано з відсутністю необхідного навчального матеріалу в зручній, доступній для сприйняття, компактній навчальній формі.
Перегляд файлу


Національний університет харчових технологій

Львівський ФАХОВИЙ коледж харчової і переробної промисловості


                                                   Циклова комісія іноземних мов








Збірник текстів та лексико-граматичних вправ

для студентів І-ІІ курсів з англійської мови

загальномовне спрямування






Львів – 2024


            ББК 46.2.2

              М 59


             Н. С. Багряк               викладач іноземних мов, викладач англійської  

                                                   мови Львівського державного коледжу

                                                   харчової та переробної промисловості НУХТ

            М 59        Англійська мова: Збірник текстів та лексико граматичних

                             вправ з англійської мови загальномовного спрямування   

                             для студентів І-ІІ курсів


                         /Укладач: Д.В. Молодов - Львів: ЛДКХПП НУХТ, 2024. - 35 с.

                                                                                                           УДК  4 І ( ан )

                                                                                                                   ББК 46.2.2

             Розглянуто і затверджено цикловою комісією іноземних мов

Збірник текстів англійської мови створено відповідно до вимог програми з іноземних  мов для студентів І-ІІ курсів коледжу. Збірник має на меті розвиток навичок комунікативного мовлення, а також забезпечує "підготовку студентів до, самостійного читання, розуміння та перекладу оригінальної літератури на німецькій мові. Збірник призначений для аудиторної та самостійної роботи. Збірник складається з 2-х  розділів. Кожний текст має дотекстові лексико-граматичні завдання, сталі вислови та вирази, які студент  повинен опрацювати,  читаючи та перекладаючі текст та виконуючі вправи. Виконання серії вправ  дозволяє поступово формувати певні рівні мовного вміння. Система лексико-комунікативних вправ спрямована на свідоме практичне  засвоєння мовних елементів фахового стилю. Тексти посібника добирались з підручників та  книг німецьких та австрійських авторів та зазнали деяких змін та скорочень. Тематично пов'язані тексти призначені для аудиторного та самостійного навчального читання.

    Створення збірника пов'язано з відсутністю необхідного навчального матеріалу в зручній, доступній для сприйняття, компактній навчальній формі.


Розглянуто  і    затверджено   цикловою    комісією    інозенних      мов

Львівського державного коледжу харчової і переробної промисловості

Протокол № 1 від __ серпня 2024 року.


                                                                                            ©  Д.В. Молодов, 2024

                                                                                            © ЛДКХПП НУХТ, 2024


Даний навчально-методичний збірник текстів орієнтований на розвиток і вдосконалення навичок англійського усного мовлення.

Орієнтовна мета збірника - надати студентам інформативний матеріал певної тематики для засвоєння розмовної англійської мови та розвитку навичок ведення бесіди на задану тематику.

У збірнику подано конкретний матеріал, як для аудиторних занять під керівництвом викладача, так і для самостійного вивчення під час підготовки до модульного контролю.

Збірник текстів містить 16 мовних тем, які слугуватимуть інформативною основою для обговорення усних тем у межах робочої програми, даного закладу. Теми за змістом є цікаві, доступні, насичені живим мовним матеріалом, спонукають студентів до вдосконалення власної думки.

Тексти тем супроводжуються коментарями у вигляді перекладу складних слів та словосполучень, а також транскрипції важких для вимови слів. У кінці кожного тексту подані запитання, що полегшать проведення бесіди за змістом прочитаного, також подаються різнорівневі завдання для кращого засвоєння лексичного матеріалу.

Topic 1.

The Ukrainians and the Ukrainian Character

Modern archaeological evidence indicates that Ukrainians are the autochthons, original inhabitants of Ukraine this land that their forefathers lived on this territory from the third or fourth millennia B.C.

Ahatanhel Krymsky, a prominent Ukrainian scholar and academician analyzer the twelfth century Kyiv an (Nestorian) Primary Chronicle  and came to the concisions that literary monument bore witness to such a trait of the people as language.

Ukrainian mentality was formed influenced by many factors: geographical location at the crossroads by the West and the East, specific conditions and complex, at times traffic historical destiny. Since time immemorial Ukrainians have been known as hard- working, thrifty, skilled farmed emotionally strongly affiliated to their native parts, good family men and devoted wives. They are typically kind- hearted, friendly, hospitable, and well- wishing to both fellow country men and foreigners; they are cautious yet inclined to romanticism and sentimentality.

They are determined, resourceful, brave, staunch, and ready for self- sacrifice.

Among themselves, despite their inherent emotionalist, Ukrainians have always valued restraint, consideration and a realistic view of live. For the most part they are not given to sudden affectations and gulch and short-lived affiliations. Instead, their passions burn low but strong and steady. Characteristically, they fall info pensive moods; they may be sad, then suddenly burst with unabated optimist and infectious vitality. They have a very specials sense of humor. They can be bitingly ironical. Theirs is a very rich imagination reflecfiry the surrounding realities in a colorful, multifaceted, at times paradoxical way. Evidence of this is their inexhaustible folk vocal heritage, captivator’s decorative art, exotic folk heritage, and the gene rally aesthetic folk ways.

