khaki - military-style clothes made of yellowish-brown or greenish-brown cloth
porch - ґанок
applicant - someone who asks for something officially, often by writing
latch - засувка
shovel - лопата
decay - (of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria
rigorous - суворий
arson - підпал
severe - causing very great pain, difficulty
inflame - to cause or increase very strong feelings such as anger or excitement
condominium - по типу River Stone чи Comfort Town
dump - to get rid of something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where it is not allowed to be
moron - виродок, дебіл
mayhem - хаос
snub - принижувати
initial - mark or sign (a document) with one's initials in order to authorize or validate it
tremendous - величезний
clam - молюск
spectacular - видовищний
regiment - організовувати
obesity - ожиріння
pace - темп
impatient - wanting something to happen as soon as possible
lorry - вантажівка
apart - окремо
fascinate - to interest someone a lot; to have someone’s complete interest and attention
vast - величезний
demolish - знести
dizziness - a temporary feeling that your sense of balance is not good and that you may fall down
deputy - заступник(міністра, директора)
witness - очевидець
entail - involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence
drastic - різкий; радикальний