Про матеріал

Матеріал для проведення Брейн-рингу за т. " Не забувайте про свої манери поведінки" буде корисний для роботи з учнями старших класів в гуртках та позакласній роботі з предмету. Матеріал має виховну мету і вчить учнів, як себе поводити за столом, у школі, тощо.

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today we'll have an entertaining and educating programme. Let's play brain-ring. The theme is «Don't forget your manners».

And now the rules of the game:

  1. The game lasts until a team gets 6 points.
  2. Every correct answer is one point.
  3. Taking part in the game is decided by casting of lots.
  4. Only one minute is given for the discussion.
  5. The right to answer is given to the team, which has pressed the sound button first.
  6. The team-winner has a right to play the game with the next team.


Preparatory process for the game

  1. Every class presents a team of 6 members.
  2. They choose the team captain. One week is given for the theme preparation.
  3. The equipment: a watch timer, two tables, and six chairs for every team.
  4. Two sound buttons identify which team is the first to answer, a gong, a jury of three members to score, referee, and a reward.
  5. The questions are written on the small pieces of paper or asked by the host or hostess. The questions and answers must be simple and exact.
  1. Prizes for the teams.

The behavior of people in the society is really very important. A well-educated person must know manners and follow rules.


And the first question is ...

1. What is manner?

Manner is the way in which a thing is done or happens. On the other hand, it is behavior: a person's style of speaking, reading, eating and doing other things.


2.  Manners can be good and bad, can't they?

Manners can be good and, unfortunately, bad. It is a bad manner to speak long, to stare at people and we don't like the manner which some people have: interrupting a conversation.


3.  What do we say about people who have bad manners?

We often say that a person who has bad manners has no manners. Those who have no manners must learn how to behave.


4.  You must behave yourselves properly in the museum, in the Zoo, in the underground, in the bus. What must you do for that?

We mustn't

Touch the exhibits in the museum

Lean out of the window of any transport

Feed the animals in the Zoo

Walk the grass Run down the escalator

Eat ice-cream in transport

Speak loudly

Speak rudely

Do much noise in the bus, in the metro, in the museum, etc.



What do you do to be well-bred?


Usually Always Never

Help my mother and old people to carry heavy things

Hold the door open for any person following me

Interrupt grown-ups


What is Tidiness?

  1. School Rules for schoolchildren say that every pupil should come to school clean, tidy and neatly dressed. He should keep his place in the classroom neat and tidy.
  2. Tidiness is an important thing in school life as well as at home. A tidily dressed pupil is a good example to others. His personal cleanliness as well as his tidiness is always pleasing. Tidy copybooks and books are especially pleasing. But school is not the only place where things and people must be tidy. Don't you try to keep the rooms in your home clean, and keep your clothes, shoes and bed in order? You tidy your room, you tidy the papers on your desk. From time to time your family do the rooms. The furniture and everything else is dusted, the flowers are watered and the floors are either washed or swept and polished.

One of the moments when you can show your manners is while you are eating. It's unpleasant to sit near the person who doesn't know table manners.


And what table manners do you know?

  1. Keep your mouth shut when you are eating.
  1. If you're hungry, ask for more.
  2. Sit up straight.
  3. You shouldn't eat with your fingers.
  1. Put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate.
  2. You shouldn't talk with your mouth full.
  1. You shouldn't lick your fingers.
  1. You should say «Thank you» after the meal.
  2. After a meal everything is tidied away from the table and after you finish drinking tea the cups are washed and put away tidily.
  3.         If you have put some food in your mouth, you must swallow it.
  4.         To let anyone see what you have in your mouth or to make a noise when you are drinking is unpleasant.
  5.         It is not a good manner to put your left arm round your plate when you are eating with your right.
  6.         Don't push away your plate when you have finished. Let it remain exactly where it is until it is removed.
  1.         If there is no spoon in the saltcellar, use the tip of a clean knife, not your fingers.
  2.         Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public.
  3.         When you eat take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.
  4.         Do not eat too fast or too slowly, cut as you eat.
  5.         Take a little of every dish that is offered to you.
  6.         Sit up straight and face the table, do not put your elbows on the table while eating.
  1.         When refusing a dish simple say: «No, thank you», when accepting- «Yes, please».
  2.         Do not leave the spoon in your cup, when drinking tea or coffee.
  3.         Do not empty your glass too quickly.
  4.         Wash your hands with soap before breakfast, dinner, tea and supper.
  5.         Don't talk when you eat.
  6.         Don't put your knife in your mouth.
  7.         Don't make faces when you see food that you don't like.
  8.         Don't eat fast.
  9.         Hold your, fork in the left hand and your knife in the right hand when you eat.
  10.         Say «Please» when you ask people to give you something.
  11.         Say «Thank you» when people pass something to you.
  12.         Put the napkin on your knees.
  13.         If you need something on the table, for instance, the salt-celler, ask your neighbors to pass it for you. You mustn't take it over your neighbors' heads. Don't forget to say «Thank you» for this or any other kindness done for you.
  14.         Bread is taken from the bread plate with the hand, not a fork. Don't use a knife for fish and never put it (the knife) into your mouth because you may easily cut yourself.