Word list

Archaeological [α:kΙə′l:dikəl] – археологічний

Evidence [′evІdəns] – доказ, підстава

To indicate [′ІndІkeІt] – вказувати, показувати

Inhabitant [:′tkən] – мешканець

Forefather [′ffðə] – предок

Millennia [mı′Ιeınıə] – тисячоліття

B.C. =before Christ – до Різдва Христового

Scholar [′skΙə] – вчений

Academician [əkdə′mıən] – академік

Chronicle [′krnıkl] – літопис, хроніка

To be a witness [′wıfnıs] – засвідчувати

Mentality [mn′tlıtı] – інтелект, розумові здібності

Destiny [′destını] – доля

Thrifty [′rıftı] - економічний, процвітаючий

Devoted wives–вірні дружини

Despite [dıs′pit] - наперекір

Ukrainians – the way people of the Inner World Ukraine see them

9% - would like to live in different country

24% - suffer from loneliness

25% - are graduates of, or have studied from some time at institutions of higher learning

27% - feel proud of their stature

33% - are optimists

37% - like cooking

41% - are prepared to do whatever is necessary to make their life better

46% - read classic authors, sometimes

50% - want to have their own cars

71% - are mad of food prices

74% - are religious

83% - eat “borscht” at least once a week

94% - like to smile

(“Daily”, 19 December, 2010)

Exercise 1

Describe the people you know or characters from films, books to illustrate the wage of these idioms.

Present yours stories in class without mentioning the idiom itself. Make yours group- mates which of the idioms each story illustrates.

Exercise 2

Math each expression in the left- hand column with he best meaning in the right- hand column. Place the letter of the best definition in the space provided.

 1. He’s dot no backbone   a) very drunk

 2. She’s completely legless   b) exaggerates or lies in order to impress

 3. He’s very thick- skinned   c) doesn’t care what other people thing

 4. She gave him the elbow   d) very cowardly

 5. He can’t keep his nose   e) ended a romantic relationship

 6. She’s got a finger in every pie  f) always interfering

 7. He’s all mouth    g) be haves in a mad way

 8. She’s off her head    h) has an interest in many businesses

Exercise 3

Read and translate the following sentences:

1. Ann is a pleasant person to deal with, she never loses her temper. 2. She seems a good sort of girl. 3. He is always so elegant; he dresses in the latest fashion. 4. The innocent look of her face drives me mad. 5. I have never seen a face halt so beautiful. 6. Inner beauty is more important than physician one. 7. Can you fancy his image?

Topic 2.

Problems in upbringing children

When you are 16 or 17, you want to be treated like an adult, to be more independent in your actions and your way of life. You want to develop interests and valued different from those of your parents. That sets a conflict between the two generations, the generation gap. Young people disagree on different problems: the time to come home at night, doing work about the house, the friends to spend free time with, what clothes to wear and so on. At this period of our life we face a number of problems: difficulties in our relationships with parents, problems at school, drinking alcohol of using drugs.

Different TV programmers and magazines for the young come to help teenagers, dive a piece of advice. In case of need you can also dial a special telephone number, the so- called “telephone of trust”.

But it’s not the way out. Parents should help their children through is difficult to be tolerant and to find the right approach to them. We need to learn to talk our problems over in our family. If we are able to do it everything will be all right.

Word list

Adult [′dlt] – дорослий

Gap [gp] - розбіжність у поглядах

Relationships [rı′leıənıps] – стосунки, відносини

Tolerant [′tlərənt] – толерантний, терпимий

To talk over – обговорити

Telephone of trust – телефон довіри

Exercise 1.

Answer the questions:

1. What is your style of be have our when you are 16 or 17?

2. What problems do yours people disagree on?

3. How do mass media help teenagers?

4. Is it easy to be tolerant to young people?

5. Do your parents understand you?

Exercise 2.

Mark these sentences T (true) or F (false):

1. When you are 16 or 17, you want to be treated like a child.

2. Young people disagree on different problems: the time to come home at night, doing work about the house and so on/

3. Different TV programmers and magazines for the young don’t come to help teenagers, give piece of advice.

4. We need to learn to talk our problems over in our family.

5. Our life we face a number of problems: drinking alcohol and using drugs.

Exercise 3.

Read, translate and render in brief.

Topic 3.

Healthy way of life

Today we are going to discuss the problems of the healthy way of life and its advantages.

There are a lot of problems in Ukraine but nevertheless medicine is advancing further and is successfully combating cancer the disease that takes a lot of human lives.

A lot of diseases are preventable through the healthy way of life. A primary public heath goal is to educate the general public about how to prevent a lot of diseases. Public health campaigns teach people about the healthy way of life – the value of cholesterol   and fat, having a certain amount of exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Is there anything more important then health? I rather doubt it. If your body suffers from any disorder your mind suffers with the body, too. You can’t be good either at work or at studies. Aches and paint lead to irritation, nervous breakdown and stress. So, the advantages of the healthy way of life are obvious. We must remember that laws of the healthy way of life – moderate eating and drinking, regular physical exercises, reasonable hours of work and rest, perfect cleanliness positive attitude towards people and things around us – lay the foundations for long happy life.

