власний збірничок цікавих завдань для початківців

Про матеріал
збірничок для початкових класів ''Try to do it'' , де можна знайти цікаві завдання по різних темах.
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                                                                         Пристанський НВК












                               ‘’ TRY TO DO IT‘’













                                          - 2017-







1)These sentences are wrong. Correct them like this.


Example: Birds fly under water. – Birds don’t fly under water.

                                                        They fly in the air.


  1. Pandas live in Africa.___________________________


  1. Fish swim in the air.____________________________


  1. Bananas grow in cod countries.___________________


  1. Kangaroos live in India.________________________


  1. Peanuts grow on tree._________________________


  1. Penguins  live at the North Pole._________________


  1. Koalas eat fish.______________________________


In the ground                                  leaves

In Australia                                     at the South Pole

under the water                               *in the air

in China                                            in hot countries


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSGFKLkAjVmovMOp3mtM_cQGnuJT-121acK0nyOvjG8arHpIxoMNlrsA2) Match the animals on the left with the abilities on the right.

A cormorant                                can’t   fly

A chimpanzee                             can run fast

A penguin                                    can catch fish                     

A bat                                            can’t swim

A horse                                         can fly


 3) Match  words from the three columns and write sentences.

1. Cormorant                     small insect                             long tail.

2. Snake                             small animal                            nasty bite.   

3. Mouse                            big bird                                     no legs.

4. Ant                                  reptile                                      long neck.


4)Circle the correct answer.

 1)Are bats blind?

a) no                          b) yes

2) How fast can a cheetah run?

a) 145 km\ h               b) 70 km\ h                    c) 115 km\h

3)How many year can queen ant live?

a) 18                 b) 30                     c) 6

4) How long is the average blue whale?

a) 18.5m                b) 12.6m                  c)30.4m

5) Where are chimpanzees from?

a) Asia                  b) Africa                       c)South America

6)Where do giant pandas live?

a) Australia      b) India          c) China

7)When does an earthworm look for food?

a) at night             b) during the day                c) anytime

8) How many legs has a fly got?

a) six         b)eight                  c)four

9)Which  animal does like nuts?

a) dog                 b) squirrel                       c) sheep

10)What animal does say “mew-mew”?

a) horse         b) cock                c) cat

11) What animal is from farm?

a) elephant                  b) cow                 c) monkey

12) What animal has piglets?

a) dog              b) sheep                c) pig

13) What colour is elephant?

a) red                   b) green                c) grey







5) Which animals do you think are frightening and which are nice?

Complete the words networks with these words.


Wolf, penguin, cockroach, dolphin,  whale, vampire bat, spider, cat, rat, worm, ant, elephant, dog, cow, chimpanzee, snake, sheep, monkey, crocodile, frog, rabbit, fox, bear, horse, pig, camel,  lion.

Frightening  animals                          

Nice animals











6)Find eleven animals in the wordsearch.






































































































https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQYS0w_-6nCqDB24n19vpd-BHP2Kz29WVUs7exp8NSre4smmTWWywIT3ghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqYsUqs7zWYH_eyBNIYj8uFAY1AARjX0FvJAy6NzxlkI8U5l2FYDdUxQ        https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSZpXg4i9M29XgLcobyagcZxkZ_2YNY3mzcq99x_aPJywKajkWwZxg0Cchttps://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSboly2SQMQp00kIYXwdU037w1sva2-7OUA_cjGyRnGuh6lQxBGctts3jyG




7)Find words related to animals and birds.



















































8)Classify all these animals and birds into an appropriate column.


Horse,  piglet,  cow,  turkey,  duck,  goose,  bull,  fox, crocodile,  panda,  chick,  wolf,  kangaroo,  leopard,  calf,  hen,  duckling,



9)Unscramble these words and make up your own sentences with them.

Aneplic_________                                     toprar____________

Lisan___________                                   rcanay____________

Stocupo_________                                    erhso____________

10)Correct these statements.


A lion is very kind animal.___________________________________

A camel lives in Antarctica__________________________________

A crocodile feeds on plants.__________________________________

A hippo can’t swim.________________________________________

A giraffe feeds on meat._____________________________________

Monkeys don’t like bananas._________________________________

A wolf is afraid of a fox._____________________________________

A zebra is a very slow animal.________________________________

A koala lives in the water.___________________________________

A bat sleeps  at night  and flies during the daytime.________________   




1.Find the words for these clothes.                                                                                                                                     

































































































Светр                                         рукавички

Пальто                                       куртка, жакет

Сукня                                              шорти

Галстук                                          шкарпетки

Футболка                                      кросiвки

Джинси                                         спiдниця


  1. Read the words and find the odd one out in each line.

Sandals,  shoes, boots, cap.

Tights,  scarf, trousers, jeans.

Blouse, tights,  shirt, skirt.

Т-shirt, coat, shorts, sandals.

High, cotton, nylon, silk.

Fur, wool, nylon, wear.

Mittens, put on, take off

1.   Pronunciation drills







































b) Read, repeat and learn the tongue-twister.

If Katie can tie a tie, why can’t I untie a tie?

New Vocabulary


Wear [wεә] – носити (одяг)

jeans [ʤi:nz] – джинси

sweater ['swetә] –светр

sock [sכk] – носок

jacket ['ʤækit] – куртка

trousers ['trauzәz] – брюки

shirt [∫ә:t] – сорочка

T-shirt – футболка

skirt [skә:t] – спідниця

pants [pænts] – штани

blouse [blauz] – блузка

coat [kәut] – піджак, пальто

slippers - тапки



shirt4ikurtka9http://katyaburg.ru/sites/default/files/pictures/muj-odejda/modnye_mugskie_bruki_23.jpeg2.   Name these clothes
















3.   Put in is or are in the following sentences.

His shirt _______________nice.

My trousers _______________ white.

Her dress __________new.

Their jeans _________black.

His shirt __________dirty.

Her skirt _________short.

Tom’s jacket _________orange.


4.   Put in this or these.

1) __________ socks are dirty.

2) __________ skirt is short.

3) How much is _________ shirt, please?

4) __________ trainers are new.

5) __________ trousers are blue.

6) __________ tights are hers.

7) __________ shorts are made in Great Britain.


5.   Read the text and draw the costume of the girl.

This is the costume of Autumn. The girl has got a beautiful long dress with all kinds of fruit on it. She has got a red and blue umbrella in her hand with raindrops because it rains a lot in autumn.

6.   Answer the questions.

1. What clothes do you like to wear?

2. What is your favourite colour?

3. What is your school uniform?

4. What clothes do you wear in summer?

5. What do boys like to wear?

6. What do girls like to wear?

7. What colour of jeans do you choose to wear?


Grammar Corner

Remember the Past Simple Tense.