34.You mustn't make bread-balls, whistle or sing or play with the forks and knives.

35. The guests mustn't ask for another helping of soup (according to the «Table manners»).

36.When some unknown dish is placed before you, don't express surprise, never show that you see it for the first time. Don't chew very loudly like the children. But you mustn't swallow without chewing.

School is also a place with strict rules all of us must follow.


What school rules do you know?

  1. We must study good manners thoroughly.
  2. Pupils must behave with courtesy, consideration and common sense at all times.
  3. Pupils must always have with them a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a student-book and all the necessary books.
  4. Homework must be done and handed in on time.
  5. Pupils must wear uniform; not to be late for school and for lessons.
  6. Before condemn somebody look at yourself. It's a bad manner to condemn somebody.
  7. If you push someone, say «Oh, please, accept my apologies»' or «I'm awfully sorry, it's my fault!»

Pupils must

Strive for knowledge

Have a sense of duty

Study hard

Attend school regularly

Have a sense of responsibility

Get rid of bad habits

Do sums themselves

Never crib sums

Keep their places in the classroom neat and tidy

  1. Smoking is forbidden!
  2. If there is no seat for grown-ups, stand up and say «Won't you sit down, please?»

The pupils shouldn't

Laugh at people and make jokes about their life and jobs.


Be selfish.

Fight at school.

Show off their knowledge.

Speak loudly.

Offend their friends.

Lie to their parents and teachers.

Miss the lessons.

Break the windows at school.

Draw pictures on the walls and the desks.

Do any harm to plants and animals.

Leave dirty papers and rubbish in the school yard.

Ride a bicycle in the street of a big city.

Cross the street in any place.

Make a noise in the street, at school, in the metro


The pupils should

Come to school clean, tidy and neatly dressed.

Be polite.

Say «Thank you» when they get a compliment.

Sit up straight.

Help their friends and give them advice when they are in trouble.

Respect their parents and teachers.

Go in for sports.

Change their shoes when they come to school.

Learn good manners.

Be careful when they cross the street.

Look respectable.

Put litter in the bin.

Give up their seat to old people.

Each school has a library, with a great number of books. In order to use books for a long time we must be careful with them.


The rules of readers

What are they?

  1. Take yours books back to the library in time, no later than in 10 days.
  2. Do not tear the pages of the book.
  3. Never read when you are eating.
  1. Wash your hands before you begin to read.
  2. Use the books with care.
  3. Don't break the order of the books on the shelves.
  4. In case of losing the book you must return the same book or the book of equal value or to pay for it in tenfold scale.

There are also so-called «healthy» rules. Life must know them to be healthy and strong.

At first we must wash our hands before meals, keep our bodies clean, get up early and do morning exercises, get enough sleep. We must get not less than nine hours sleep every night. Another rule is to breathe in as much fresh air as we can. There are rules we must remember both at home and at school.

We must sit and stand straight, when we are reading or writing let the light come from behind our left shoulder.

Physically inactive people get old earlier than those who have plenty of exercises. If you do daily exercises, you feel refreshed, you have a good posture and that is good. So pay attention to the way you stand, walk and sit. Take long walks in the open air as often as you can. Keep your body clean. Keep your teeth clean. Wear clean clothes. Sleep with your window open. Eat healthy food (fruit, vegetables, and lots of salads). Never smoke and drink alcohol, only soft drinks.

A lot of people are interested in how to make themselves healthy. They try to find different ways. And they know a lot of proverbs that help to do it:

  1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man neatly, wealthy, and wise.
  2. A strong spirit is in a strong body.
  3. If you eat just one apple you won't need a doctor.
  4. One apple — no doctor.
  5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  6. The early bird catches the warm (Кто рано дожиться и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживает). Кто раньше встает, тот вдвойне живет. An early riser is sure to be in luck. He who sleeps catches no fish. Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind.

Stresses are also of great influence on our health.

1. Do you know the main causes of stress?

The main causes of stress are: smb's death, divorce, marriage, money, and moving house, changing jobs, ending relationships and taking exams.

2. What are common ways of relieving stress?

The ways of relieving stress are: doing yoga or relieving exercises, chewing gum and playing with worry beads.

3. What simple advice do doctors give?

The doctors now say that there are simpler ways. Their advice is that people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. The doctors say that people (especially men) ought to cry more frequently. Crying is a natural way of relieving stress.

The doctors say that people shouldn't worry so much. What advice can you give to people suffering from stress?