Word list

Advance – розвиватися

Further – далі

Combat – боротись

Cancer [′knsə] – рак

Disease [dı′ziz] – хвороба

Preventable – такі, що можна запобігти

Value – цінність, важливість

Avoid – уникати

High in – багаті на

Fat – жир

Amount –кількість

Maintain – зберігати

Weight [weit] – маса

Suffer [′sfə] – страхувати

Disorder [dıs′ə] – хвороба

Ache [eık] – біль

Breakdown – удар

Obvious [′vıəs] – очевидний 

Foundation [faun′deıən] - основа

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1. What are the public health services financed by?
  2. What can you say about the private medical services?
  3. What is main emphasis in Ukraine laid on?
  4. What do you mean under the notion of healthy way of life?
  5. What are the laws of healthy way of life?

Exercise 2

Find in the text the English equivalents to the following. Use any three of them in examples of yours own.

Служба охорони здоров’я в Україні; економічні негаразди; які присвячують себе роботі  та людям; рак – хвороба, що забрала безлічі людей; звичка курити; підтримання в нормі маси тіла; тіло страждає від хвороби; нервові зриви; перевага здоровому способу життя.

Exercise 3

Change the words in brackets.

  1. We (go) to the cinema yesterday.
  2. John (leave) five minutes ago.
  3. Anna (open) the door of her car and (listen) carefully.
  4. Don’t trouble him. He (be write) a letter.
  5. Mary (be arrive) at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

Topic 4.

English is a world language

Nowadays English has become the world’s most important and most universal language. It is the official language in over forty countries and the most used language in international business, science, medicine, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, and South Africa Republic.

It is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of world’s scientific literature and computers technology.

To know the English language today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. English is everywhere in our life.  It is in signs, clothing, soft drinks, and household products around the world. The names of pop groups, computers software, and magazines are often written in English.

English words are also used as elementals of magic to be included on T-shirts, sweaters, caps, etc. Some think English is chic, stylish, even when the language on these designed items makes no sense.

That is why in order to understand ourselves and the world around us we have to study foreign languages and English in particular.

Word list


Mother tongue [tŋ] – рідна мова

Soft drinks [sft] – безалкогольні напої

Products [prdkt] – предмет домашнього вжитку

Software [′sftwə] – програми забезпечення

T-shirt [tı:ə:t] – футболка

Sweater [swetə] – светр

Chic [ı:k] – шикарно

Stylish [staılı] – сучасно, стильно

Designed items [′aıtəm] – написи на (виробах)

To make no sense – не мати сенсу

In particular [pə′tıkjulə] – особливо

Exercise 1

Answer the questions

  1. Has English become the world’s most important language? Why?
  2. How many people speak it as a mother tongue?
  3. In what countries do people use English as native language>
  4. Can you name any English words that have entered the Ukrainian language?
  5. What is English to you? 


Translate the following sentences:

1. English language is official language in over forty countries. 2. English is every where in our life 3. Every day we can see that it is very important to know foreign languages.
4. English words are also used as elements of magic to be included on T-shirt, sweater, caps. 5. English is also the language of the information age.

Exercise 3

Choose the necessary grammar forms:

1. What you doing when the come?

a) did   b)were  c)been

2. I a report

a) was writing b) write  c) showed

3. When I a child I lived a big house

a) am   b) when  c) was

4. She there

a) lives  b)is living  c) was lived

5. They their father

a) help  b)helps  c) helping

6. They the floor every week

a) washing  b)washed  c)wash

7. These hens brown eggs

a) lay   b)are laying  c)lays

Topic 5.

International relations of Ukraine

Ukraine has close relations with many countries of the world. It sets direst contacts with many foreign countries signing agreements and treaties. Nowadays the political life is giving fresh grounds for the relations of mutual understanding between Ukraine and the USA, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries. The reason for the new type of relations is that all English-speaking countries want to see broader economic ties with Ukraine.

The topics of our radio and television talk are often Ukrainian-American relation and our viewpoint of the prospect of their development, and a wide range of other international issues.

The cultural relations with Ukraine are being kept by the international Slavonic Society. The immigrants in Great Britain also organized themselves into communities.

It is not a secret that every body snowed an excited interest listening to the American. President speech during his first visit to Ukraine. Politicians, journalists, businessmen, all ordinary people, students and even pupils were particularly impressed by his knowledge of Ukrainian poetry, when he recited some lines written by the famous Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.

Taking into consideration the development in Ukraine, a lot of joins ventures have appeared recently in its cities and towns. A lot of delegations, businessmen, specialists and tourist from the English-spearing countries keep coming to Ukraine.