Означає дію, яка відбувалася або відбулася в минулому, і сказано, коли .Часто використовуються слова: yesterday, last week (month, year), an hour ago, at 7 oclock, on Monday, in 1997, the day before yesterday, the other day (на днях).




Він навчався в школі в минулому році.

.______   ___+ed (табл.)   _  _  _  _  ________ .

? did________   ________  _  _  _  _  ________?

- _______   did not   ________   _  _  _  _  ________.

(Крім дієслова to be (was, were) …)


Example: He studied at school last year.

                 Where did he study last year?

                 He didn’t study at school last year.



Who wrote these exercises yesterday?


Example: My friends were at home last night.

                Where were your friends last night?

                They were not at home last night.

7.   Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Tense.

1. The other day I (to meet) a friend of mine in the Shevchenko Museum. 2. We (to see) many pictures there. 3. They (to go) to the country last Sunday, they (to skate) and (to ski) there. 4. Some of my friends (to draw) pictures in the forest. 5. My brother (to begin) to study English some years ago. 6. The other day I (to go) to the library and (to choose) some books there. 7. This student (to come) to Lviv for the first time in 1998.

8.   Give short answers.

1. Was it cold yesterday? 2. Were your friends present at the lesson yesterday? 3. Were you at the concert on Sunday? 4. Were you there with your friends? 7. Was the concert good?

9.   Answer these questions and then write what you did yesterday.

1) What time did you get up yesterday?

2) How did you come to school?

3) What was your first lesson?

4) When did you have lunch?

5) When did you come back home?

6) Did you do your homework?

7) Did you watch TV in the evening?

8) What time did you go to bed?


Згадай неправильні дієслова.


(Неправильні дієслова)



past tense

(минулий час)









eat [i:t]








read [ri:d]















ate [et]






learned, learnt


read [red]







taught [tכ:t]





могти, вміти

робити, виконувати



одержувати, отримувати

давати; надавати

іти, ходити

мати; містити


вивчати; учитися; дізнаватися

виготовляти; створювати





розмовляти; говорити






10.   True or false? If a sentence is false, use 'didn't in it.

1) You gave your friend a present yesterday.

2) I walked your dog last week.

3) You read a book two days ago.

4) You saw a black cat last Sunday.

5) Your friend went to the library yesterday.

6) Your dad came to his office by car yesterday.

7) You taught your parrot to speak last week.

8) You had lots of toys when you were a little child.

9) You could swim when you were 7.

10) Your parents went to the market yesterday.

Learn the new vocabulary and the irregular verbs.

Fill in.

Yesterday my friend and I... to the History Museum.

There ... many old clothes and old furniture there.








We ... interesting things there.

We ... an exciting story about King Arthur.

My friend and I... a lot about the history of England.

We also ... some souvenirs yesterday.






Clothes of people

1.   Pronunciation drills

[כ]   [כ:] (wa)

[כ:]   (au, aw)

[ei]   (ay)   (ai)

[ei]   (ei)   (ey)

u]   (oa)



Say                rain





Play               wait




















b) Read, repeat and learn the tongue-twister.



We wear

We wear on our feet and legs

raincoat ['rein kәut] - плащ

suit [sju:t] – костюм

school uniform ['junifכ:m] – шкільна форма

hat [hæt] – капелюх

scarf [ska:f] – шарф

gloves [glΛvz] – перчатки

mittens ['mitәns] рукавиці

tie [tai] – краватка

slippers ['slipәz] –тапки

shoes [∫u:z] – черевики

socks [soks] – носки

trainers [treinәz] – кросівки

tights [taits] – колготки

try on [trai] – приміряти

fit – підходити (про одяг)














1.   Describe

a) what you are wearing now;

b) what your partner is wearing;

c) what the teacher is wearing.


2.   Change the woman’s clothes. You may use these pictures.

Example: The woman is wearing a sweater and a skirt now.















3.   Read the dialogue with your partner and act it out.

  • Do you like those shoes over there?
  • Yes, I do I like them very much.
  • As for me, I like black shoes. They match any suit.
  • What is your size?
  • 34.
  • I think there is a pair of your size. Try them on.
  • Oh, they are very nice. They fit me.

4. Read the text and do the following activities.

Is it a boy or a girl?

 A lot of boys and girls are wearing the same kinds of clothes nowadays. Many of them have got long hair. So it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.

An old gentleman is sitting in the park on the bench near the pond. A young person is standing on the other side of the pond. "My goodness!" the old man says to the person who is sitting next to him on the bench. "Do you see that person with loose jeans, a baggy T-shirt and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?" "A girl", says his neighbour. "She's my daughter". "Oh", says the old gentleman. "Please, forgive me! You are her mother, aren't you?" "No, I'm not", says the other person. "I'm her father".


a)   Answer Who-questions.

Who is wearing the same kinds of clothes nowadays?

Who has got long hair?

Who is sitting in the park on a bench near the pond?

Who is sitting next to him on the bench?

Who is a young person standing on the other side of the pond?

Who is the old gentleman's neighbour, a mother or a father?


b)   Complete the dialogue, using the facts from the text.

_: "My goodness! Do you see that person with loose jeans, a baggy T-shirt and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?"

_:  _________________________________________________

_: "Please, forgive me! Are you her mother?"

_:  _________________________________________________


c)   Dramatize the dialogue in front of the class, using wigs.


Grammar Corner

Comparison of Adjectives. (Ступені порівняння прикметників).

1) Old – older – the oldest

     Big – bigger – the biggest

2) Simple – simpler – the simplest

     Happy – happier – the happiest

     Clever – cleverer – the cleverest

     Narrow – narrower – the narrowest

3) Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful

     Interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

4) Good – better – the best

     Bad – worse – the worst

      Little – less – the least




5.   Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Example: new – newer – the newest

Fast –

Tall –

Small –

Comfortable –

Expensive -

Dry –

Learn the new vocabulary


Choose one of the verbs in the box and put it in the correct form.

Be         wear         carry        have


1). Tom’s shorts __________blue and his T-shirt _________white with red pocket.

2). I ___________a warm sweater today.

3). Sue _________got a red raincoat and she __________got a brown umbrella.

4). Look! Simon ___________ a bag for his girl-friend. It is so funny!

5). __________this an old or a new pair of jeans?









Clothes of people

1.   Pronunciation drills


ng [ŋ]

wh [h]

wh [w]

wr [r]

i перед nd, ld[ai]



























b) Read, repeat and learn the tongue-twister.

