Про матеріал
Аудіювання з англійської мови, як особлива форма та складова частина навчальної діяльності виконує певні функції, а саме: пізнавальну (визначається засвоєнням систематизованих знань), самостійну (формування вмінь і навиків, самостійного і творчого застосування), прогностичну (вміння вчасно передбачати й оцінювати як можливий результат, так і саме виконання завдання), коригуючу (вміння вчасно коригувати свою діяльність), виховну (формування самостійності як риси характеру). Завдання з аудіювання з англійської мови сприяють розвитку лінгвістичної, комунікативної соціокультурної компетенції до рівня, який би дозволив користуватися мовою правильно і впевнено у різноманітних життєвих ситуаціях особистісного, професійного та освітнього характеру.
Перегляд файлу



































Сучасний стан міжнародних  зв’язків України, вихід її у європейський  світовий простір, нові політичні, соціальні, економічні  та культурні реалії  вимагають  радикальних змін  у галузі  навчання  іноземних  мов, статус  яких  у нашій країні  постійно зростає.

 Метою викладання предмету Іноземна мова є формування необхідної комунікативної спроможності в сферах професійного та ситуативного спілкування в усній і письмовій формах, навичок практичного володіння іноземною мовою в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності в обсязі тематики, що обумовлена сучасними потребами; оволодіння новітньою інформацією через іноземні джерела.

Основними завданнями вивчення предмету Іноземна мова  є формування лексичної компетенції, лексичних навичок, а саме навичок інтуїтивно-правильного утворення, вживання і розуміння англомовної лексики на основі мовленнєвих лексичних зв’язків між слухо-мовленнєво-моторною і графічною формами слів та їх значень, а також зв’язків між словами англійської мови.

Аудіювання на заняттях  є основним засобом оволодіння навчальним матеріалом і є невід'ємною складовою процесу вивчення  англійської мови  .

Аудіювання з англійської мови, як особлива форма та складова частина навчальної діяльності виконує певні функції, а саме: пізнавальну (визначається засвоєнням  систематизованих знань), самостійну (формування вмінь і навиків, самостійного і творчого застосування), прогностичну (вміння вчасно передбачати й оцінювати як можливий результат, так і саме виконання завдання), коригуючу (вміння вчасно коригувати свою діяльність), виховну (формування самостійності як риси характеру).

Завдання з аудіювання  з англійської мови  сприяють  розвитку лінгвістичної, комунікативної соціокультурної компетенції до рівня, який би дозволив користуватися мовою правильно і впевнено у різноманітних життєвих ситуаціях особистісного, професійного та освітнього характеру.



TEXT 1 About myself

TEXT 2 My Breakfast

TEXT 3 Hobbies

TEXT 4   My best friend

TEXT 5 Books in my life

TEXT 6  Climate

TEXT 7 The Achievement of Science

TEXT  8 Television and Advertisement

TEXT 9  Internet

TEXT 10 Cities in the USA

TEXT 11 Cities and Towns of Great Britain

TEXT 12 Some facts about London

TEXT 13  Cambridge

TEXT 14  Big Ben

TEXT 15  Education in New Zealand






     TEXT 1

    My Best Friend


  No doubt, everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. Frankly speaking, I'm rather sociable, that's why I have many friends. As for me I'm happy with my friends. Firstly, I don't have "fair weather" friends. Secondly, all my friends are very pleasant people, and I'm never bored with them.

 My best friend is Masha. We study in the same class and though she doesn't live next door we manage to spend much time together. In appearance she is very attractive. She has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and a pleasant smile. So people and, of course I, find her smart. Besides, Masha is known for her warm and friendly character. She is usually open-minded and interested in other people. More than that, she is considerate, supportive and responsible. I can always turn to her whenever I'm in trouble, and she never fails to help.

 I'd like to point out, that Masha is rather brainy, and that's why she is excellent at school.

 In general Masha is loyal, trustworthy, tactful and great at keeping secrets. For me it is very important that my best friend is an honest girl. I can fully rely on her and trust her everything. To tell the truth, we have never let each other down.

 In conclusion I'd like to add, that my friend is an interesting person. She is well-read. Her favourite foreign author is Julian Rowling and her creation Harry Potter. Besides, she is keen on modern music and enthusiastic with sport.To sum up, "A good friend is like the sun in winter", it's about Masha. I'm the happiest girl in the world, because I have such a wonderful friend.


   Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. I'm  rather sociable, that's why I have many friends.
  2.  Nick studies in the same class and though he doesn't live next door we manage to spend much time together.
  3.  Masha as I  is considerate, supportive and responsible.
  4. Masha is loyal, trustworthy, tactful buy she can’t  keep secrets.
  5. She has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and a pleasant smile.
  6. Her favourite foreign author is Jack london and all his books.
  7. She is keen on modern music and enthusiastic with chess.

Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.













  1. Everyone dreams of having a______ and faithful friend but not all of us are_____ enough to find one.
  2. She has an oval face, a_____ nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and a _______smile.
  3. I'd like to point out, that Masha is rather______, and that's why she is ______ at school.
  4. Her ______foreign author is Julian Rowling and her _______Harry Potter.


  1.       I'm the______ girl in the world, because I have such a wonderful_________.




My Breakfast


It is not a secret that our meals influence much on our health and our mood. That's why I consider breakfast to be the most important meal in the day as it is the first our meal and it can put us in good spirits. Now I shall tell you about my breakfast.

In the morning I usually have porridge. I often start my breakfast with a cereal which is not cooked, it is something dry, ready to be eaten or muesli – some grain or porridge which is not cooked with dried fruit, nuts and so on.

I also like eggs (cooked in different ways). I don't practically eat butter, I prefer soft margarine – made of vegetable fat, which is not heavy and creamy. I don't eat jam at breakfast, I eat marmalade which is not sweet, there is slight bitterness; it's rather pleasant.

I usually don't have substantial breakfast on weekdays, I do it on weekends when I get up late. Very often I have just tea or coffee with sandwiches. Tea is usually taken by me with milk. I like very strong tea without sugar.

Sometimes when I am in hurry I don't have time to have proper breakfast and I go to the university being hungry. In such case I usually buy something like "Snickers" or "Mars" on my way to the Alma Mater.


What do I usually have for a breakfast ?  Who prepares a breakfast  in my family?

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


1 It is not a secret that our meals influence much on our health and our mood.

2 I consider dinner to be the most important meal in the day.

3 In the morning I usually have porridge and a cup of coffe.

4 I  eat jam at breakfast, I eat marmalade which is not sweet, there is slight bitterness; it's rather pleasant.

  1. Very often I have just tea or coffee with sandwiches.

6. I like very strong coffe without sugar.


 Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.



is not cooked










  1. It is not a _____that our meals influence much on our ______and our mood.
  2. I shall tell you about my________.
  3. In the morning I usually have______.
  4. I often start my breakfast with a cereal which_______, it is something dry, ready to be eaten or _______– some _______or porridge which is not cooked with dried________, nuts and so on.
  5. Very often I have just ______or coffee with________.





The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain. The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid. British people say: "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather."

The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. Therefore it is natural for the people to use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they can't think of any thing else to talk about, they talk about weather. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about weather as they pass, just to show their friendliness.

Every daily paper publishes a weather forecast. Both the radio and television give the weather forecast several times each day.

The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when in rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily that they say "It's raining cats and dogs".

Rainfall is more or less even throughout the year. In the mountains there is heavier rainfall then in the plains of the south and east. The driest period is from March to June and the wettest months are from October to January. The average range of temperature (from winter to summer) is from 15 to 23 degrees above zero. During a normal summer the temperature sometimes rises above 30 degrees in the south. Winter temperatures below 10 degrees are rare. It seldom snows heavily in winter, the frost is rare. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August the warmest. Still the wind may bring winter cold in spring or summer days. Sometimes it brings the whirlwinds or hurricanes. Droughts are rare.


 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1.   The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream.
  2.   The north-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain.
  3.   The morning may be warm and the evening may be hot.
  4.   The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain.
  5. The radio gives  the weather forecast several times each day.
  6. The English also say that they have two variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon.

Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.










the driest

the wettest


1.The_______ in Great Britain is generally ________and temperate due to the ________of the Gulf Stream.

2. The climate in Britain is usually described as_______, temperate and__________.

3. It is natural for the people to use the comparison "as ________as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or ________about something.

4. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about weather as they pass, just to show their ____________.

