Аудіювання "THE LAND OF INCA"

Про матеріал
THE LAND OF INCA About a half a thousand years ago there were people called the Inca. They lived in the western part of South America. The land of Inca was very large. Today Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina are situated on the Inca land. The Inca were civilized people. They had good and broad roads, bridges and well-developed towns. The Inca people had their own capital, called Cusco, and the emperor. They were farmers and grew vegetables, corn and maize. They had many domestic ani¬mals. The Inca people lived happily and peacefully for many centuries. But the cruel times came.
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About a half a thousand years ago there were people called the Inca. They lived in the western part of South America. The land of Inca was very large. Today Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina are situated on the Inca land. The Inca were civilized people. They had good and broad roads, bridges and well-developed towns. The Inca people had their own capital, called Cusco, and the emperor. They were farmers and grew vegetables, corn and maize. They had many domestic ani­mals. The Inca people lived happily and peacefully for many centuries. But the cruel times came.

In 1532 the Spanish Army conquered the Inca Empire. The Emperor was murdered, many towns were destroyed. The Inca people struggled fiercely. But the Spaniards were stronger. They had better weapon, they had come through many wars. The Spanish commander Francisco Pizarro was an experienced warrior. The Spaniards crushed the defence of the courageous people. They made the Inca work for them.

Many years have passed. Many Inca and Spanish people married each other. Now they live together and remember the high culture and civilization of the Inca people.

the Inca — інки

a Spaniard — іспанець

experienced warrior — досвідчений воїн






Variant 1

1.    Fill in the gaps choosing the correct word.

  1.                                                                       The Inca people lived in ... America,
    a) North b) South
    c) Eastern d) Middle
  2. The Inca people were ....

a) experienced warriors b) hunters
c) cowboys d) farmers

  1. The Inca capital was called ....

a) Cusco b) Incatown

c) Pizarro d) Ecuador

  1. The Inca people were ruled by ....

a) the king b) the queen

c) the emperor d) the commander

2. Mark the true sentences.

  1. The Spaniards came with peace to become friends with the Inca.
  2. The Inca had a civilized and highly developed country.
  3. Peru is situated on the lands of the Inca.
  4. The Inca choose a new emperor every five years.
  5. The land of Inca was not very large.
  6. The Spanish army got victory over the Inca.
  7. The Inca had better weapon and they won the battle at Cusco.
  8. Now the children of the Spanish and Inca people live together in peace.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. Who headed the Spanish Army?

2. When did the Spaniards conquer the Inka?

3. When did the Inka live?

4.Why do we think that the Inka were civilized people?


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 березня 2021
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