A wet windy walk on Wednesday.


2.   Read the dialogues with your partner and act them out.

John: Do you have a dark grey suit, please?

Shop-assistant: What is your size?

John: I think, it’s 38 or 40.

Shop-assistant: Yes, there are some dark grey suits of your size.

John: Show me one, please.

Shop-assistant: Here you are.

John: May I try it on?

Shop-assistant: Yes, of course.

John: The coat and the trousers fit me well.

Shop-assistant: Yes, I think so too. Besides, the colour is suitable for most occasions. [ә'keiʒnz] (випадки).


Lucy: Is my skirt very long?

Betty: I can’t say that. Look in the mirror.

Lucy: But I am standing in front of it. Yes, the skirt is long.

Betty: OK. It’s not difficult to make it shorter.


3.   Guess the riddles. In each of the following sentences find a hidden article of clothing.

1) This hoe is broken. _Shoe__

2). The shop-assistant keeps his stock in good strong boxes. _____________

3). Give them each a toy. __________

4) I often have cocoa to drink. ___________

5). Who saw his car first? ___________

6). A dog loves a good run. ___________


4.   Read and colour. Look at the boy in the picture.

Описание: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5xpLKTO_6wycsVYhKDZUUwaPicZcWcWreoRJSKbLWpr2reKfH 

His hair is fair.

His eyes are blue.

He’s wearing a yellow T-shirt and brown trousers.

His socks are green and his shoes are black.


5.   What do you wear when…

1) You are going to school.

2) You are going to a friend’s birthday party.

3) You are going to the cinema.

4) You are going for a picnic.

5) You are visiting your grandparents.

6) You are helping with the housework.

6.   Put these words into three columns.








Shirt, suit, skirt, tights, dress, watch, socks, shoes, trainers, shorts, cap, coat, gloves, ring, trousers, jacket, sweater, tie, belt, T-shirt, pants, mittens, raincoat, boots, pullover, bag.


7.   You are going on holiday. You can take six things. Choose six things from your own clothes. Write your packing list.

My Packing List

1) My blue trousers.

2) _______________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________

4)  _______________________________________________

5) ____________________________________________

6) ____________________________________________


8.   Describe the clothes that you are wearing now.



Grammar Corner


Learn the Future Simple Tense.

   Означає дію, яка відбуватиметься в майбутньому. Часто використовуються слова: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow (післязавтра), in a year (month, week, day), next week (year, month, day). Допоміжне дієслово shall вживається в документах та офіційних листах.


. ________   will    дієслово І форма   _ _ _ _ _ _

? will   ________   дієслово І форма   _ _ _ _ _ _?

_ ________   will not   дієслово І форма   _ _ _ _ _.

Example: We will  dance at our party tomorrow.

                 Will you dance at your party tomorrow?

                 Yes, we will. No, we will not.(We won’t)

                 We will not dance at our party tomorrow.



Who will come to see you tomorrow?

   Для позначення дії, яка відбудеться в найближчому майбутньому часі часто використовується конструкція to be going to …”

Example: They are going to see this film.


Translate the sentences

  1. Я поїду туди автобусом.
  2. Ввечері ми підемо в кіно.
  3. Вона допоможе мені приготувати сніданок.
  4. Влітку ми поїдемо в село.
  5. Коли він прийде?
  6. Чому вони не приїдуть?
  7. Хто це напише?
  8. Чи ви швидко прочитаєте цей текст?


Тренувальні вправи.      

Write questions to the sentences.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWA1U4lz0VmfTOfkkfVQqTJEztNTGb2DxoshdhOcgO1AJPtLsklOKJZr01. Roman has a very big dog. (What…?)

2. My pens are in the pencil-box. (Where…?)

3. I can read. (Can…?)

4. My friend lives in Odessa. (Where…?)

5. There is a doll on the sofa. (What…?)

6. My friend goes to school every day. (Who…?)

7. Her parents were at the theatre last night.(Where…?)

Write the words in the brackets in Present Simple, Past simple or Future Simple.

  1.                                                                      Last night I (see) a film.
  2.                                                                      Peter (to be) one of my best friends.
  3.                                                                      She (like) to listen to music.
  4.                                                                      Next Sunday we (go) to Luhansk.
  5.                                                                      Yesterday they (clean) the classroom.
  6.                                                                      My parents (to be) at the theatre last Sunday.

Project Work 1

1.   Draw and write. (Намалюй і підпиши.)

a) одежу, яку носять влітку й взимку;   

b) одежу, яку носять восени й навесн       








  Months of the year.


  1. Months quiz. Answer these questions.
  • In which month is your birthday?
  • Which are the summer months where you live?

     -  Which month has three letters?

-Which month has only 28 or 29 days?

-In which month does your school year start?



2)Write the month in the correct order.


1) J_______                              7) J_________

    2) F_______                              8) A_________

    3) M_______                              9) S________

    4) A_______                              10) O_______

    5) M______                               11) N________

    6) J_______                                12) D_______  


3)Compete the blanks in the sentences.


1)The fourth month of the year is ________.

2) Sunday is the _________ day of the week.

3)The _________ day of the week is Friday.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEq_yuc30q1mywRtgaK7TI8VyG9iGRbMlqgF-uzLc3xi5Bkd4hVBB3gw4) _________ is the sixth month of the year.

5)The________ month of the year is November.

6)___________ is the third day of the week.


4)Correct these statements, if necessary.   

1)School ends in the sixth month.

2) We have a short holiday in the tenth month.

3)Christmas is in the eleventh month.

4) New Year Day is the first day of the year.

5) St. Valentine’s Day is in the third month of the year.

6) March is the winter month.

7) December is the last month of the year.               







  1. Match each word with its definition.


Time words                                      Definitions

  1. one minute                                  a) twenty-four hours
  2. one hour                                      b) ten years
  3. one day                                        c) four to five weeks
  4. one week                                      d) twelve months
  5. one month                                    e) a hundred years
  6. one year                                       f) seven days
  7. one decade                                  g)sixty minutes
  8. one century                                  h)sixty seconds
  9. one millennium                            i) a thousand years


  1. Finish the sentences and do the crossword.


7. There are hundred yeas in a_________.


    1.There are sixty seconds in a __________

    2.There are twelve months in a ___________.

    3. There are seven days in a ____________.

    4. There are four weeks in a ___________.

    5. There are sixty minutes in a __________.

    6. There are twenty- four in a __________.



3) Answer the questions.

1) How many seconds are there in a minute?

2) How many minutes are there in an hour?

3) How many hours are there in a day?

4) How many days are there in a week?

5) How many months are there in a year?  