5. __________period is from March to June and _______months are from October to January.


Television and Advertisement


Many people have forgotten what the world was like before TV. But today it has become an integral part of our lives. No medium can compare with TV as a means of information, entertainment & education. TV now plays such an important role in so many people's lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is bad or good.

First of all, TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. For a family of 4, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home than to go out. They don't have to pay for expensive tickets. All they have to do is to turn on TV and they can see films, political discussions and the latest exciting football matches. Some people say that this is fist where the danger lies. The TV viewers need do nothing: they make no choices, they're completely passive & don't even use their legs.

TV, people often say, informs about current events and the latest developments in science and politics. A lot of good films, music programs have appeared recently on TV. Yet here again there is a danger. We get to like watching TV so much that it begins to dominate our lives. A friend of mine told me that when his TV set broke he & his family suddenly found that they had much more time to do things.

The most important thing which is really criticizing is poor quality of the programs and its harmful effect on children. For example the film "Natural Born Killers" teaches children to kill and there was one accident in France when a group of teenagers kill their parents.

There are many arguments for and against TV. I think we must understand that TV in itself is neither good nor bad. TV is as good or as bad as we make it.


Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. Computer now plays such an important role in so many people's lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is bad or good.
  2. TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one.
  3. For a family of 4, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home than to go out.
  4. TV  informs about current events and the latest developments in science and politics.
  5. TV set broke many  families in modern world.
  6. The most important thing which is really criticizing is poor quality of the programs and its harmful effect on children.



Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.


source of entertainment




to decide

important role

latest developments

integral part




1.Many people have forgotten what the ______was like before TV. But today it has become an ________of our lives.

   2.TV now plays such an ________in so many people's lives that it is _______for us to      try ________whether it is bad or good.

   3. TV, people often say, _______about current events and the _________in science and politics.

   4. All they have to do is to turn on TV and they can see______, political discussions and    the latest ________football matches

  5.  TV is not only a convenient___________, but also a comparatively cheap one.







The Achievement of Science


As the years go forward our life becomes faster, a lot of new things appear, our mind develops and it cannot stop. It's like a strong river which never ends to run and it is rapidly spreading all over the earth. Many centuries ago people even couldn't imagine that we will be able to exchange information using telephone, fax, Internet as long as they couldn't think that there are a lot of planets except our earth and that people can fly their. If we think how had everything developed, how many new things had appeared and how had the minds of people become so wide we even won't be able to understand it because nowadays we cannot imagine our life without such inventions like lamps, ovens, central heating and others. During the centuries people have been invented the things to make our life easier.

 A great invention such as transport plays one of the most important roles in our life. We live in flats, can appear in different point of earth within a day, can say hello to people who live in another point of the world. All those things are a product of technical progress and it doesn't stop to grow and develop. Nowadays we live surrounded by machines and other inventions. And with new inventions we become happier because nearly everything is making by machine not by ourselves. And from day to day appear more and more new things. There are a lot of such things like this, and we even don't think about when and where and who invented it. And it's so simple to us. And it's so dear to us that we cannot even live without it. Our century is a century of developing informational connection. Faxes, TV, Internet, and Telephone became the most popular way of getting and sending information. One of the greatest inventions of the century, in my opinion is computer. It's the coup in the technology. When Charles Babbage (1792-1871), a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he could hardly have imagined the situation we find ourselves today. Computer becomes like a brain of human but the only thing it cannot do is to feel. The other things are easy to it. As everything computers also develop.

The possibilities of it are so wide. It can do more than 500000 sums in a fraction of a second. Programming became one of the most useful and popular profession. Nowadays computers can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, control sputniks, compose music. Also everybody knows the words Cd Rom, a means of storing information on a disk to be read by a computer, e-mail, which becomes one of the ways to exchange information, the Internet - a network that is a way to get information, to communicate with people, to find everything you need.


  Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. Many centuries ago people even couldn't imagine that we will be able to exchange information using telephone, fax, Internet.
  2. A great invention such as computer plays one of the most important roles in our life.
  3. Faxes, TV, Internet, and Telephone became the most popular way of getting and sending information.
  4. One of the greatest inventions of the century, in my opinion is  digital computer.
  5. Computer becomes like a  big brain of man but the only thing it cannot do is to feel.
  6. Engineer computing became one of the most useful and popular profession.


Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.



calculating machine










  1. Many centuries ago people even couldn't ­­­­_______that we will be able to ______information using______, fax, Internet as long as they couldn't think that there are a lot of planets except our ____and that people can fly their.
  2. A great _____such as transport plays one of the most _______roles in our life.
  3. Faxes, TV, Internet, and _______became the most _________way of getting and sending__________.
  4. When Charles Babbage (1792-1871), a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University invented the first ________in 1812 he could hardly have imagined the situation we find ourselves today.





 Modern life is easy and fun. We have all the amenities. We do not need to go to the movies, because we have big TVs at home. The children have cell phones with large displays. Modern technology is useful and convenient. In my opinion, Internet is the most comfortable thing. Computers are also an important invention, but Internet is better than any other type of information. Originally, Internet was a military experiment in the USA of 60-s. But soon it became clear that everyone in the world can use it.

 Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundreds of millions of users all over the world. The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. It's hard to imagine our lives without Internet nowadays. It has become an important part of every person's life. It is clear that the accurate number of users can be counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because there are hundreds of millions of users and their number is growing.

  Nowadays, no one can deny the importance of the Internet. Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse, you can shop, download many interesting films, books, read news about subject which is interesting for you, play computer games with other players, chat and send mails to your friends. Internet has drastically changed everything. Since the time of Internet appearance, many other media sources became unnecessary. You can find the information you're looking for in 5 seconds. It is very convenient for students, professionals, experts and all other people. From one side, it's great to have everything right here online, from the other side, it's a shame that people have stopped reading paper books and newspapers. Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. With the help of the internet people from different parts of the planet can communicate with each other and share information without leaving their home. It has become easier to meet like-minded people from all over the world and become friends with them.

 There is a lot of violence and cruelty online. People are suffering from inappropriate information on the Internet, because it is very hard to control information from the Internet. Although the Internet offers us large amount of information, its reliability is dubious because many untrue news stories can be posted and cause confusions to many people. It is very difficult for us to find out what websites are reliable and what are not. Also you can get blackmail or spam. I think that the Internet becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.


  Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. Modern life is easy and fun.
  2. Modern technology isn’t  useful and convenient.
  3. Computers and  smartphones are also an important inventions, but Internet is better than any other type of information.
  4. Internet  is very convenient for students,  teachers, professionals, experts and all other people.
  5. Most of the  young people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages.
  6. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their eyes.


 Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.







to control







1.Internet is the most ____thing. Computers are also an important_____,   but Internet   is better than any other type of_________.

2. Internet  hasn’t become an _________part of every person's life.

3. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer_______, which embraces hundreds of millions of all________ over the world.

4. With the help of the Internet people from different parts of the planet can ________with each other and _________information without leaving their home.

5. People are suffering from ________information on the Internet, because it is very hard ________information from the Internet.


   TEXT 7

   Education in New Zealand


The system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each state has its own system of public schools. Elementary education begins at the age of six or seven, when a child goes to the first grade (form). At the age of sixteen schoolchildren leave the elementary school and may continue their education at one of the secondary schools or high schools, as they call them. The programme of studies in the elementary school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Natural Sciences and, besides, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, Wood or Metal Work, etc. Sometimes they learn a foreign language and general history. Beside giving general education some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture or who want to enter colleges or universities. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education. The students do not take the same courses. During the first two years they follow a basic programme. It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic fields of study: English, Natural Sciences, Modern Languages, History or Physical Training. After the first two years every student can select subjects according to his professional interest. The National Government gives no direct financial aid to the institutions of higher education. Students must pay a tuition fee. This creates a financial hardship for some people. Many students have to work to pay their expenses. The Americans place a high value on education. That's why Kennedy said, "Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education."

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The system of school education doesn’t differ from the systems in other countries.
  2. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools.
  3. Elementary education begins at the age of six or seven, when a child goes to the second grade (form).
  4. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to the technical schools.
  5. Many students have to work to pay their expenses  and housing.
  6. After the first two years teacher can select subjects according to student’s professional interest.


Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.


high schools



to enter

financial aid


The system

to find




  1. _______of school ________differs from the systems in other countries.
  2. The programme of studies in the ________school includes English, Arithmetic, __________, History, Natural Sciences.
  3. Beside giving general education some ______teach subjects useful to those who hope _______jobs in industry and agriculture or who want _____colleges or universities.
  4. The National Government gives no direct ______to the institutions of higher education.
  5. That's why _____said, "Our progress as a _______can be no swifter than our progress in education."




A "hobby" is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off. Some people keep pets as hobby. They keep rabbits, or fishes. They train dogs to do tricks, or keep pigeons to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. Others are mad about their car or their motorbike. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them, or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster.

Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps, or postcards or matchboxes, or pictures of a favourite footballer or pop star.

Many people make things as a hobby. Some teach themselves at home, but a lot of people go to evening classes at their local college. Just look under letter B in a list of London or New York evening classes and you'll find: Ballet, Batik, Bengali, Body building, Breadmaking and Byzantium. But not everyone goes to evening classes to learn about his special interest. No one helped these people to do what they did.

A "hobby" is usually something that a person does alone. But American (and British) families sometimes like to do things together, too.American families often have quite a lot of money to spend on their recreation. They can all enjoy their holiday home or their boot somewhere in the country away from home.

Americans love to get out of town into the wild. and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-live fabulous national parks. These magnificent areas of countryside include tropical forests, high mountains, dry deserts, long sandy coasts. grassy prairies and wooded mountains full of wild animals. The idea of these parks, which cover 1% of the whole area of the USA. is to make "a great breathing place for the national lungs", and to keep different parts of the land as they were before men arrived. There are camping places in the national parks as well as museums, boat trips and evening campfire meetings.

Americans really enjoy new "gadgets", especially new ways of travelling. In the winter, the woods are full of "snowmobiles" (cars with skis in the front). In the summer they ride their "dune buggins" across the sands or take to the sky in hang gliders. But Americans do not only spend their free time having fun. They are very interested in culture too. Millions take part-time courses in writing. painting and music, and at weekends the museums, art galleries and concert halls are full.


  Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. A "hobby" is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off.
  2. Teenagers  don’t collect stamps, or postcards or matchboxes, or pictures.
  3. Americans love to get out of town into the wild. and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-live fabulous national parks.
  4. The idea of these parks, which cover 10 % of the whole area of the USA.
  5. Young people take part-time courses in writing. painting and music, and at weekends the museums, art galleries and concert halls are full.

6.   There are camping places in the national parks as well as museums, boat trips   and evening campfire meetings.



Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.









free time


national parks


1.A "_____" is a special interest or _______that you do in your time off.

2. They _______stamps, or postcards or matchboxes, or ______of a favourite footballer or pop star.

3. Americans really _______new "gadgets", especially new ways of _______.

4. But Americans do not only spend their ________having fun.

5. Americans love to get out of town into the wild  and many go for ______or long _________into the thirty-live fabulous__________.

   TEXT 9

About Myself


There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is OK. Being happy is one way of being wise. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of joy and pleasure. I am neither short nor tall, so I like to wear high-heeled shoes, trousers or jeans.

I am a girl of sixteen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with short straight hair, dark eyes and a slender figure. As to my appearance I'm rather tall and slim. I have never thought I'm a beauty, I wish I were more beautiful. I think that I'm even tempered, rather reserved, calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad. I like staying alone and sometimes I retreat into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it.

I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me, I appreciate people's honesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don't like when people are rude and aggressive.

Very soon I'll pass my final exams at school and after a farewell party at the end of June I'll say goodbye to my teachers who are very well-educated people with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my disire of choosing my future career. School meant a lot to me and it wasn't just learning and studying. I made good friends there and met many interesting people. I faced a new life without school with a mixed feeling of sadness and joy.

  I like music! I'm fond of music of the 60-s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly. The songs of the Beatles give me a lot of delight and pleasure. Besides, I am a great theatregoer. Whenever I have some time to spare, I go to the theatre. I'm not keen on television. I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as volleyball, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football.

  And finally, the things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a very successful career, so this year after finishing school I will try to enter the University, to build the house of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.



Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of joy and pleasure.
  2. I am a girl of fourteen.
  3. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad.
  4. I'm fond of music of the 80-s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly.
  5. I play tennis for health and pleasure.
  6. And finally, the things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a very successful career, so this year after finishing school I will try to enter the technical school.


Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.


to enter

to achieve







mixed feeling

a new life


  1. I like to study because _______is ______sometimes.
  2.  I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of ______and________.

3.   I usually play such games as________, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football.

4.      I hope _________in my life are: to have a very ______career, so this year after finishing school I will try ______the University.

5.    I faced _________without school with a ______of sadness and joy.



Books in my life


Books... I think that we can't live without them. I believe that books stay with us for all our life. When I was a child my parents read them to me. I was happy to listen to the stories and tales. I learned a lot of interesting things from books. I remember thtat I liked thick books. Later I've learnt to read myself. I like to read books about animals, nature and children. I like to get presents on my birthday. I am happy if it is a book. It doesn't matter what kind of book it is.

 I like to read almost all books. If I have spare time, I spend it with my favourite book. When I was fifteen I was fond of reading too. But I preferred to read books about travels. I travelled with the heroes of the stories. I saw many interesting places and learned a lot of important facts about other countries and people. Now I like to read books about science. You can learn a lot from books. I am sure that books play a very important role in my life.

Our family has got many books. All the members of our family buy books and read them. My mother says that books help us in our self-education. In ancient times books were written by hand. It was difficult to write a book with a pen. Then printing came into our life. Printing played an important role in the development of literature and culture. Now there are a lot of books in the shops, there are many books in our homes. But it is expensive to buy all the books we want to read. That's why we can read books in public libraries. There are many problems in our life and sometimes it is difficult to solve them. I think that books can help us in it. Last year I read a very interesting book titled "An American Tragedy" by Theodore Dreiser. This novel was published at the beginning of the 20th century. The novel describes the tragic fate of a boy and a girl, Clyde and Roberta by name. It is a sad story. This novel was written many years ago, but it is still popular nowadays. Books must be our friends during all our life.


 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. I learned a lot of interesting things from books.
  2. There are many problems in our life and sometimes it is difficult to solve them without books.
  3. This novel was published at the beginning of the 19th century.
  4. My parents say that books help us in our self-education.
  5. Our family have   personal library.
  6. I saw many interesting places and learned a lot of important facts about other countries and people.

Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.




interesting places


an American Tragedy




a lot of



  1. I saw many _______and learned a lot of _____facts about other countries and people.
  2.  I saw many interesting places and learned ______important facts about other _______and people.
  3.  _________played an important role in the __________of literature and culture.
  4. I was happy to listen to the ________and________.
  5. Last year I ______a very interesting book titled ­­_______ by Theodore Dreiser.




Cities and Towns of Great Britain


Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country, and most of the people live in large cities. Naturally, the capital comes first among the biggest industrial cities of the country. Lots of things such as clothes, food, planes and cars are made in London.

Birmingham is the biggest town in the centre of England. Machines, cars and lorries are made here. TV- and radio-sets are also produced in Birmingham.

     Manchester is an industrial capital of the North of England. It is a very old city. It is the centre of cotton industry. Manchester was the first city in Great Britain to build an airport in 1929. Manchester has many libraries, museums, art galleries and theatres.

 Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its main attractions are the Floral clock made of growing flowers, and the Edinburgh Art Festivals, the annual summer performances of operas, dancing, music and drama.

 Glasgow is another great Scottish city. It is famous for its shipyards. Glasgow is a great industrial city and also the centre of Scottish culture. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. It is a big port and ships come here from all over the world.

 Cambridge and Oxford are the oldest university towns in Great Britain. Many great men studied in these universities: Cromwell, Newton, Byron, Darwin and others.


 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1.Great Britain is a highly developed agricultural  country, and most of the people  live in large cities.

        2. Lots of things such as clothes, food, planes and cars are made in Glasgow.

3. Manchester was the first city in Great Britain to build an airport in 1939.

4. London  has many libraries, museums, art galleries and theatres.


5.The main attractions of Edinburgh are the Floral clock made of growing flowers, and the Edinburgh Art Festivals, the annual summer performances of operas, dancing, music and drama.

  1. Many great scientists  studied in Cambridge and Oxford.




Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.



highly developed




Floral clock






1.Great Britain is a ________industrial country, and most of the people ______in large cities.

2. Machines, cars and _______TV- and _______are also _______in Birmingham.

3. The ________made of growing flowers, and the Edinburgh Art Festivals, the annual summer ________of operas, dancing, ________and drama.

