Англомовні країни. Високорозвинена країна в Океанії .Інфінітив.
Викладач : Зінченко Т. П.
Тема: Нова Зеландія. Загальні відомості. Інфінітив
Обладнання: Комп’ютер, проектор, фото, картини, презентації, карта Нової Зеландії
картки із завданнями по групах, тестами
Вид навчального заняття: практичне заняття
Форма заняття: комбіноване заняття
Форми роботи: групова, індивідуальна, парна
Методи: комунікативний та груповий, пояснювально-ілюстративний, проблемно-пошуковий, загально-дидактичні (словесний, наочний, практичний)
Принципи: послідовності, доступності, науковості, демократичності
Інтерактивні технології: «Мозковий штурм»; комунікативно спрямована рольова гра «Туристична подорож до Нової Зеландії».
І. Організаційний момент
1) Привітання
Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. Autumn has come in Ukraine. The temperature becomes lower. The leaves fall down on the ground. But on the other side of the world, in New Zealand, it is spring now.
2) the report of the pupil on duty.
What is the date?
Who is absent?
What is your homework?
3) Оголошення теми та мети уроку.
The topic of our lesson today is “New Zealand. Infinitive”.
By the end of the lesson you will be able
4) Lexical Drills
What words will describe New Zealand. Let’s revise.
South Island
English Wellington
North Island
Commonwealth of Nations
North Island
South Island
Commonwealth of Nations
Is situated
Governor General
II. Основна частина уроку
Listen to the text.
Do the tasks.
I. Say which statements are false or true.
1. Two ladies explored Canada.
2. They stayed at a motel.
3. One of the pair wanted to take a shower.
4. The bath was occupied.
5. The lady was looking for the fire escape.
6. The man needed some fire.
II. Choose the correct answer.
1. Where did the ladies stop?
a) at a small b) at an old c) at a small motel.
hotel; hostel;
2. When could one lady rest?
a) when she had b) when she had had c) when she had
found a fire escape; a shower; toured the town.
3. What did the first door turn out to be?
a) the dancing hall; b) the public bath; c) the occupied room.
4. What was the man doing?
a) he was singing a b) he was taking a c) he was shaving.
song; shower;
5. What did the lady hear behind her?
a) a sound; b) a shot; c) a shout.
6. What did the man want to know?
a) ‘Where is my b) ‘Where can I hire c) ‘Where is the fire?’
towel?’ a taxi?’
III. Finish the sentence.
1. Two ladies exploring Western Canada
a) stopped in a b) spent their time c) stopped at a small
country inn; in a fashionable and old-fashioned
store; hotel.
2. One lady couldn’t rest until
a) she had made a b) she had found a c) she had made
fire; fire exit; some exercises.
3. She opened
a) the first door; b) the third door; c) the fifth door.
4. The bath was occupied
a) by an elderly b) by a young man; c) by an elderly
lady; gentleman.
5. She hadn’t got far when she heard
a) a splash of water; b) a whistle; c) a shout.
6. She saw the gentleman
a) wearing only b) wearing only c) wearing only a
some trousers; some glasses; towel.
IV. Find the words in the story which mean the opposite for.
1. a gentleman
2. eastern
3. modern
4. calm
5. luckily
6. private
2) Перевірка домашнього завдання
Презентації з перевірочними завданнями по темі Нова Зеландія:
1)General information
2)Symbols of New Zealand
5)Animals and Planets
3) Введення нового матеріалу
а) Семантизація лексичних одиниць;
to lie – розташуватися.
the North Island – Північний острів.
the South Island - Південний острів.
Capital – столиця.
The Commonwealth of Nations – Британська співдружність.
Governor general – генерал-губернатор.
To represent – представляти.
Government – уряд.
To be washed.
б) читання тексту та виконання післятекстових вправ;
Text 1
New Zealand, an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth, of Nations is situated on the south-east of Australia. It’s a country consisting of two large islands. The first to settle here were the Maoris. It was about 1000 years ago. Maoris is a Polynesian people. And the British came here at the end of the XIX century. “The Aurora” was the first British ship to come to New Zealand. The British waged real wars on the Maoris. Thousands of Maoris were killed, but their culture survived. Beautiful songs and dances are as old as Maori people itself.
Smoke and steam are characteristic features of New Zealand. They come from volcanoes and geysers. That’s why the Maoris called New Zealand the country of long white clouds. So earthquakes are common there. Sometimes they have several quakes a day. Now the forests are very thick and always green because of the climate. It never gets too hot in summer and there are no frosts in winter. The mountain stream is also very unusual. Water is ice-cold near one of its banks and is boiling hot near the other. On the pastures one can see many sheep.
This small county hold the second place in the world in wool production. Tourists like to see unusual phenomenon here. It is a kiwi. It’s a bird you can find only in New Zealand. It has no wings and its feathers are like hair. New Zealand has put it on its national emblem.
There are four large towns in New Zealand. One of them is Wellington and it is the capital of this county. It was built by the British.
Read the article.
6. What is the currency in New Zealand?
c). Make dialogues on the given topic
1) Hi!
2) Hello
1) I'm glad to see you, where have you was been for so long?
2) This time I've been in New Zealand
1) Wow, And what can you tell me about this country.
2) Well Zealand is situated on two islands, North and South .
1) A What's the climate?
2) Climate In New Zealand is very warm, but it often rains because that the islands are located near the Pacific Ocean.
1) What is the capital of New Zealand?
2) Of course Wellington.
1) How I know there is a unique animal species which there is no anywhere else, such as kiwi or kakapo parrot.
2) Yes, it is.
1) Then soon I will go to New Zealand too .
2) Good luck.
1) Goodbye
d). Some student returned from New Zealand and Wellington and want to tell us something interesting. Retelling of the students.
II. Studying grammar
Форми інфінітива |
Active |
Passive |
Indefinite |
To write To come |
To be written |
Continuous |
To be writing To be coming
− |
Perfect |
To have written To have come |
To have been written |
Perfect continuous |
To have been writing To have been coming
− |
Виконання граматичних вправ.
2. Choose the correct item.
A do C to be doing
B to do D be doing
A to go C to be going
B go D be going
A see C to see
B seeing D to be seen
A to be finished C finish
B to finish D to be finishing
A clean C be cleaning
B to clean D to be cleaning
A have seen C be seen
B to see D see
A to do C to have done
B do D to be done
A talk C to be talking
B to talk D to have talked
A buy C to be buying
B to buy D be buying
A have carried C to have carried
B carry D to carry
3. Insert to where necessary.
1.I’d rather … travel by train. I’m afraid of airplanes.
A to B –
2. There used … be a small house here.
A to B −
3. They have no garden … to play.
A to B −
4. Why not … go and consult a doctor if you’re not feeling well.
A to B −
5. This will make you … look old-fashioned
A to B −
6. I’ll have to get up earlier not … miss the train.
A to B −
7. Never let him … talk with you in such a way.
A to B −
8. I couldn’t but … reject your offer.
A to B −
1 Підведення підсумків
2 Повідомлення оцінок
3 Пояснення домашнього завдання: make the dialogue «New Zealand»
Do the tests ON LINE the theme INFINITIVE
4 Завершення заняття