Мета: показати, що учні засвоїли з англійської мови за час навчання, розвивати мовленнєві здібності та вміння працювати в команді, розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів, виховувати почуття самостійності та вміння долати труднощі, виховувати інтерес та любов до вивчення англійської мови.
Хід заходу
T: Ladies and gentlemen. We are very glad to see you. Welcome to our contest for young experts of the English language. Our contest is called ”Who know English better?”. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Two teams are welcome to our contest. But first, let me introduce our jury. They are….
Our contest consists of 14 stations. We wish every of the team good luck.
Station 1: Our first competition is for captains. You should make a word from the given letters. You will get 1 point for each right word. (Капітани отримують картки зі словами. В слова змішані літери. Їх завдання: скласти слова та перекласти їх українською)
1)l i s h e n g (English)
n d f r i e (friend)
k b o o (book)
2) t a i n b r i (Britain)
a l a n i m (animal)
a c e f (face)
Station 2: I want to see how well do you know the ABC and now let's play the game "Taking steps". (З кожної команди викликається по одному учаснику. Учням пропонується назвати слова на картках по буквах"Spell the word, please".Учні отримують по 2 бали за правильно відповідь.)
Station 3: “Crossword”
Teacher. You should find 10 words-colours.
Знайти 10 слів, що позначають кольори .
k |
r |
e |
d |
a |
j |
l |
a |
y |
d |
b |
b |
r |
o |
e |
k |
s |
g |
y |
e |
y |
l |
r |
f |
g |
r |
e |
e |
n |
e |
l |
c |
a |
o |
e |
t |
i |
h |
w |
b |
r |
l |
p |
c |
w |
b |
l |
u |
e |
n |
n |
g |
o |
i |
k |
n |
i |
g |
z |
j |
n |
g |
y |
w |
n |
i |
e |
l |
p |
r |
u |
p |
t |
e |
o |
k |
p |
Station 4: Our next competition is called “School”. You need to make sentences from the given words.
Station 5: The next task is called "A magic square”. Look at the square, each team will take turns in answering questions. You’ll choose any number. Captains will have an opportunity to choose the number. (Капітан вибирає номер завдання, команда відповідає. За правильну від-дь – 2 бали)
1. Say or sing the English alphabet.
2. Name 5 colours.
3. Name 5 parts of body.
4. Name 5 school subjects.
5. You’re lucky! You won a prize!
6. Name 5 sorts of vegetables and fruits.
7. Name 5 school things.
8. Name 5 professions.
9. Name 5 month.
Діти швидко та весело відповідають на запитання, якщо дістається номер 5, команда просто отримує 5 балів.
Station 6: “Holidays”. Match the dates with the holidays.
1 January |
1) Ukrainian Independence Day |
7 January |
2) Mother's Day |
5 May |
3) New Year's Day |
24 August |
4) Victory Day |
March - April |
5) Day of Knowledge |
1 September |
6) Easter (Paskha) |
9 May |
7) Women's Day |
19 December |
8) Christmas |
8 March |
9) St. Nicholas' Day |
Station 7: The nextcontest is called "Parts and wholes”. You should combine the parts so as to get a popular name of cartoons. Who will be the first?
You can get 1 point for each right answer.
1. Mickey a) Claus
2. Kung Fu b) Duck
3. Robinson c) Pooh
4. Tom and d) Mouse
5. Donald e) Panda
6. Winny-the- f) Crusoe
7. Santa g) Jerry
Station 8: The contest is called "The right choice”. It’s very important to make the right choice in our life: the right choice of a color, a hobby, a friend. Each team should answer my questions. You’ll get the cards with the letters a, b, c. Choose the right answer and show us the card.
1. The capital of Ukraine is a) London b) Paris c) Kiev
2. The holiday in winter is a) Easter b) New Year c) Halloween
3. The colour of rose is a) red b) blue c) black.
4. The season of the year is a) Monday b) December c) spring
Each team can get 1 point for the right answer.
Station 9: Choose a number of card, read the sentence, say if it is TRUE or FALSE, change the sentence to make it true.(1 бал – за правильну від-дь, 2 бали – якщо з виправленням неправильного твердження).