4._________   is a big port and ships come here from all over the_________.



Cities of the USA


Among large and famous American cities there are Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.

Washington is the capital of the USA. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. D. Washington chose the place. The city was founded in 1791 and named after the first president. Now Washington is the residents of the president and the congress. The center of the city is on Capital Hill. This building houses both the senate and a House of Representatives. The White House is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It is the president's residence.

 Washington is a large scientific and cultural center. There are five universities in the city. The national academy of sciences and the library of congress are in Washington too. The national museum, the old and new national galleries of art, Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln memorials are among the city sites.

New York is the largest city in USA. It is an economic, financial, scientific and cultural center. Dutch settlers founded the city in the 17th century. The heart of the New York is Manhattan. It was hear that the Dutch built the first building of the town. The name Wall Street remained from our days.

The business center of New York is near Wall Street. Another famous street is Broadway. It is the longest and the widest street in New York. It is the street there most famous theaters are situated. New York is the city of famous skyscrapers. The highest buildings are Empire State Building and the united national building.


Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. The city was founded in 1791 and named after the first president.
  2. Washington is a large political  and cultural center.
  3. The national academy of sciences and the library of congress are in London,
  4. The famous streets of New York are Broadway and  Wall Street.

5.   The highest buildings are Empire State Building and the united business building.

6.    New York is an economic, financial, scientific and cultural center.


Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.



the first president


named after








  1. Famous American ________there are______, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.
  2. This building houses both the ________and a House of___________.

3. The city was founded in 1791 and ________     _______________.

4. The national academy of _______and the library of ______are in Washington too.

5. The highest ________are Empire State Building and the united _______building.







Some Facts About London


London has been home of many famous Englishmen. Some were born there. Some lived there all their lives. Others lived in London only for a short time but all gave something to this great city.

One of the first names of importance is that of Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet. He lived most of his life in London. He knew the courts of King Richard II d King Henry IV. His most famous work, 'The Canterbury Tales", opens at the Tabard Inn, in Southwark. Chaucer held official posts in London and is buried in Westminster Abbey.

William Shakespeare also lived in London. He lived there for more than twenty years. He acted at the Globe Theatre and wrote his plays in London. But London's famous men are not only writers. Sir Christopher Wren, the architect, spent most of his life in London. He designed many beautiful churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral. He also designed palaces and fine houses.

Music is represented by a very interesting figure. This is George Frederick Handel. He came to London from Hannover in 1710. He lived for a time at Burlington House, Piccadilly, now the Royal Academy. After some success and some failure he at last became famous. This happened when he composed "The Messiah". "Judas Maccabeus". and 'The Music for the Royal Fireworks". Like Chaucer and many other great artists, Handel is buried in Westminster Abbey.

Another famous London figure is one of England's greatest seamen. Admiral Lord Nelson. He has a very special memorial in Trafalgar Square. The monument consists of a very tall column. On top of it stands a figure of Nelson. It is called the Nelson Column. Equally famous is the general who led the army at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. This was the Duke of Wellington. His house stands at Hyde Park Comer. It is sometimes known as Number One, London. Like Admiral Nelson, the Duke of Wellington is buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.


  Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. London has been home of many famous Englishmen

  2. George Frederick Handel  came to London from Hannover in 1810.

  3.Chaucer held official posts in London and is buried in Westminster Abbey

 4.William Shakespeare also lived in London  designed many beautiful    churches,   including St. Paul's Cathedral.

5. Admiral Lord Nelson  is one of England's greatest seamen.

6. William Shakespeare acted at the Globe Theatre and wrote his plays in Chicago.


 Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.






St. Paul's Cathedral




Admiral Nelson



  1. ___________has been home of many _________Englishmen.
  2. One of the first names of __________is that of Geoffrey Chaucer, the _____.
  3.       He __________many beautiful________, including St. Paul's Cathedral.
  4.     _______is represented by a very ________figure.
  5.     It is sometimes known as Number One, London. Like______, the Duke of Wellington is buried in _________.
       TEXT 14



Cambridge is one of the best known towns in the world and it can be found on most tourists' lists of places to visit. Cambridge is famous for its university, which started during the 13th century and grew steadily, until today there are more than twenty colleges. The oldest one is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284. And the most recent is Robinson College, which was opened in 1977. But the most famous is King's College, because of its magnificent chapel. Its choir of boys and undergraduates is well known all over the world. The Universities were only for men until 19th century when the first women's college was opened. Later the doors of colleges were opened to both men and women. Nowadays almost all the colleges are mixed.