Word list

To set direst contacts – встановлювати прямі зв’язки

Mutual [′mjutuəl] understanding – взаєморозуміння

Ancestry [nsstrı] – предки

Reside [rı′zaıd] – проживати

Viewpoint [′vjupınt] – точка зору

Wide range [waıd] – широке коло

Evaluation [ıvlju′eın] – оцінка

Receptive [rı′sptıv] to innovation [ınə′veıən] – сприйнятливий щодо новацій

Goodwill [′gud′wıl] – добра воля

Joint venture – спільне підприємство

Taking into consideration - беручи до уваги

Exercise 1

Answer the questions

  1. What organizations help to maintain the relations with the Ukrainians abroad?
  2. What is the main goal of the Society for Cultural Relation with Ukraine abroad?
  3. What kind of assistance do such organizations promote to independent Ukraine?
  4. What programmer does the Ukraine Society include?

Exercise 2

Make up dialogue

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences

1. Ukraine . . . relations with many countries of the world

2. Nowadays the political life between Ukraine and . . .

3. The immigrants in Great Britain also organized themselves

4. Taking into consideration . . . in Ukraine, a lot of joins ventures nave appeared recently in it’s

5. A lot of… From the English-spearing countries keep coming to Ukraine.

Topic 6.

My English Lesson

We study many subject at college. We have classes in the Ukrainian language and literature, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physic, Chemistry History, Computer Science.

English is one of my favorite subjects.

At our English lessons we learn to speak English. We study pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. We learn many poems and songs, read text, listen to spoken English on different cassettes, imitating the sounds and intonation of native speakers.

At the lessons we have a good oral practice. They say that the best way to improve one’s English is to speak aloud. We discuss different themes, ask questions on a given topic and answer them, make up stories and dialogues, do a lot of grammar exercise. We dramatize text and dialogues and set up role-plays.

I like my English lessons very much because it is very interesting to know something new about other countries and to speak with foreigners without interpreters.

Word list

Computer Science – інформатика

Technical equipment – технічне обладнанні

Native speaker – носій мови

Oral practice – практика усного мовлення

They say – кажуть

Improve [im′pruv] – покращувати, вдосконалювати

Requirements [rı′kwaıəmənts] – вимоги

Interpreters [ın′tə:prıtə] – перекладач

Exercise 1

Answer the questions

  1. What college do you go to?
  2. What is your favorite subject at school?
  3. Who evoked your interest in this subject?
  4. Is it difficult for you to cope with all the home tasks?
  5. Do you work hand at your English?

Exercise 2

Read the subjects names:

Ukrainian language   Physics

Ukrainian literature   Chemistry

Mathematics    History

Biology     Computer Science

 Geography     Technical Drawing

Exercise 3

Translate the following sentences:

1. We study many subjects at school. 2. We study pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
3. They say that the best way to improve one’s English is to speak aloud. 4. Sometimes we take part in different quiz games. 5. I am fond of English and it’s not difficult for me to learn it.

Exercise 4

Give the synonyms to the following words:

1) subject; 2) language; 3) study; 4) favorite; 5) speak; 6) exercise; 7) difficult.

Topic 7.

Geographical position of Ukraine

Ukraine lies in the eastern of Europe. It borders on Russia in the east, Byelorussia in the north, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova in the west. It is washed by the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in the south. With an area of 233, 100 square miles (603, 700 sq. km.) it is one of the largest countries on the continent.

The most part of it area is flat, but the pains are broken by highlands, running from north-west to south-west, as well lowlands.

In the north of Ukraine there are forests, in the west – Carpathian Mountains, in the eastern and central Ukraine – black-soil steppe lands.

The flora and fauna of our country are extremely rich. Almost all kinds of animals and birds, different plans and vegetable are found on the territory of our vast land.

The geographical position of Ukraine is very favorable for the development of it’s industry and agriculture.

Now Ukraine is building new economy. The geographical position of Ukraine is good for maintaining close economic relations with many European Countries.

Word list

To holder on – межувати з

Hungary [hŋgərı] – Угорщина

Romania [roumeınjə] – Румунія

Entity [′entıtı] – сукупність

Plain – рівнина

The Carpathian Mountains – карпатські гори

Flora [flrə] – флора

Fauna [fnə] – фауна

To be favorable [feıvərəbƏl] – бути сприятливим

Maintain - підтримувати

Steppe land – чорнозем

Exercise 1

Answer the questions

  1. What countries does Ukraine border on?
  2. Is Ukraine rich in mineral resources?
  3. What can you tell about flora and fauna of Ukraine?
  4. What are the main branches of industry in Ukraine?
  5. What can you say about the geographical position of Ukraine?

Exercise 2


  1. Work in pairs and discuss problem of flora and fauna of the country.

Exercise 3

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Ukraine lies in the eastern part of Europe.
  2. It’s washed by the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in the south.
  3. The most part of it area is flat, but the plains are broken by highland.
  4. In the eastern and central Ukraine – black-soil steppe lands
  5. The geographical position of Ukraine is good for maintaining close economic relations with many European countries.

Topic 8.