1 A mouse is a very little pet |
2 Cats drink milk |
3 Tortoises are more playful than dogs |
4 A tortoise can run very fast |
5 A hamster eats eggs |
6 Birds sing at night |
7 People take their dogs for walks |
8 People can speak English |
9 Dogs can bark |
10 Snakes play with dogs |
11 Horses eat meat |
12 Fish are noisy pets
Station 10: One more contest. It’s called "Cities and countries”. You should answer my questions. The team which answers the first and correctly - wins. You can get 1 point for each right answer.
1. What is the capital of France? ( Paris)
2. What is the capital of Russia? ( Moscow)
3. What is the capital of Italy? ( Rim)
4. What is the capital of Germany? ( Berlin)
5. What is the capital of USA? ( Washington)
6. What is the capital of Belorussia? ( Minsk)
7. What is the capital of Great Britain? ( London)
8. What is the capital of Portugal? (Lisbon)
Station 11: Find the opposites. Read and translate (учні знаходять протилежні за значенням слова і переміщують їх на потрібне місце; читають і перекладають).
1) Yes - father
2) Mother – no
3) Sister – brother
4) Hello – day
5) White – black
6) Night – good-bye
7) Cat – girl
8) Boy – dog
9) Big – can’t
10) Can – small
Station 12: Guess the words.
(b)ook; (foo)tball; (clas)sroom; (win)dow; (bookc)ase; (Eng)lish; (anim)al; (sch)ool; (co)coa; (m)eat; (ta)ble; (bl)ack; (pup)py; (chi)cken; (so)fa; (din)ner; (ice-cr)eam; (rab)bit; (ele)ven; (par)rot.
Station 13: “Riddles”. Listen to the riddles and try to guess them. For each correct answer you will get 2 points.
I need electricity.
I have a screen.
I can send email.
You can play games on me. (COMPUTER)
I’m often made of wood.
I have four legs.
You eat on me.
You put a cloth on me. (TABLE)
I live in the house.
I eat everything.
I am small and grey.
Cats eat me. (MOUSE)
This is something black and white
But it’s not an old TV
It’s a type of animal
That starts with the letter Z. (ZEBRA)
I live in Africa.
I am yellow and brown.
I eat leaves.
I have a long neck. (GIRAFFE)
What can we see in the sky at daytime when there are no clouds. (THE SUN)
Children don’t go to school in…(SUMMER)
It lives in the forest,
It is brown and fat,
And sleeps in winter. (BEAR)
Station 14: And now we are coming to the end. Our last task is called “PICASSO picture”. Listen to me and draw this picture. The best picture will get 5 points, the next one – 1 or 2 or 3 points (вчитель читає опис робота, діти малюють його з даного опису)
It’s got a big white head.
It’s got two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears.
It’s got short hair. Its hair is black.
It’s got a big blue body.
It’s got two long arms. They are red.
It’s got two yellow hands.
It’s got three short legs. They are green.
It’s got three black feet.
III. Заключна частина. Підсумок уроку. Jury: The score is… and the team( …. ) is the winner. (Переможці отримують подарунки). Do you like our game? Will you take part in such games more? If you didn’t win the game, don’t worry, you are all clever guys.
l i s h E n g
n d f r i e
k b o o
t a i n B r i
a l a n i m
a c e f
My school is new and modern. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for English, History, PE, Maths, Music, Ukrainian, Art. Pupils wear school uniform. We put copybooks, books, pens, pencils, a dairy, rulers and rubbers in our schoolbags.
1. Say or sing the English alphabet.
2. Name 5 colours.
3. Name 5 parts of body.
4. Name 5 school subjects.
5. You’re lucky! You won a prize!
6. Name 5 sorts of vegetables and fruits.
7. Name 5 school things.
8. Name 5 professions.
9. Name 5 month.
B |
C |
A |
B |
A |
1 A mouse is a very little pet |
2 Cats drink milk |
3 Tortoises are more playful than dogs |
4 A tortoise can run very fast |
5 A hamster eats eggs |
6 Birds sing at night |
7 People take their dogs for walks |
8 People can speak English |
9 Dogs can bark |
10 Snakes play with dogs |
11 Horses eat meat |
12 Fish are noisy pets
b oot foo tball clas sroom win dow bookc ase Eng lish anim al sch ool co coa m eat ta ble bl ack pup py chi so cken fa ner din ice-cr eam rab bit ele ven par
b oot foo tball clas sroom win dow bookc ase Eng lish anim al sch ool co coa m eat ta ble bl ack pup py chi so cken fa ner din ice-cr eam rab bit ele ven par