4)Write the year.

One millennium+ nine centuries+ninety-five years= 1995

     One millennium+fourcenturies+ninety-two years=

  1.  One millennium+sixty-six years=
  2.  One millennium+eight centuries+ twelve years=
  3.  One millennium+nine centuries+thirty-two years=
  4.  One millennium+seven centuries+eighty-nine year=
  5.  One millennium+seven centuries=


 5) Match these phrases with following numbers.


  1. twelve hours  + thirty-five minutes+ five seconds            10:40 :45
  2. seven hours+ five minutes+fifty seconds                          8:20:30 
  3. seven hours+ thirty minutes+ten seconds                         12:35:05 
  4. ten hours+forty minutes+forty-five seconds                     10:55:40
  5. eight hours+ twenty minutes+ thirty seconds                    7:05:50
  6.  ten hours+ fifty-five minutes+forty seconds                      7:30:10




6)Write the time.






Do you know these kinds of sport?

wrestling ['resliŋ] боротьба

gymnastics [dim'naestiks] гімнастика

running I'r٨ŋiŋJ біг

jumping - стрибки

swimming ['swimiŋ] плавання

boxing [boksiŋ] бокс 

skating - катання на ковзанах

skiing - катання на лижах

figure-skating ['figə] фігурне катання

tennis - теніс

football – футбол

volley-ball - волейбол

basket-ball - баскетбол

hockey хокей

chess - шахи


draughts [drα:fts] шашки

weight-lifting ['weitliftiŋ] важка атлетика

fencing – фехтування

base-ball – бейсбол

golf – гольф

handball – гандбол

water-polo – водне поло

track-and-field athletics – легка атлетика


divingниряння в воду

climbing – альпінізм

rowing – гребля

boating - веслування

yachting ['jכtiŋ] парусний спорт



Train yourself in using the new words.

  1. "What sports do you go in for?"

"I go in for gymnastics."






  1. "What game are you most keen on?"

"I'm very keen on tennis."




3) "Is ping-pong popular with your schoolmates?"




"Yes, I should think so."

"No, I can't say it is."

4) "Shall we play a game of chess?"






Learn this poem

Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It's much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski and skate

And play snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun.


Read the text, try to understand it without helping of a dictionary, discuss it with your partners. This vocabulary will help you.

section — секція

go in for sports — займатися спортом

jog — бігати трусцой

participant — учасник


catch cold — простужуватися,

courageous — сміливий

in the open air — на свіжому повітрі

include — включати




Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.

Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. Thеу prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.

Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils have got physical training lessons twice a week. Boys and girls play volley-ball and basket-ball at the lessons. There is a sports ground near our school and school-children go in for sports in the open air.

A lot of different competitions are held at schools, a great number of pupils take part in them. All participants try to get good results and become winners. Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don't catch cold.

Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.

There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volley-ball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.

There are summer and winter sports.

My favourite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming-pool twice a week. I prefer to rest by the lake or the river and swim there.

My friend Kostya goes in for boxing. He is a good boxer and he is a brave and courageous boy. His hobby helps him in his everyday life.


Answer the questions, make up dialogues using them.

1. Do you do your morning exercises every day?

2. Do children and grown-ups take care of their health?

3. Are a lot of different competitions held at schools?

4. Do you go in for sports?

5. Are there any popular kinds of sports in our country? What are they?

6. What is your favourite sport?

7. Where do you prefer to rest?

8. Do your friends go in for sports?

9. Do you like winter or summer sports?

10. Our hobbies help us in our life, don't they


An interesting quiz. Choose the correct answers.

1. What is the name of the sport when the player swims?

a) boxing                   c) chess

b) swimming             d) hockey

2. Find the second part of the word-combination "figure __".

a) skiing               c) riding

b) skating             d) playing

3. Find the irregular verbs.

a) swim                c) play

b) run                   d) jump

4. Find the Ukrainian translation of the word "fencing".

a) фехтування      с) футбол

b) хокей                d) тренер

5. Find the English translation of the word "шахи".

a) trainer                c) chess

b) fencing              d) draughts

6. Find the English translation of the word "змагання".

a) composition        c) country

b) competition        d) coincide

7. Find the noun.

a) courageous          c) tennis

b) warm                  d) wrong

8. Find the verb.

a) to swim               c) book

b) chess                  d) courageous

9. Find the noun.

a) sportsman           c) to jump

b) blue                    d) to read

10. Translate into Ukrainian the word "wrestling".

a) змагання            с) боротьба

b) фехтування       d) шашки

11. Find the verb.

a) to play                 c) boxing

b) skiing                  d) running

12. Find the word which is common to hockey, volleyball, football.

a) athletics               c) sport game

b) gymnasium         d) stadium



Sportsmen, sports and games

Learn these words

athlete – спортсмен, легкоатлет

captain['kæptin] капітан

coach – тренер

goal-keeper – воротар

full-back – захисник

half-back – напівзахисник

forward – нападник

opponent[ə'pounent] – суперник

referee – суддя

skater – лижник

skier – бігун на ковзанах

weight-lifter – важкоатлет

wrestler - борець

match – матч

set – партія (у грі)


sports societyспортивне товариство

team - команда

high jump – стрибки в висоту

long jump – стрибки в довжину

to compete – змагатися

competition – змагання

to set a record – встановити рекорд

to go in for … - займатися (спортом)

to win – перемогти

swimming-pool – басейн

stadium – стадіон

yachting station – яхт-клуб

gym – спортзал

ground – спортивний майданчик

skating- rink – ковзанка



Make up sentences, using the new words.


Train yourself in using the new words.

1) "How did you like the match?"

the competition

the game

"Oh, I enjoyed it greatly."

2) "What is the name of this sportsman?"

this boxer

the team captain

the referee

the winner

Number Six

3) "What do you do in the gym?"

at your athletics lessons

during your trainings

"Well, we usually do exercises on the horizontal bar."

the parallel bars

the balance-beam (to balance on a balance-beam) – ходити по бревну

the rings

4) ''What is the score?"

"The score is  1:0 in favour of our team." (1:0 is read one to nil )

  5:3                       the visiting team

12:2                       "Stal"

5) "With     what    score      did the game end?"

the match

the meeting

the first half

"Our team won the game 5:1."

lost the game 1:5

6) "What    are   his   results   in the long jump?"  

                            her                       the high jump     

                            your                  the 100 metre run

"Well, at the last contest he managed to long-jump 6 metres."

to high-jump   180   cm.

to clear (взяти висоту)2 metres

to take the   first place

to win the run with a time of 8 min 42.1 sec.