The Cossack Republic

(with the history of Ukraine)

The word “Cossack” means a free and independent man. Cossack was first mentioned in writing in 1492. In the sixteenth century the Cossacks united in a single military organization. The first fortifications were built on Mala Khortytsia Island, in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, behind the rapids, where the Rocky River bed made navigation nard and risky. Hence, name “Zaporizhya” (“Beyond – the - Rapids”). The word “sich” comes from the Ukrainian verb “sikty”, meaning to chop up, cup – and the Zaporizhian Cossacks made their fortifications of wood, falling trees and cutting branches in the nearby forest.

The appearance of the “Zaporizhian Sich” is inseparably bound up with the formation of the Cossacks as a separate social stratum with its own traditions and way of life. This is process between settled farmers and the nomadic tribes ruled by the Crimean Khan and the Turkish Sultan.

The end of the sixteenth century witnessed joint peasant – Cossack revolts against the Polish social, economic, religious and cultural oppression. In 1648, a national liberation war broke out in Ukraine, led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky whom Oliver Cromwell, trying to establish good relations, called a “renowned generalissimos”. The same year the Polish army lost several battles to the Cossack forces (even through the Polish Kingdom was then considered one of Europe’s strongest power)

The Ukrainian Cossacks played an important role in European political history.

Word list

To mean [mi:n ] – значити, означати

To mention [′menən] – згодувати, посилатися на

To unite [ju:′naıt] – з’єднуватися

Single [sıngl] – один, єдиний

Fortification [f:tıfı′keıən] – укріплення

In the lower reaches of the Dnieper – в пониззі Дніпра

Hence [hens ] – звідси; до сих пір; отже

Verb [və:b ] – дієслово

Way of life - образ життя, стиль життя

Nomadic tribes – кочові племена

Oppression [ə′preən] – утиск, гніт

To break out – спалахувати

Exercise 1

Answer the question

1. When was Ukrainian Cossack founded?

2. Where were situated Cossacks?

3. What role Ukrainian Cossacks played in European political history?

Exercise 2

Find in the text the English equivalents to the following

В пониззі Дніпра; окрема соціальна формація; складалося з рицарського загону;

Вимагали дотримання строгої дисципліни; були абсолютно віддані; національно-визвольна війна; встановили добрі стосунки.

Exercise 3

Guess the main characters, the time, the place and the title of the text

Topic 9.

Ukrainian symbols

The national emblems – the coat of arms, the flag, and seal – alternated during the millennium of Ukrainian history owing to various political, social, cultural and other factors – a phenomenon common to many European nations.

The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine – Azure, a trident and or – is the most ancient as well as the most dignified of all the Ukrainian insignia of nation- wide significance and its emblazonment represents a synthesis of a preheraldic device of the oldest Ukrainian tenth heraldic tinctures from the thirteenth century.

During the twelfth century, the image of Saint Michel the Archangel superseded the trident as the highest national device, put tridents continued to be used ruling houses as additional dynastic badges until the fifteenth century.

Word list

Coat of arms [a:mz ] – герб

Seal [si:l] – печатка

To alternate [′ltəneıt] – змінюватись

Millennium [mı′lenıəm] – тисячоліття

Contemporary [kən′temprərı] – сучасний

Azure [′æə] – блакить

Trident [traıdƏnt] – тризуб

Or [:] – золотий або жовтий колір

Ancient [′eınnt] – давній

Insignia [ın′sıgnıə] – емблеми

Archangel [′ak′eındəl] - Архангел

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1. When was the Declaration of state Sovereignty of Ukraine adopted?
  2. What are the national symbols of independent Ukraine?
  3. What rights and freedoms does the Constitution guarantee to its citizens?
  4. Who writing music and word for Ukrainian anthem?
  5. What colors have national flag?

Exercise 2


You are writing a letter to you English friends about your country. Describe place where you are staying, the weather, most interesting places, your feelings about this place (town, city, and village)

Exercise 3

Mark these sentences T (true) or F (false)

1. The Ukrainian anthem “Ukraine Has Not

2. The poem “Shche ne vmerla Ukraina” wrote Taras Shevchenko.

3. As a heraldic symbol is first appeared on the coins minted under Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavych.

4. The trident is an ancient symbol of the Ukrainian people, dating back more than 100 years.

Topic 10.

British holidays and Traditions

It may seem surprising but the British have fewer holidays than many other countries. Some of them are named Bank Holidays due to the fact that on those days the banks are closed.

In England and Wales they comprise at present five bank holidays New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, spring and late summer holidays at the end of May and August respectively and Boxing Day; they also have two common holidays (Good Friday, Christmas Day). In Scotland and Northern Ireland they have six bank holidays, plus two other bank holidays are fixed annually.

British traditions are rather interesting and unusual. If you arrive in Great Britain, you’ll hear the word “tradition” everywhere. Englishmen have a sentimental love for things and traditions because they are old. They never throw away old thing. In many houses of Great Britain they have five places and though their bedrooms are awfully cold, the English people don’t want to have central heating because they don’t want have changes.

