Lesson plan
“English is fun”
for 3 – 4 forms pupils
Topic: Брейн-ринг “ English is fun”
Objectives: to motivate to learn English:
to develop and improve students’ lexical and grammatical skills;
to develop interest to the subject, cultivate team spirit and sense of community;
to develop communicative ability.
T: Good morning, my dear friends. I am glad to see you here today. I know that all of you are very hardworking, smart and clever pupils, who are fond of English. Today we shall have an interesting quiz and see who is the best at English.
Today … are the members of our jury. They will count all you points and announce the winner.
Your homework was to choose the name of your team, make a slogan and choose a captain of your team. So present ,please, your teams.
T: The teams are formed and we can start our quiz. At the end of it our jury will count all your points and announce the team that has won.
It is better to do well than to say well.
The second one is “FRIENDSHIP”.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Now I want to introduce the participants of our competition, the pupils who love and know English. So, meet the teams and their captains. I wish you good luck and success. Be very attentive and don’t be afraid, everything’ll be all right.
Please, listen attentively to the rules and conditions of each game, be active, quick and “Good luck”.
Are you ready to start?
1. T: The first task is “Personal Information”
T. The first game is called “Introduction”. Your task is to tell about yourself your Ukrainian or English friend by plan.
About Myself
2. T: The second task is called “Letter games”.
Let's review the alphabet. Do you remember all letters? Let’s sing a song about the ABC. (Виконання пісні). Could you show some of letters?
You can get 5 points for the right answer.
3. T: And now we come to the next contest which is called “A magic 5”. Look at the square, each team will take turns in answering questions. You'll choose any number. “ ...”, it's your turn to start. Captains will have an opportunity to choose the number.
You can get 5 points for the right answer.
1 |
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12 |
1. Say or sing the English alphabet.
2. Name 5 colours.
3. Name 5 sorts of vegetables.
4. Name 5 school subjects.
5. You're lucky! You won a prize!
6. Name 5 sorts of fruit.
7. Name 5 sports.
8. Name 5 professions.
9. Name 5 things that people wear.
10. Name 5 English names.
11. Name 5 English-speaking countries.
12. Name 5 wild animals.
(Hand-out 1)
4. T: The next task is “Relaxation’’.
Each participant should pull out a piece of paper and complete a task which is written on it.
(Hand-out 2)
5. Simon says.
T: Are you attentive listeners? It's very important for learning English. We'll
check it up in a few minutes
a) Simon says.
You show only what Simon says.
I team:
1. Touch your nose,
2. clap your hands,
3. show me a window,
4. stand up,
5. show me a pen,
6. sit still,
7. sleep,
8. go to the door.
II team :
1. touch your head,
2. touch your knees
3. sit still,
4. sleep,
5. go to the door.
6. T: If you play a game of “Opposites” you will learn more words while enjoing the game. Your task is name words that have opposite meanings.
(Big – small, thin – thick, white – black, summer – winter, cold – hot, long – short, happy – sad, dirty – clean, tidy – untidy )
For each correct word you’d get a point.
7. T: And now, children, try to guess the Riddles. Who knows, raise your hands, doesn’t shout.
1. I am an animal. I am big and long. I am green. I can swim. (crocodile)
2. I am an animal. I am big and angry. I am orange and black. (tiger)
3. I am a toy. I can fly. (kite)
4. I am a toy. Boys like to play with me. (car/train/plane)
5. I am an animal. I am big and brown. I like to sleep. (bear)
6. I am an animal. I am green. I can swim. I can jump. (frog)
7. I am an animal. I am grey and very little. (mouse)
8. I am an animal. I am grey and big. (elephant)
9. I live in an ocean. I am little. I can swim. (fish)
Who guess – get a point.
T: You should name the words on ‘’Family’’, ‘’School’’ topics – one word from each team. Which team can’t remember a word on a topic is out of the game.
The winning team will get 3 points and the other 2.
T: It’s a famous kind of a competition and four members of each team can try their abilities in miming. Take a card with a word on it and mime it to another team. Their task is to recognize the word correctly. For each correct word you’d get a point.
2. tennis 2. badminton
3. flower 3. cooking
4. to drive 4. mineral water
(Hand-out 4)
(Hand-out 5)
T: Transmit the sentence by whisper. The last pupil says it aloud. You can get 3 points for the correct answer.
I team: Mom cooks the apple pie.
II team: I usually get up at 7 o’clock.
The last game today is
T: You learn English but what do you know about Great Britain and it’s culture? Let’s check your knowledge and answer the questions.
1Англійська мова-це мова:
б) англійців і американців
в) англійців
2 Яка кількість людей у світі розмовляє англійською мовою?
а) 1,5 мільярди
б) 100 тисяч
в) 3 мільйони
3 У скількох країнах англійська мова є офіційною?
а) в 40
б ) у 65
в) у понад 65
4 Яка валюта у Великобританії?
а) фунти
б)фунти стерлінги
в) долари
5 О котрій годині в американців проходить ланч?
а) о 12
б) о 14
в) о 17
6 Відомий Строунхедж-це..
а) озеро
б) великі камені
в) годинник
7 Столиця Великобританії-це
а) Париж
б) Лондон
в) Рим
8 Яка річка протікає в Лондоні?
б) Амазонка
в) Міссурі
9 Що таке *Лондонське око*?
б) палац
в) колесо обзору
10 Яка страва вважається національною у Великобританії?
а) Вівсянка
б) піца
в) макарони
11 Як звуть королеву Англії?
а) Вікорія 2
б) Катерина
в)Єлизавета 2
12 З яких частин складається Великобританія?
а) Америка,Шотландія,Північна Ірландія,Уельс
б) Шотландія,Північна Ірландія,Уельс,Англія.
в)США,Австралія,Північна Ірландія,Уельс
13 Біг Бен-це...
б) годинникова башта з еликим звоном
в) годинник
14 Яке інше ім'я Лохнеське чудовисько в Шотландії?
а) Лессі
б) Нессі
в) Джессі
For each correct answer you’d get a point.
T: Our competition is coming to the end …
The score of the first team is... The score of the second team is...
So, the winner is the team... …, but I think that friendship has won. Do you agree with me? Each team had wonderful answers and played very well. Our congratulations! I would like to thank our teams, and give this present for you. Dear judges, I would like to thank you for your work too. Our game is over. Goodbye!
Hand-out 1
1 |
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3 |
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Hand-out 2
Playing volleyball
Having lunch
Getting up
Playing the guitar
Playing the piano
Brushing your teeth
Playing snowballs
Listening to the teacher.
Hand-out 3
Family: mother,father,daughter,son, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt,uncle, niece, nephew, parent, children, grandparent, grandson, granddaughter, great-grandchild, twins, twin-brother, twin-sister, cousin, step-father, step-mother, wife, husband,familyrelative, daddy, mummy...
School: school, teacher, pupil, schoolboy, classmate, school uniform, classroom, library, laboratory, computer room, canteen, gym, stadium, playground, swimming pool, cloakroom, school hall, lesson, break, timetable, test, dictation, composition, exam, mark, homework, blackboard, desk, map, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, workbook...
Hand-out 4
lemon kettle
tennis badminton
flower cooking
to drive mineral water
Hand-out 5
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(Слова, що сховалися: grandparents, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, parents, wife, husband, friend).
Days of the Week
2↓ |
6→ |
1→ |
7↓ |
3→ |
4→ |
5→ |
1) понеділок
2) вівторок
3) середа
4) четвер
5) п’ятница
6) субота
7) неділя
Таблиця для журі
Клас або команда |
Назва конкурсу |
Команда 1 |
Команда 2 |
Всього: |