Explain in English:

to toboggan, a lot of spectators, ski-poles, tennis court, skiing-suit, a fisherman.


Read the text, ask the questions on the text, discuss and retell it.



Sport in Ukraine

at the disposal - у розпорядженні                          in particular - про особливості

compulsory - обов'язковий                                     junior - юнацький

coach тренер                                                         prospective - майбутній

inclinations - здібності                                            majority - більшість

to remain - залишатися                                          amateur - аматор, любитель

voluntary - добровільний                                       facility - обладнання

former - колишній

invaluable treasure - безцінний скарб

Health of every person is the invaluable treasure of our society. Sport is one of the few things that make people healthy. The general belief is that a person who goes in for sport regularly can't be weak and ill. Physically inactive people get older earlier than those, who find time for sport activity. No doubt that sport helps to bring up a generation of strong and healthy people.

Nowadays sport is widely popularized all over the world and in our country in particular.

Children are taught to love sport since early childhood. Yet in the kindergartens gymnastics is part of the child's daily activities. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Special junior sports schools have been opened where professional coaches train the children with sports inclinations. In Ukraine there are about 800 such schools for training prospective sportsmen. Some of them become professionals but majority remains amateurs.

There are voluntary sport societies and health groups in Ukraine. Young and old go in for some kind of sport nowadays. They go in for football, basketball, ice hockey, tennis, chess, wrestling, motoring, etc. At their disposal there are many sport complexes, stadiums, soccer fields, sports grounds, swimming pools and many other sport facilities.

Some Ukrainian athletes have gone down into the history of world sports. Among them are well-known former gymnast Larisa Latynina, ten-time Olympic Champion; weight- lifter Leonid Zhabotinsky, one of the world's strongest man; Olympic Track and Field Champions Nadezhda Olizarenko, Nadezhda Tkachenko, Vladimir Kiseliov, Olga Bryzgina, Sergey Beloglazov and Sergey Bubka; smimmers Sergey Fesenko and Alexander Sidorenko, boxers Vitaly and Vladymir Clichko.

Everybody knows well the name of the Ukrainian girl Oksana Bayul who has become the champion in figure skating in 1994.


Guess what sports and games are described here

1) The sport of fighting with fists,

2) the sport of one who swims,

3) the sport of playing a sort of football with an oval ball,

4) the sport of going on horseback,

5) a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field,

6) a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a net.

Say which of them are sports and which of them are games.

skiing, skating, football, rugby, boxing, rowing horseracing, basketball, golf, volley ball, running, high jump, cricket ice hockey, field hockey, badminton, tennis, baseball.


Answer the following questions.

What kind of sport do you go in for? Do you play draughts or chess? Which game do you like best? What indoor (outdoor) game can you play well? Do you attend hockey matches or football games? What football (hockey) team do you support and why? Have you ever tried figure-skating, if not why? What is the most popular sport in Ukraine?

ball games? What football (hockey) team do you support and why? Have you ever tried figure-skating, if not why? What is the most popular sport in Ukraine?


Complete the sentences and write them.

1. We didn't go in for skating yesterday because ...

2. They had to stop their tennis tournament because ...

3. As sport is an essential part of his life ...

4. In summer I go swimming and rowing when ...

5. Let me know if ...

6. We had to stop the football game because ...

7. They missed everything as ...

8. Every Sunday we can see a lot of people at the railway stations because ...

9. Of all outdoor games I prefer basket-ball but ...

10. I like sport because ...


An interesting quiz. Choose the correct answers.

1. Insert the Past Simple form of the irregular verb "run".

a) running                c) ran

b) run                       d) ron

2. Find the English translation of the word "гравець".

a) trainer                  c) result

b) player                  d) wrestling

3. Translate into Ukrainian the English word "courageous".

a) мужній                с) талановитий

b) сильний              d) сміливий

4. What word is connected with summer sports?

a) skiing                   c) skating

b) swimming           d) figure skating

5. What word is connected with winter sports?

a) football                c) hockey

b) volleyball            d) basketball

6. What game does Andriy Shevchenko go in for?

a) tennis                   c) chess

b) football                d) boxing

7. What is the name of the sport when players run with the ball and take it with hands? These players are very strong and tall.

a) football                     c) hockey

b) basketball                 d) chess

8. Who was the best Ukrainian winner in chess competition?

a) Klytchko c) Ponomariov

b) Shevchenko d) Blokhin

9. Who was the best European winner in football competition in 2004?

a) Ronaldo c) Shevchenko

b) Voronin d) Blokhin

10. Who was the best European and world winner in boxing competition in 2004?

a) Shevchenko          c) Mike Tyson

b) Vitaliy Klytchko  d) Volodymyr Klytchko


Sports, competitions, games.


Learn the poem

Lessons are over: away we run

To ski through the snow- what fun!

We are off to the pond to skate,

All go altogether, and none are late.

Nelly can dance on the ice like a fairy!

Andy cuts figures and so does Mary,

Ann is the best, like the wind she goes,

Peter is clumsy and falls on his nose.


Read the joke. Tell the joke on behalf of a) the stout woman, b) the young man.

A very stout woman was very fond of skating. Once she went down to a lake to spend a few hours on the ice. Very soon she had a bad fall. And as she was very heavy and stout she was unable to get up. She sat on the ice looking sad. A young man came skating up to her and helped her to rise.

"Is it your first time on the ice?" he asked. "No," she answered. "It is not my first but it will be my last, thank you."

Learn the new vocabulary and make up sentences with the new words

race – перегони, змагання з бігу

sprint races – біг на короткі дистанції

Marathon race – марафон

court – корт

chess-board – шахова дошка

chessman – шахова фігура

draw – нічия

record – рекорд

result – результат

point - очко


score – рахунок (у грі)

to even the score – зрівняти рахунок

to pass a ball – пасувати м’яч

to kick a ball – пробити мяч

to score a goal – забити гол

to score a point – виграти очко

to score a victory – отримати перемогу

puck – шайба

stick – ключка

racket – ракетка



Do you know these games? Read the texts and be ready to describe these games.


Softball is very similar to baseball, but is played with a larger ball. Softball is a popular sport among American women and co-ed (combined men and women) teams.                                                                                                                                                                                             



https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSi7psZn76vskSoOkIOa1bSHUK_X-T_NbzXY-kZiSFUSDN-5MNmtKs1c1IBasketball is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players on each team. Each team moves the ball across the court bouncing (or "dribbling") it. The players can also throw, or pass the ball to each other. They then try to shoot the ball into the basket, or hoop, to score a point. The team with the most points wins.