Word list

Annually [′ænjuəIı] – щороку

To celebrate – святкувати

Royal – королівський

To call – називати

Resurrection [′rezə′rekən] – воскресіння

To try – намагатися

To be held – відбуватися

To participate – брати участь

Event [′ivent] – подія

To follow – слідкувати (за ким, за чим)

Exercise 1

Answer the question

1. Why do you find there traditions

2. What other traditions do you know?

3. What public holidays are there in Great Britain?

 4. When is Christmas Day observed in Great Britain?

5. How do English people celebrate it?

Exercise 2

Give the synonyms to the following words:

1) to be situated; 2) an example; 3) to come in; 4) rule; 5) symbol; 6) to celebrate; 7) event; 8) customs; 9) national; 10) country.

Exercise 3

Translate the following sentences

1. It is a bank holiday though many British do not celebrate on New Years Eve.

2. Christmas related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their old spiritual rebirth.

3. In England Christmas is the most important of all the bank holidays of the year.

4. British traditions are rather interesting and unusual.5. Englishmen have a sentimental love for things and traditions because they are old. They never throw away old things.

Topic 11.

British holidays and Traditions

The United Kingdom is a great country with a rich history, traditions and customs. It gave birth to many talented people in different spheres: literature, art, science, music, sport/

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is a well-know English writer. He was born in 1812 at Portsmouth were his father was a clerk at Navy Office. He was the oldest of a large family. His mother was a well-educated person. One day in his room Charles found many books: «Robinson Crusoe», «Tom Jones» and other and those he got the key to the treasure house of English literature. His family moved to London where he worked at a lawyer’s office. He mad some report for newspaper. Son he entered the «Morning Chronicle» and his work of writing really began. He went all over the country got news, wrote stories, and met people. His novels were «Little Dorrit», «Nicholas Nickleby», «Oliver Twist» and above all «David Copperfield». In 1836 he became famous. He wrote novel after novel. The same time he was working as a newspaper man, visited America, Italy, Switzerland, Paris. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Christopher Wren

Christopher Wren is well-known English architect. He designed many palaces, fine houses, beautiful churches including St. Paul’s Cathedral. It took him 35 years to build this cathedral and when it was finished he was an old man. After his death he was buried in it.

Words list

Clerk [ kla:k] – службовець

Boyhood – дитинство

Cruel [′kru:əl] – жорстокий

Orphan [′:fən] – сирота

Instalment [ın′st:lmənt] – випуск

Success [sək′ses] – успіх

He was very capable – він був дуже здібний

To make a very dup impression – глибоко вразити

To be taken on the staff – бути прийнятим у штат

Biting satire [′sæta′ə] – гостра сатира

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1. Where and when was Ch. Dickens born?
  2. Did he have a hart life in childhood?
  3. Where did he study?
  4. What are the best know books of Ch. Dickens?
  5. Why was he a very popular writer?

Exercise 2

Find in the text the English equivalents to the following. Use any three of them in examples of your own

Має більше читачів у всьому світі; галасливі і веселі забави; несплата богів; бібліотека британського музею; «Крихітка Дорріт»; хлопчик-сирота; зачитуючи улюблені епізоди


Give a short summary of one of the text.

Write question to one of the text “Christopher Wren”.

Topic 12.

Relations of Ukraine with the English- speaking countries

Now Ukraine is a sovereign state, it establishes new relation with the countries throughout the world. It seats direst contracts with many foreign Embassies have appeared in its capital lately, Ukraine is one of the founding members of the United Nations Organizations and participates in the work of many international organizations.

A fundamental reshaping of foreign policy could only be effected on the basis of a strictly scientific and objective reassessment of the present – day realities. Nowadays the political life is diving fresh grounds for mutual understanding between Ukraine and the USA, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaker countries. The new political thinking as seen by the Ukrainian leadership and by foreign experts, is not something frozen and immobile. It is exceptionally creative process, receptive to innovation.

Taking into – consideration the development in Ukraine, a lot of joint ventures have appeared recently in the cities and towns.

A lot of delegations, businessmen, specialist and tourist from the English - speaking countries keep coming to Ukraine.

Word list

Sovereign [svrın] – суверенна держава

To set direct contacts [kntækt] wit – встановлювати прямі контакти

To sign agreements [əgrimənt] – підтримувати домовленості

Treaties [tritız] - угоди

Embassy – посольство

To participate [patısıpeıt] – брати участь у

The relations of mutual [mjutjuəl] – стосунки взаєморозуміння

Goodwill [gudwıl] – добра воля

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1. What organizations help to maintain the relations with the Ukrainians abroad?
  2. What kind of assistance do such organizations promote to independent Ukraine?
  3. What programmer does the Ukraine Society include?
  4. What does the Ukrainian aid programmed try to do?
  5. What is the main aim of Ukraine’s foreign policy?

Exercise 2

Translate the following sentences

  1. As now Ukraine is a sovereign state, it establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world.
  2. A fundaments reshaping of foreign policy could only be affected on the basis.
  3. The reason for the new type of relations is that all English-speaking countries want to see broader economic ties with Ukraine,
  4. Political, journalists, businessmen, all ordinary people, students and even pupils were particularly impressed by his knowledge of Ukrainian poetry.
  5. A lot of delegations, businessmen, specialist and tourist from coming to Ukraine.