You ought to

Get home Go to bed


You shouldn't work late in the evening.

You shouldn't smoke 40 cigarettes a day.

You shouldn't drink coffee before you go to bed.

You should take a lot of exercises.

You should drink warm milk before going to bed.

You should eat a tablespoonful of honey before going to bed.

Things go wrong in everybody's life sometimes:

Most accidents happen in the home.

  1. What will you do if you burn your arm? (Put cold water on it)
  2. What will you do if somebody's clothes catch fire? (Cover him (her) with a blanket)
  3. What will you do if there is a fire in your kitchen? (Close the doors and windows)
  4. What should you do not to have dangers in the home?



Keep dangerous things in cupboards. Look-after little children.

Be careful with

Hot oil.


Electrical things.



Oil products



Don't play with knives and other sharp things.

Don't put too much oil in a pan. Don't leave things on the stairs. Don't leave children alone in the house. Don't play with matches. Don't smoke in bed.

Don't touch electrical things with wet hands.

Today we are going to speak about one of the most serious problems: drugs.

There are more young addicts today than ever before.

Drugs (hard, soft and legal) can all cause addiction, serious illness and even death. Thousands of drug-addicts die every year. Some die from drugs themselves. Others die from AIDS. This is because they use dirty needles or share needles. Drugs are the second biggest business in the world. Only the arms industry is bigger. Is there a solution to the problem?




Advertising campaigns.

They play an important part in the war against drugs. Each campaign has had a message for example, «Just say no», «Stop the Madness», «Don't do drugs». Some anti-drugs campaigns have tried to shock young people. They show how heroin, for example, can completely destroy addicts lives. Also, how dirty needles spread AIDS.

Some campaigns suggest the slogan: «Choose life no drugs. Be all you can be». They show pictures of healthy independent young people, not the problems of addicts.



As well as advertising, education is also vital in the fight against drugs.

Many schools have drug-education programmes for children as young as 8 or 9. Programmes like these include books, videos and cassettes. Some schools arrange visits from ex-addicts. The programmers listen to stories of ex-addicts about their life without drags. They tell the views exactly, how they stole money, lost their friends, hurt their families, and destroyed their health when they were addicts, how they began a new life.

Hostess: I'd like to finish with a quotation. «I don't take drugs because I want to be in control of my life».

Now I'm going to do my best to convince you that smoking harmful.

Do you think that smoking is harmful?

So now I think you understand that there a lot of rules in all our life. Some rules are for our behaviour in the society, to show us to other people, others are for our health and strength, for long and healthy life, and some we need to live in peace. But all of them are very important. It is very useful for us to know them.

Hostess: Today we'll speak about such a bad habit as smoking and I want to find out what you know about it.

Pupil's answers:

P1. Smokers are more likely to get colds and flu than non-smokers.

P2. Cigarettes aren't tested on animals.

P3. Nicotine is more addictive than most illegal drugs, including heroin.

          P4. One in four smokers starts smoking at the age of 12.

P5. Cigarettes companies specifically target young people in their advertising.

P6. Smoking when you're pregnant doesn't hurt your baby.

P7. Smoking causes heart problems, loss of memory, cough, chest problems, cancer and ulcers.

P8. Second-hand smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmless.

P9. If you don't start smoking before the age of 20, you probably won't ever start.

P10. More girls than boys smoke.

P11. Doctors claim that lots of teenagers smoke because they lack self-confidence.

P12. Giving up smoking can make you gain weight.

P13. Tobacco kills more Ukrainians each year than alcohol, illegal drags, murderers and AIDS combined.

P14. Cigarettes are so addictive because it only takes 7 seconds to feel the effect of the nicotine in your blood.

P15. Cigarettes can calm you down.

Hostess: What measures should be taken against smoking?

Pupil's answers:

P1. It's a recognized fact that cigarettes kill 50,000 people every year. Each cigarette shortens your life for five minutes.

P2. Smokers have such diseases as ,cancer or chronic bronchitis and have to be treated at the nation's expense. They not only ruin their own health but also the health of other people. We have to inhale the poisonous air they blow out. This is of course dreadfully anti-social behaviour.

P3. Strict measures should be taken against smoking.

P4. Smoking should be banned in all public places schools, hospitals, libraries, restaurants, bars.

P5. It's necessary to double taxes on tobacco, to raise, the price on cigarettes.

P6. It's necessary to ban all kinds of advertising of tobacco on TV, radio, in press.

P7. No T-shirts, caps, bags with cigarette ads.

P8. Tobacco industry should reduce the content of nicotine in cigarettes.

P9. There must be reliable information about medical findings of hazardous consequences of smoking.

Hostess: We spoke about bad habits, their effect on people's health and found out what measures should be taken against smoking. You are to decide either to be healthy and happy or rain your life. It's your world.


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 березня 2018
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