Football is a field game between two teams, played with an oval-shaped ball. The quarterback starts by throwing, or passing, the ball to one of the players, called a receiver. The receiver then tries to run with it toward the goal. The players of the other team try to tackle him to prevent him from reaching the goal line. The team with the most points wins.

What Is Football?

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSJu36vGL0z5dkDLFS6B2ZVRPSHRnOPsfu8bkc0OgMfPZBauPIa24wf8ALong, long ago, when people in many countries did not know anything about football, a traveller visited England and saw a football match for the first time. This is how he described the game in a letter to his friends:

"Englishmen have a funny game. They take a large ball, the size of a man's head, and begin to kick the ball and run after it. Some players kick the ball quickly, others kick it slowly. Those who cannot kick the ball, kick the legs of the other players. During the whole game a man runs on the field and blows a whistle from time to time."


Soccer is a field game between two teams, played with a white round ball. The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball with his or her hands. The other players are only allowed to kick the ball or bump in with their heads. The object of one of the game is to kick the ball past the goalkeeper into the goal. The team with the most points, or goals, is.

New Words

Co-ed — змішані (команди)                               quarterback — боковий суддя

To shoot — посилати (мяч)                                 goalkeeper — воротар

hoop — обруч                                                       to kick — вдарити ногой

to score a point — виграти очко                        to bump — вдарити


Try to describe one of these kinds of sports.

1) volley-ball,

2) football,

3) figure-skating.

Check your answers

1. It is a team came. Both men and women can play it The players have a ball. They play the ball with their hands. There are 6 players in each team.

2. It is the most popular game in Ukraine. The players have a ball. The game lasts for 90 minutes. It has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. They try to score a goal.

3. It is a very beautiful kind of sports. It gives the sportsmen strength and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to the music. They have beautiful costumes.


Answer these questions and make up dialogues.

1. Do you go in for sports?

2. What sports do you go in for?

3. Do you know the famous Ukrainian sportsmen?

4. Who is your favourite sportsman?

5. Can you skate or ski?

6. When and where do you skate or ski?

7. Are you a football fan?

8. Is there a swimming pool in your town?

9. Where do you swim in summer?

10. Have you a bike?

11. Do you often go cycling?

12. Is sport very popular in Ukraine?


Read the text and discuss it.

My First Football Match

to explain - пояснити                                   to get acquainted - знайомитися

muddy - забруднений                                  lazy - лінивий

to refuse - відмовляти                                  to discover - виявити

delight - задоволення                                   back to front - тут навиворіт

to teaseдражнити                                      miserable - нещасний

courage - мужність

Sports have never interested me. I cannot explain why it is so: may be because, unlike most boys, I do not enjoy wearing dirty clothes and muddy boots. Clothes certainly cannot be neat and clean when one plays football or something. Or, more likely, it is because I am too lazy.

I first got acquainted with football at games a year ago which was the first time I had to play. It so happened that some of the boys, who had never missed a game, were away, and the rest of our boys said that I was to play. I had no reason to refuse. And I did not want the boys to discover that I had never played football before. The first few game days were, to my delight, rainy ones, but I knew that one-day it would be fine. At that we had to change our clothes in one of the schoolrooms, and then walk to the stadium in shorts and football shirts which were not very good, especially when the cold wintry winds blew. At playtime we went to change our clothes, and I put on my football shirt back to front. When I was ready, everyone made a fool of me. When the boys were teasing me, I tried to show I didn't care much, but I had never felt so miserable in all my life. The boys talked all the way to the stadium. They discussed the game and the other team, which was; we knew it, rather strong. And I could think of nothing else but what I should look like on the field.




Write the questions to the given answers.


P2:I am going to my school gym.


P2:I'll have my training there.


P2: I have my training every other day.

P1:     ........

P2: Ivanov is my coach.

P1:     ........

P2: Of course I do.

P1:     ........

P2: Last year he was a champion. He is a very good sportsman.


An interesting quiz. Choose the correct answers.

5. Who is the best Ukrainian and world winner in swimming competition?

a) Shevchenko c) Klochkova

b) Voronin d) Klytchko

6. How many players are there in the basketball team?

a) 10 or 11         c) 21 or 22

b) 6 or 5             d) 1 or 2

7. How many players are there in the football team?

a) 12 c) 11

b) 13 d) 21

8. How many players play tennis?

a) 2 c) 14

b) 13 d) 40

9. How many players are there in a hockey team?

a) 11 c) 6

b) 12 d) 18

10. Does Ruslana like Olympic Games?

a) Yes, she does.

b) No, she doesn't.

c) I'm not sure.

d) No, she hates them.

11. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?

a) fire c) soil

b) water d) air

12. Where did the first Olympic Games take place?

a) Ukraine c) Greece

b) the USA d) England

13. How often do the Olympic Games take place?

a) every 4 years

b) every day

c) every year

d) every 14 years

14. What kind of sportsman is Ronaldo?

a) football player

b) volleyball player

c) swimmer

d) basketball player


Sport in British schools

Read the text and compare PT lessons in Ukrainian and English schools. Work in pairs.

Physical Culture in English Schools

English schoolchildren have two types of physical culture lessons gym (=gymnastics) lessons and games, especially team games. At the physical culture lessons they run and jump, they do exercises on the horse; they play volley-ball or basket-ball.

Team games are very important in English schools. Boys play football or rugby in winter, and cricket and tennis in summer. Girls play grass hockey in the colder months of the year and tennis, volley-ball and basket-ball in summer.

Every team has a game's captain, that is, a pupil whom the pupils themselves have chosen to help the teacher to get out and put away the games equipment, and to organize the teams of his or her form.

Football is the most popular game in England because England is the home of football. English boys play football at school and in the parks. Englishmen like to play Rugby football, too. In Rugby the player may hold the ball in his hands and run with it. The ball in Rugby football is not round, it is oval. There are fifteen players in a team. Rugby takes its name from the name of the English school where they first began to play the game. In 1823 a boy took the ball in his hands and ran with it. This was a new game and the boys liked it.


Say what they do.

A skater, a swimmer, a boxer, a skier, a wrestler, a foot-bailer, a speed-skater, a fencer, a chess-player, a basket-bailer, a tennis-player, an athlete, a goal-keeper, a draughtsman, a cyclist, a gymnast.


Correct the wrong sentences.

1. Football is popular in almost all the countries in the world.

2. Sport fans come to the stadium to learn their favourite poems.

3. If you want to play hockey you must have a puck and a stick.

4. People who play chess are called chessmen.

5. Track-and-field events are included into Olympic Games.

6. The referee acts as a goal-keeper in football.

7. There is no difference between tennis and table tennis.

8. Women are fond of playing hockey.

9. Tennis is a game in which two or four players strike a tennis ball with rackets over a net.

10. Every player dreams of losing a game.

11. Draughts is an outdoor game.


Read the dialogue in pairs and make up you own ones.


