Тестові завдання для учнів 9-10 класів

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Тестові завдання для перевірки часових форм дієслів. Завдання виконані в формі тестів.
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I _________the new museum yet. Is it nice?

 a don’t visit

 b haven’t been visiting

 c haven’t visited

 d am not visiting

2 Monica hasn’t finished her homework_________ .

 a already

 b still

 c yet

 d recently

3 Toby is happy now because he_________ his dream job.

 a is finding

 b finds

 c has been finding

 d has found

4 Marie’s in a rock band. She_________ the electric guitar.

 a has played

 b is playing

 c plays

 d has been playing

5 Oh no! There_________ the last bus!

 a has gone

 b has been

 c goes

 d is going

6 There you are! I _________for you all morning!

 a have looked

 b am looking

 c have been looking

 d look

7 _________lunch yet? Would you like to join us?

 a Are you having

 b Do you have

c Have you been having

 d Have you had

8 Jack doesn’t use the car during the week because he_________

 to work.

 a is walking

 b walks

 c has been walking

 d has walked

9 I can’t buy those shoes because all _________my money.

 a already I’ve spent

 b I’ve been spending already

 c I’ve already spent

 d already have I spent

10 She needs to go for a walk. She_________ at her desk all


 a has been sitting

 b has sat

 c is sitting

 d sits

11 I _________anything like it before. It’s amazing!

 a don’t see

 b am not seeing

 c haven’t been seeing

 d haven’t seen

12 You should help Lucy because she _________it before.

 a hasn’t done

 b doesn’t do

 c hasn’t been doing

 d isn’t doing

13 We_________ them several emails, but they still haven’t


 a are sending

 b send

 c have been sending

 d have sent

14 Call her at the office. She is_________ there at this time.

 a seldom

 b usually

 c rarely

 d regularly

15 Karen _________to driving lorries. She has been doing it

since she left school.

 a gets used

 b is getting used

 c is used

 d has been getting used

25 березня 2020
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