Антивоєнні вірші:"Stop the War"

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   Stop the War

The Kids stand tall, hearts full of light,

They say no more to endless night.

They dream of peace, of skies so clear,

Where laughter fills the atmosphere.


No more guns, no battles fought,

In their dreams, love's always sought.

With tiny hands and voices strong,

They'll change the world, right any wrong.


For in their hearts, a truth so clear,

It's love and kindness we hold dear.

With every hug, with every smile,

They'll stop the war, let's rest awhile.




When war is done, kids find a way,

To turn old weapons into play.

No more fear, no need to hide,

In their dreams, peace is their guide.


Guns and tanks, now toys they be,

In their games, they're wild and free.

No more loud, scary sounds,

Just laughter and joy all around.


They dream of a world without any fights,

Where everyone sleeps safe at night.

No more tears, just happy faces,

In their hearts, love replaces.


Now they play in a world that's new,

With skies so clear and oceans blue.

Hand in hand, they run and cheer,

In a world where peace is always near.



In a land so far and wide,

Children stand, side by side.

Against the war, they raise their voice,

Choosing love, making a choice.


Ukraine, we hear your call,

Together, we won't let you fall.

Peace and hope, we'll strive to share,

With open hearts, we'll show we care.


Tiny hands, so full of might,

Spreading love, bringing light.

Dreaming of a world so free,

Where all children can just be.


Helping Ukraine, we'll play our part,

Uniting with love, we'll start.

For every child, a future bright,

In a world of peace, we'll write.


So let us join, hand in hand,

Across the globe, let's make a stand.

For Ukraine, we'll sing our song,

Together, we'll make sure they belong.


        A little girl

In a land where echoes of war resound,

A little girl, with courage so profound.

Her heart beats strong, though danger's near,

In her eyes, a glimmer, devoid of fear.


Amidst the turmoil, she stands tall,

A brave young soul, she won't let fall.

Her dreams alight with a hopeful spark,

For a future where peace will leave its mark.


She paints a world where laughter rings,

Where every heart in harmony sings.

Through fields of strife, she finds her way,

With unwavering hope that brighter days will stay.


In her heart, the dream of peace takes flight,

A beacon in the darkest night.

With each sunrise, she holds it dear,

The belief that peace will soon draw near.