A: What are the most popular games in England today?

B: Well, I suppose football that is soccer and rugby, and cricket.

A: What are other outdoor games?

B: Oh, there are tennis, hockey, golf, and so on. Tennis is played all the year round on hard courts or grass in summer and on hard and covered courts in winter.

A: What about horse-racing?

B: I should say that is one of the most popular sports in Great Britain. Then there are, of course, walking-races, running, swimming and boxing.

A: I've been told that there are no winter sports in England.

B: Well, you see, the English winter isn't very severe as a rule and we don't often have the chance of skiing, skating or tobogganing but winter is the great time for hunting, because the ground is not too hard.

A: Are there any golf-links near London?

В: Oh, yes, there are a lot. There are dozens of good golf-links within an hour or so of London.

You ought to join a golf club if you're keen on the game.

A: I think, I shall, if I get the chance. What about indoor games?

B: Well, there's chess, billiards, cards, table tennis ... By the way, do you play billiards?

A: Well, I do, but, of course, I'm not a professional or a champion just an ordinary amateur and not a very good one at that.

Rugby – form of football played by two teams of 15 players using an oval-shaped ball


These are English games. Read about them, ask a question to each sentence. Be ready to make a report on this topic.

Cricket is as popular in summer as football in winter. Most boys play cricket at school and many of them continue to play cricket after they leave school in cricket clubs. Cricket is played by two teams of eleven players on a large field. It is difficult to understand cricket if you have never played it. Cricket is a slow game and may last an afternoon or two afternoons when there are matches between schools. A match may last three or four days when the match is played by professional players.

In England hockey, or field or grass hockey, is mainly a women's or girls' game. But men and boys also play it. Then the game becomes faster. Most girls play field hockey at school.

Ice-hockey is played by men and boys, but it is not very popular. There are two kinds of ice-hockey: ice-hockey with a ball and ice-hockey with a puck. The climate in England is not cold enough for ice-hockey out-of-doors.

Tennis is a very popular game in England. On summer evenings, Saturday afternoons and on Sundays thousands of girls and boys, men and women play tennis. They like this game very much. It is often played on a grass court, but the game is slower there.

Netball and basket-ball are mainly the same game. The ball is large and it is thrown into a net or basket. Netball is a very popular game with schoolgirls in England.

Rounders (англійська лапта) is a children's game. It is played on a field by two teams with a bat and a ball like a tennis-ball.

Explain these words and expression.



to change into sports clothes

event [i'vent]

outdoor games

indoor games


Read the joke and say what the fisherman will answer and how he will act.

 A fisherman was sitting for three hours trying to catch a fish. He was tired and hungry but he couldn't catch anything. He was about to leave the place when a woman and her small son came along. "Oh," cried the boy, "do let me see you catch a fish!" The mother got angry with her boy and, turning to the fisherman said, "Now, you don't catch a fish for him until he says 'please'."

An interesting quiz. Choose the correct answers.

1. Who is the best in swimming?

a) Yana Klochkova

b) Alina Ozinbayro

c) Leonardo di Caprio

d) Bohdan Stupka

2. What kind of sport does Raul Bravo go in for?

a) hockey

b) tennis

c) basketball

d) football

3. Who has become the youngest world chess champion?

a) Ruslan Ponomariov

b) David Dukhovny

c) Leonardo di Caprio

d) Tom Hanks

4. Who is the best basketball player of all the times?

a) Michael Jordan

b) Mike Tyson

c) Andriy Shevchenko

d) George Ruth

5. What does the football player do when he handles the ball?

a) He plays basketball.

b) He is happy.

c) He gets a yellow card.

d) He goes home.

6. What does the football player do when he gets a red card?

a) He plays.

b) He goes home.

c) He stops playing.

d) He plays tennis.

7. What does a footballer do when he gets two yellow cards?

a) He plays.

b) He doesn't continue the game.

c) He gets a green card.

d) He never takes part in the game after this.

8. Who was the best trainer in the football club " Dy­namo"?

a) Voronin

b) Blokhin

c) Shovkovs'kyi

d) Lobanovs'kyi

9. What team is the champion of Ukraine in basket­ball?

a) Dynamo-Kyiv

b) Azovmash

c) The Slutch    '

d) Glasgow rangers

10. What colour is the uniform of the "Milano" players?

a) red

b) green

c) yellow and red

d) red and black


Sports in Great Britain


Read the text, work in groups of four and tell about different English sports to each other.

National sports in Great Britain... It is a very interesting question, because many kinds of sport have taken the origin in England.

The Englishmen love sports, they are called sports-lovers in spite of that fact, that some of them neither play games nor even watch them. They only like to speak about sports.

Some kinds of sport are professional in England. Popular and famous players have a lot of money.

Many traditional sporting contests take place in England, for example, cricket. It is played from May till September. This game is associated with England. There are many cricket clubs in this country. English people like to play cricket. They think that summer without cricket isn't summer. Cricket is the English national sport in summer. If you want to play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and white long trousers. There are two teams. Each team has eleven players. Cricket is popular in boys' schools. Girls play cricket too.

Football. It has got a long history. Football was played by the whole village teams in the middle ages in England. Now football is the most popular game in Britain. It is a team game. There are some amateur teams but most of the teams are professional ones in England. Professional football is a big business. Football is played at schools too. If we speak about football we can mention an interesting fact in American football, called soccer. The captain of the team must be the oldest or best player.

Rugby football. You can see a ball in this game, but it is not round. It is oval. This is a team game. There are fifteen players in each team. It is a popular game in England. There are many amateur rugby football teams.

Table tennis. Englishmen heard about table tennis in 1880. Then the International Table Tennis Association was formed and the international rules were worked out.

Many people like to play table tennis. This game is played by men and women too. There are some tennis clubs in England, but if you go and play there it is necessary to pay money for it.

Englishmen like playing tennis but many of them prefer to watch this game.

Wimbledon. It is the centre of lawn tennis. Some years ago Wimbledon was a village, now it is a part of London and you can see All-England Tennis Club there.

Englishmen pay much attention to swimming, rowing and walking. Usually the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race takes place at the end of March or at the beginning of April. It is an interesting contest between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It is usually held on the Thames River. The first such race was held in 1820. There were a lot of people watching this race.

There are some racing competitions in England. They are motor-car racing, dog-racing, donkey-racing, boat-racing, horse-racing. All kinds of racings are popular in England. It is interesting to see the egg-and-spoon race. The runner, who takes part in this competition, must carry an egg in a spoon. It is not allowed to drop the egg.