Exercise 3 Suppose you were impressed by yesterday’s television news broadcast. You try to persuade yours classmates to see a programmed which you think us relations of Ukraine with the English- speaking countries the in-depth analysis of international affairs and the consideration of national interests.

Topic 13.


Modern life is impossible without traveling. True, we often get tires of the same surroundings and daily routine. Hence some relaxations essential to restore our mental and physical resourced. That is the one where you have never been before. And it is means of traveling that you get to that place.

To understand how true it is you’ve got to go to a railway station, a sea or a river port or an airport. There you are most likely to nee hundreds of people hurrying to board a train, a ship or a plane.

When you get tired of relaxation, you become home-sick and feel like returning home. You realize that “East or West – home is best”, as saying does.

Word list

Surrounding [sə′raundıŋz] – околиці, середовища

Routine [ru′tin] – рутина

Hence – звідси, отже

Relaxation [rilæk′seıən] – перепочинок

To restore [rıst′] – відшкодовувати

To be essential – бути необхідним

Airport – аеропорт

Railway station - залізничний вокзал

To board a train (ship, etc.) – сісти на потяг (корабель, тощо.)

Ship [ıp] – корабель

Plane [plein] – літак

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1.         What means of travel do you know?
  2.         Why are many people found of traveling?
  3.         What are, in your opinion the most enjoyable means of travel?
  4.         What ways of traveling are the most comfortable for people?
  5.         Do you think traveling helps a person to become wiser?

Exercise 2

Make up the dialogues based on the models using as words as possible dealing with the topic “Traveling”



Exercise 3

Choose the right letter-combinations:

1.sh . . .p     a) e;      2.airp . . . t   a) ro;      3.pl . . . e    a) at;        4.tr . . . n  a) ai;     5.ra. . . way  a) li;

                b) I;                            b) or;                           b) ait;                         b) a;                            b) il;

                c) ee;                         c) ar;                           c) an;                          c) ia;                            c) el.

Topic 14.

Traveling by plane

If you are in a hurry and want to save your time you’d better travel by plane, because it is the fastest way of traveling. After the procedure of registration you board the plane of last. You sit down in a comfortable armchair and in a few minutes you are already above the clouds. The land can be seen below between the clouds and it looks like a geographical map. After the plane gained its regular height the stewardess brings in some mineral water. You can sit and read a book or a magazine, look through the window to watch the passing clouds change their color from white to black.

Word list

To be a hurry – поспішати

Procedure [prə′sidə] – процедура

Height – висота

For this reason –з цієї причини

Pilot – пілот

Airline – повітряна лінія, авіакомпанія

Boarding pass – посадковий талон

Check-in–реєстрація пасажирів

Direct flight [dı′rekt ] – прямий рейс

Unshelled [n′edjuəld] stop – вимушена посадка

Aircraft [əkra:ft] – авіація, літак

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1.                     Do you like traveling by plane? Why?
  2.                     What makes you like (dislike) it?
  3.                     Have you ever traveling by plane?
  4.                     Is it possible to sleep on board a plane?
  5.                     What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by train?

Exercise 2

Find in the missing words:

1. To understand how true it is you’ve got to go to the station, a sea or a river or airport.

2. If you are hungry you take some.

3. There is no doubt it’s much more convenient to travel by train, because it doesn’t stop at small, and it takes less time to get to yours.

4. But if you are in a hurry and want to your time you’d better travel by                because it is the fasters way of.

5. When you get tired of relaxation, you become and feel like returning home.

Exercise 3

Choose the right word:

1. If you are in a hurry and want to save your time you’d better travel . . .

a) by train;   b) by plane;    c) by car

2. After the procedure of registration you board the plane . . .

      a) at lost;     b) for the first time;    c) all of a sudden

3. The land can be seen below between the . . . and it looks like . . .

      a) clouds – like;    b) map – birds;   c) clouds – map.

4. You can sit and . . .

     a) read a book;    b) see the country   c) looks film.

Topic 15.

Traveling by train

To be on the safe side and to spare yourself the trouble of standing long hours in the line, you’d better book tickets in advance. All you have to do is to ring up the airport or the railway station booking office and they will send your ticket to have place. And, of course before getting off you have to make your preparations. You should settle all your businesses and visit your friends and relatives. On the eve of departure you should pock your things in a suitcase. When the day of your departure comes you call a taxi and go to the airport on the railway station.

For some time you stay in the waiting-room. If you are hungry you take some refreshments.

In some time the loudspeaker announces that the train or the plane is in and the passengers are invited to take their seats. If you travel by train you find your carriage, enter the corridor and find your berth. It may be a lower berth, which is more convenient or an upper one.  You put your suitcase into a special box under the lower seat. Then you arrange you smaller packages on the on the racks. In some time the train starts off traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. Your can see the country you are traveling through and enjoy the beautiful nature. It may be an express train on a passenger one. There is no double it’s much more convenient to travel by an express train, because it does not stop at small stations and it takes you less time to get to your destination.

