Books and Writers. Test

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота, що складається із чотирьох завдань, допоможе виявити рівень засвоєння учнями вивченого матеріалу із теми "Books andWriters".
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Тематична контрольна робота у 8 класі за темою “Books and Writers”. (підручник А. Несвіт)

I.Translate from English into Ukrainian

  1. adventure
  2. poverty
  3. literary activity
  4. long-term
  5. freedom
  6. collection of poems

II. Complete the sentences with the words: biography, fairy tale, science fiction, adventure story, thriller, detective story, non-fiction, romance.

  1. A book about killer or a crime is … 
  2. A story about 2 people who love each other is … 
  3. A story of a person’s life written by somebody is … 
  4. A book which describes real things and events is called…
  5. Books about imaginary events in the future are called…
  6. A children’s story in which magical things happen is …
  7. A narrative about someone who investigates crimes and catches the robbers, killers is called…
  8. A book in which you can find pirates, ships, islands, lost treasure is…


III. Write the sentences in the Future Simple Passive Voice.

1) This experiment … (to finish ) in a week.

2) The car … ( not to repair ) in two days.

3) The play …(to perform) next Sunday.

4) The book of this writer … (  to write) in a month.

5) The instructions … ( to give ) by my boss soon.

IV. Answer the question:

  1. Can you think of any books you would recommend to another person? (Why?)
  2. What is the best book you have ever read? Why do you like it??
  3. How often do you read books?  How many hours a week/month/year do you read?


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 грудня 2020
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