Around the City Test for the 4th grade

Про матеріал

Завдання для перевірки рівня засвоєння знань за темою Around the City (за підручником О.Д. Карпюк) у 4 класі.

Перегляд файлу

                                                                      4th Form

Topic: Around the city




Variant 1                                                            Variant 2


I. Insert missed letters in the words

1. hosp…tal                                                1. cin…ma

2. the…tre                                                   2. z…o

3. gall…ry                                                  3. conc…rt hall

4. circ…s                                                    4. mus…um

5.  turn l…ft                                                5. turn rig…t

6.  mus…um                                               6. hosp…tal

II. Make the degrees of comparison

  1. long -  longer  -    ……                    1. tall -       taller    -     …………
  2. fat -      …..    -  the fattest               2. strong -   …….. - the strongest                                                   

     3.   big                                                    3. small

     4.   warm                                                4. cold

     5.   strong                                               5. short         

III. Make up questions

1. the/ Where / shop/ is?                             1. gallery/ is/ the/ Where?

2. there / a / museum / Is ?                          2 . zoo/ Is / a / there ?

3. smaller / animal / Which / is ?                3. shop / Which / is / bigger ?

IV. Choose the correct answer

1. Which animal is smaller?                      1. Who is taller?

a) a cat               b) a bear                              a) a giraffe        b) a fox

2. What is longer?                                     2. What is bigger?

 a) a sentence           b) a word                       a) a supermarket     b) a shop

3) What is the biggest?                              3) What is the smallest?

a) a bike    b) a car c) a bus                            a) a city   b) a town   c) a village


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
31 березня 2020
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