Word list

Destination [destı′neın] – місце призначення

Package – пакет, пакунок

Berth [bəθ] – місце (для лежання)

Carriage [′kærıd] – вагон

Passenger – пасажир

To announce [ə′nauns] – повідомляти

Waiting-room – зал очікування

Departure [dı′patə] – від’їзд, відправляння

Suitcase – валіза

To pack – викладати речі

On the eve - напередодні

To be on the trouble of –позбавивши себе від турбот

To be on the safe side – про всяк випадок

To stand in the line – стояти в черзі

In advance – завчасно

To make one’s preparations – готуватися

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1. How do you travel?
  2.  Where can you buy a train ticket?
  3. Do you like traveling by train?
  4. What makes you like (dislike) it?
  5. Want are the advantages of traveling by train?

Exercise 2

Find these phrases in the text and translate the sentences:

  1.      to settle one’s business;
  2.     on the eve;
  3.      to make one’s preparations;
  4.     to stand in the line;
  5.      to be on the safe side;
  6.       to get to your destination.

Exercise 3

Choose the right letter- combination:

  1. tr . . .n  a) ai;          2. b . . . th  a) re;       3. car . . . ge   a) air;

                    b) ia;                             b) a;                                 b)ria;

                    c) I;c) er;c) rai;


  1.      car  . . . ge   a) air;         4. to go . . . train    a) a;                     5. f . . . re    a) a;

                           b) ria;                                          b) the;                                      b) I;

                           c) rai;                                          c) by;                                        c) ai.

Topic 16.

British meals

The usual meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than you have on the Continent, though some English people like a “continental” breakfast of rolls and butter and coffee. But the usual English breakfast is porridge or “Corn Flakes” with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade (made from oranges) with buffered toast, and tea or a coffee. For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or perhaps fish. We generally have lunch at about it impossible to come home for lunch and so he goes to a café or a restaurant; but if I am making lunch at home. I have cold meat (left over probably from yesterday’s dinner), potatoes, salad and pickles, with a pudding or fruit to follow. Sometimes we have a mutton chop or steak and chips, followed by biscuits and cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch. 

Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of things, friends often come in then for a chat white they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit.

In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. We had rather a special one last night, as we had an important visitor from South America to see Mr. Priestly

We began with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetable, a sweet, fruit and nuts. Then we went into the sitting-room for coffee and cigarettes.


(from C.E. Eckersly)

Word list

Can flakes – вівсяні пластівці

Marmalade [′maməleid] – мармелад

Buttered toast– грінки, тост

For a change – для різноманітності

Probably [′prbəblı] – ймовірно

Steak [steık] – біфштекс

I am thirsty – я хочу пити

Help yourself to some more – Візьміть усе

With pleasure – із задоволенням

I’ll treat you – я пригощаю (вас)

Exercise 1

Answer the question

  1. What’s your favorite dish?
  2. What will you start with lunch?
  3. What can you say about British hospitality?
  4. What are you meal-time?
  5. What is English “afternoon tea”?

Exercise 2

Read, translate and render in brief.

Exercise 3

For each sentence place the letter of the best answer in the space provided:

1. Тhe nationals British dishes are:

  1.                                     beefsteak;
  2.                                    porridge;                    1.________________.
  3.                                     borscht;
  4.                                    clear soup.


2. The English afternoon “high tea” is:

  1.                                     the first meal of thе     2._______________.
  2.                                      the chief and most substation meal of the day;
  3.                                    the meal we have during the break;
  4.                                    the meal between five and six o’clock.


3. When I want to have a bite I do:

a) to the restaurant;

b) to the snack-bar;       3.________________.

c) to the cinema;

d) to the shop.

  1.      If you want some more tea you’ll say:
    1.                      give me another cup of tea, please;
    2.                        no more, thanks;      4.________________.
    3.                        could you pass me some sugar, please?;
    4.                        enjoy tour tea!.
  2.      English people generally have lunch at:
    1.                        ten o’clock;
    2.                        eleven o’clock;       5.________________.
    3.                        one o’clock;
    4.                        two o’clock.

Exercise 4

Give the antonyms to the following words:

1) sugar; 2) soft drinks; 3) meal; 4) vegetable; 5) tomatoes; 6) coffee; 7) fresh egg; 8) meat dish; 9) cake; 10) spoon.


Вступ           ст.3

Topic 1.  The Ukrainians and the Ukrainian Character    ст.4

Topic 2.  Problems in upbringing children      ст.6

Topic 3. Healthy way of life        ст. 7

Topic 4. English is a world language       ст. 9

Topic 5. International relations of Ukraine      ст. 11

Topic 6. My English Lesson        ст. 13

Topic 7. Geographical position of Ukraine      ст. 15

Topic 8. The Cossack Republic        ст. 18

Topic 9. Ukrainian symbols        ст. 19

Topic 10. British holidays and Traditions      ст. 21

Topic 11. British holidays and Traditions      ст. 23

Topic 12. Relations of Ukraine with the English- speaking countries  ст. 25

Topic 13. Traveling         ст. 27

Topic 14. Traveling by plane        ст. 28

Topic 15. Traveling by train        ст. 30

Topic 16. British meals         ст. 33

Зміст                                                                                                                ст. 35



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