To the north of Cambridge is the Cambridge Science Park, the modern face of the University. This park has developed in response to the need for universities to increase their contact with high technology industry. It is now home to more than sixty companies and research institutes. The whole area is in fact very attractively designed, with a lot of space between each building. The planners thought that it was important for people to have a pleasant, park like environment in which to work.  Every year thousands of students come to Cambridge from overseas to study English


Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. Cambridge and Oxford are  the best known towns in the world and it can be found on most tourists' lists of places to visit.
  2. Cambridge is famous for its university, which started during the 13th century and grew steadily, until today there are more than twenty  two colleges.
  3. The Universities were only for men until 19th century when the first women's college was opened.
  4. Nowadays almost all the colleges are mixed.
  5. This park has developed in response to the need for universities to increase their contact with high technology industry and modern technologies.

6.    Every year thousands of students come to Cambridge from overseas to study     English.

Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.


tourists' lists











  1. Cambridge is one of the best known towns in the _______and it can be found on most __________of places to visit.
  2. The _________were only for men until 19th century when the first women's _________was opened.
  3. The whole area is in fact very_______ designed, with a lot of space between each________.
  4. The planners thought that it was important for people to have a_______, park like ________in which to work.

5. Every year thousands of students come to _______from overseas to study   _____.


   TEXT 15

Big Ben


Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks, and looks most spectacular at night when the clock faces are illuminated. You even know when parliament is in session, because a light shines above the clock face.

The four dials of the clock are 23 feet square, the minute hand is 14 feet long and the figures are 2 feet high. Minutely regulated with a stack of coins placed on the huge pendulum, Big Ben is an excellent timekeeper, which has rarely stopped.

The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster, it was given to the Dean of St. Paul's by William III. Before returning to Westminster to hang in its present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858. The BBC first broadcast the chimes on the 31st December 1923 - there is a microphone in the turret connected to Broadcasting House.

During the second world war in 1941, an incendiary bomb destroyed the Commons chamber of the Houses of Parliament, but the clock tower remained intact and Big Ben continued to keep time and strike away the hours, its unique sound was broadcast to the nation and around the world, a welcome reassurance of hope to all who heard it.

There are even cells within the clock tower where Members of Parliament can be imprisoned for a breach of parliamentary privilege, though this is rare; the last recorded case was in 1880.

The tower is not open to the general public, but those with a "special interest" may arrange a visit to the top of the Clock Tower through their local.


Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.

















Аудіювання з англійської мови як засіб формування іншомовної соціокультурної компетенції передбачає вивчення культури країни, мова якої вивчається, системи матеріальних цінностей, що виробляються людським суспільством і передаються від одного покоління іншому.

Аудіювання з англійської мови, як складовий компонент всього процесу навчання, має розвивати у учнів  здатність використовувати знання, вміння та навички для пошуку, обробки й використання інформації в конкретній ситуації для вирішення конкретних проблем у процесі використання іноземної мови.

Методична розробка має інноваційний характер, відповідає новітнім технологіям навчання, спрямована на формування комунікативної компетенції учнів.

Методична розробка може бути рекомендована для викладачів середньої школи  в якості як основного, так і довідково-дидактичного матеріалу. Завдання з аудіювання  створюють базу для формування як внутрішньої мотивації вивчення іноземної мови, так і навчання взагалі, формують творчу особистість  учня, здатного до самовдосконалення та самоосвіти.


1.Методичні вказівки з розвитку усного мовлення для студентів 1 курсів/ Уклад.: Т.В.Варянко, Н.І.Карпенко, В.П.Огієнко. – К.: КПІ, 2009.

2. Головкова М.Н. Практичний курс з  англійської мови для студентів, 1986.

3. Методичні вказівки та завдання з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічного факультету/Уклад.: Т.О.Колодіна, І.А.Гришан, О.В.Маркова. – К.: КПІ, 2010.

4.  L. Panchenko Your  guide in English. Lugansk, 2010.









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