At the Doctor: Vocabulary and Dialogue

Про матеріал
Match the words and the pictures, listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps, match the words and the definitions.
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At the Doctor


Match the words to the correct pictures.


headache cough rest

Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words.

Thank, morning, headache, cough, have, have, should, hours, tired, don’t feel, feeling, problem, the flu, days, drink, aspirin, long, these

Doctor: Good        , Mrs. Jones. What seems to be the      Mrs. Jones: Well, Doctor, I                             a              sore throat and a              bad                                           I also               a              terrible                            

Doctor: How           have you had            symptoms?

Mrs. Jones: About 4             now. And I'm            really

       , fOO.

DOctor: It sounds like you’ve got            . Take 2        every 4

       You       also get lots of rest and          plenty of fluids. If you                             better in a couple of               , give me a call.

Mrs. Jones:        you, Doctor.

Draw a line to match the words to the definitions.


1. headache A. medicine for pain

  1. cough B. drinks like water, juice, & tea
  2. rest C. pain in the head
  3. fluids D. pain in the throat
  4. sore throat E. to relax or do nothing

é. aspirin F. to force air out of the throat/mouth

Budilin Taras
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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