Flowers Festival ( розробка позакласного заходу)

Про матеріал
Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови "Фестиваль квітів" для учнів 5 - 6 класів.
Перегляд файлу



Вчитель  Доброго дня, шановні гості нашого свята! Вже зовсім скоро весна завітає до нас. Це чудова пора року. Навесні пробуджується земля, оживає природа: тане сніг, біжать дзвінкі веселі струмочки, зеленіють листочки на деревах, весело співають пташки, розквітають різні квіти. Усе радіє яскравому теплому сонечку.


Вдягла весна мережану сорочку,

Умившись і звільнившись від турбот,

І піднімає волошкові очі

До вищих, до церковних позолот.



Душа стає в цю днину молодою,-

Забувши, що слова бувають злі,

І повняться старання добротою

На ранньому, скромному столі.


Учень 1

When spring is coming,

The birds are in the air,

And meadows are smiling

With violets so far.




  Spring is dancing without rest

  In a beautiful green dress.

  Flowers grow under the feet,

  Singing birds her coming greet.


Учень 2

Spring is coming,

Spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too.

Snowdrop, lilies, daffodils

Now are coming too.


Red and yellow,

White and blue.

This beautiful flowers

Are just for you!


Учень 3

Все прокидається поволі,

Зі сну зимового встає.

Радіє гай, радіє поле,

Земля поталу воду п’є.


Учень 4

I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white,

I like flowers with a smell,

I like flowers very well.


Учень 5

In my beautiful house,

In my house

There are lots of flowers

For me and you!


Red and yellow

Pink and blue!

Lots of flowers

For me and you!


In my flower house,

In my house

There are lots of flowers

For you to see!


A corn-flower, a daisy,

And a violet, you see

And a bluebell

For you and me!


Ведучий : А що люблять наші квіточки? Я гадаю, що дощик і сонечко.


Учень 1

Pitter-pat, pit- pat,

Rain makes the ground wet.

Sum makes the ground warm.


Учень 2

The sun so big, the sun so bright,

Shines over the earth and me.

It warms the flowers and trees and birds

And all of earth’s creatures and me.


Учень 1

Pitter-pat, pit-pat,

Listen to the rain.

Pitter-pat, pit-pat,

Raining again.


Учень 2

We’re glad the sun and rain are here,

They make the world so light,

And all the trees and flowers

So beautiful and bright.


Учень 3

Spring is coming you can feel it

How soft is the morning air!

Birds are singing,

Buds are peeping,

Life and joy are everywhere.

Sun is shining all day long,

Trees are full of birds and songs.





Завітала до нас в гості весна, завітають до нас і квіти. Наш клас наповниться кольорами і запахами квітів. Привітаємо їх і запросимо до себе на свято.



You are welcome to our party, dear flowers!

(до зали заходять  діти в костюмах квітів)



(In the Queen-Roses palace all the flowers gathered together to decide their turn to come to the earth. The Queen-rose is sitting on the throne at one side. The flowers come up to her one by one and present themselves.)


SNOWDROP: I am a spring flower. I am the first to come. I have a nice white dress. I am very pretty. I have no smell.

QUEEN-ROSE: You name will be Snowdrop. People will see you on the places where the snow becomes water in the sun. They will like you very much.

VIOLET: I am a spring flower too. I don’t like snow. I like warm sunny days. My dress is violet.

QUEEN-ROSE: Your name is Violet. You will come after the Snowdrop, a little later, when there is no snow in the fields, the days are longer and it is warmer.





Song “Let’s Sing a Song”

Let’s sing a song,

And clap our hands.

I am your friend

And you are my friend!


He is my friend

And she is my friend


We are the true and lucky friends!


Let us sing, let us dance,

Let us run and play

Let’s turn around

And touch the ground,

Let’s have fun all the day!


BUTTERCUP: I am a little flower. I am dressed in a nice yellow dress. I like the sun, I like it when it’s warm.

QUEEN-ROSE: Then you must come in summer, when it is warm and the sun shines all day long. Your name will be Buttercup.

BLUEBELL: I am blue like the sky, and my dress is like a bell. I like the sun, too.

QUEEN-ROSE: Oh, I know your name will be Bluebell. People will see you in the grass. You will make the fields beautiful.

CORNFLOWER: My colour is blue, too. I make the fields beautiful, but I make the harvest not very rich.

QUEEN-ROSE: Your name, my beautiful one, will be Cornflower. People will see you in the fields all the summer.

SUNFLOWER: Look at me, please. I am like the sun. My dress is yellow and black.

QUEEN-ROSE: Yes, you look like the sun, so your name will be Sunflower. People will see you in the country in August, and you will look at the sun every day.

POPPY: I’m the symbol of duel of love and hate. People grow me in summer. I have two dresses - red and yellow.

QUEEN-ROSE: You are very beautiful red flower. Your name will be Poppy.

DAFFODIL: After Snowdrops and Violets I come. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.

TULIP: I come with daffodils. I like sun and rain. I have red or white or pink shirt. I’m Tulip.

DAISY: I can have different colours. I’m short. People like to grow me on the flower-beds near their houses. I’m Daisy.

LILAK: Do you like my sweet smell? People grow me behind their fences. I’m very pretty, rich. And I have many dresses - white, violet, lilac. I’m Lilac.

QUEEN-ROSE: (stands up and goes to the middle of the room)

Well, my dear flowers. Now you know that you are spring and summer flowers. You are not garden flowers. People can see most of you only in the fields. Now let us sing and dance. Spring and summer will come here soon.


(all the flowers make a ring)

BUTTERCUP: (coming into the middle of it, recites);


Buttercups, buttercups,

Oh, the nicest flowers,

Coming in the springtime

To tell of sunny hours.

When the trees are leafless,

When the fields are bare,

Buttercups, buttercups,

Spring up here and there.


(All are singing the song)


This Springtime

This springtime, this springtime,

Cold winter is past.

Warm breezes are blowing,

And May’s here at last.

The birds are returning.

Their songs you san hear,

And meadows are smiling

With spring flowers here.




31 березня 2020
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