We must speak about the Highland Games in Scotland. All competitors wear Highland dress. There are such competitions as putting the weight, tossing the caber and others. The English are great lovers of sports.

the Highland Games — змагання шотландських горців

tossing the caber        метання жердини


Answer the questions and make up dialogues.

1. The Englishmen love sport, don't they?

2. What kind of traditional sporting contests in England do you know?

3. Are there any cricket clubs in England?

4. Do the Englishmen play cricket in winter or in summer?

5. What is the most popular game in Britain?

6. Is the ball oval or round in rugby football?

7. What do you know about the International Table Tennis Association?

8. Is table tennis played by men or by women?

9. Do Englishmen like to watch games?

10. What kinds of   racing are popular in England?

11. Have you read any books about sports in Great Britain?

Speak about the last football match using the key expressions:

1) to be exciting;                 5) the goal-keeper;

2) to kick at the goal;          6) to  win the game  with the

3) to open the score; score; 7) to enjoy the time spent at the stadium.

4) to be in favour of;

Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. If it begins to rain the children give up their programme and go back to school.

2. When they come to their gym they change into their sports clothes.

3. After that the winners of different events were congratulated.

4. They were presented with flowers.

Find the English equivalents.

1. Do you go in for sports? (Are you a sportsman?)

2. What kind of sports do you like?

3. Who won the championship?

4. Do you know that track-and field athletics in itself has thirty-one different events, but the most popular are running, jumping, throwing and walking?

5. Who holds the record in the 100 metre sprint?

6. In our country wrestling, boxing, weight-lifting are for men only.

7. Who scored the goal?

8. Which strokes of swimming do you prefer?

9. What is the score?

10. I prefer free-stroke (breast-stroke, butterfly

stroke, back-stroke, crawl-stroke)

11. The match ended in a draw.

12. I like track-and-field athletics (heavy)


1.Чи знаєте ви, що до легкої атлетики входить 31 вид спорту, але найпопулярнішими є біг, стрибки, метання й спортивна ходьба?

2.У нашій країні боротьбою, боксом, підняттям штанги займаються тільки чоловіки.

3.Яким стилям плавання ви віддаєте перевагу?

4.Я віддаю перевагу плаванню вільним стилем (брасом, батерфляєм, на спині, кролем)

5.Хто завоював першість?

6.Хто забив гол?

7.Який рахунок?

8.Кому належить рекорд з бігу на 100 метрів?

9.Ви займаєтесь спортом?

10.Який вид спорту вам подобається?

11.Мені подобається легка атлетика (важка атлетика)

12.Матч закінчився внічию

Write a question to each sentence.

1. I go in for water sport.

2. Of all outdoor games I prefer volley-ball.

3. Of all indoor games I like chess best.

4. I go to the school gym three times a week.

5. I couldn't go to the gym yesterday as I had many lessons.

6. My friend N. has his training every other day.

7.  He is good at fencing.

8. But I don't like to watch fencing competitions.

9. I am fond of watching football matches.

10. I never miss a single match played by my favourite team.


An interesting quiz. Choose the correct answers.

1. When are the next Olympic Games going to take place?

a) 2007 c) 2010

b) 2008 d) 2020

2. When did the first winter Olympic Games take place?

a) 1924 c) 1323

b) 1896 d) 1824

3. Where were the last Olympics held?

a) Athens c) Atlanta

b) Kyiv d) Moscow

4. What is the British national sport?

a) football c) boxing

b) cricket d) jumping

5. When did the modem Olympic Games begin again?

a) 1924 c) 2000

b) 1991 d) 18%

6. What colour is the "Dynamo" sport club's badge?

a) red and blue

b) black and red

c) blue and yellow

d) white and black

7. Who has established 35 world records in high jump during 10 years?

a) Olena Esinbaieva

b) Natalie Portmam

c) Serhiy Bubka

d) Elijah Wood

8. During the Olympic Games in Sidney Yana Kloch-kova established a new world record in swimming on the distance of... .

a) 200m c) 400m

b) 500m d) 300m

9. How many players are there in a mini-football team?

a) 11 c) 6

b) 32 d) 16   .

10. How many styles can be used in a swimming com­petition?

a) 4 c) 18

b) 16 d) 2


Sport, sportsmen, sportswomen.


Do you know these Ukrainian sportsmen? Get acquainted with them.

Larysa Latynina was born in 1934 in Kherson. At school she was fond of gymnastics and became a Master of Sport. She finished a secondary school with a gold medal. The Kyiv Institute of physical culture was a real school of sportsmanship for Larysa. She also participated in the 17 and 18th Olympics. An outstanding sportswoman, she won 18 Olympic awards. In 1958 and 1962 she became World Champion in gymnastics. Twice overall Olympic champion and twice winner of the world title, Latynina is one of the brightest stars in gymnastics history

An outstanding sprinter Valeriy Borzov was recognized a hero of the Olympiad. Valeriy Borzov was born in 1949 in the town of Sambor, Lviv Region. He began training in the sprint in Nova Kakhovka when he was twelve. At 16 he finished secondary school and entered the Physical Culture Institute in Kyiv. Borzov came to Munich with a big sporting record in the 100 m /10 sec/ and in the 200 m /20.2 sec/. He took the gold covering 100-m in 10 14 sec, and in the 200 m he clocked 20 sec - a record of the continent At the 20 St and 21St Olympic games V Borzov won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.

The outstanding pole-vaulter Serhii Bubka from Donetsk set 35 world records in pole vaulting. He cleared really "cosmic heights". On July 10, 1988 in Nice, after an energetic run up he took off into the air and topped the bar fixed at 6,06 above the ground level. In Seoul at the 24th Olympics Serhii Bubka competed with the best pole-vaulters of the world.

At 5,95 there were only two sportsmen. To clear each height jumpers are given three trials.

S Bubka left alone in the sector, he had the last trial to win the height and wind His run up was fierce and powerful - and the height was cleared! Serhii Bubka became ОІуmpic Champion in pole-vaulting. Serhii Bubka is eight times world champion. He has been named World's Best Athlete

At the Olympic Games of 1992 the Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Baiul won the firs gold medal for independent Ukraine.

At the Olympic Games of 1996 in Atlanta, Ukrainian athletes won 9 gold medals Lilii Podkopaieva from Donetsk became all-round Olympic champion in gymnastics. Kateryna Serebrianska from Simferopol became Olympic champion in women's free-style gymnastics. The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is recognized the world over. Larysa Latynina, Iryna Deriugina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko, Oksana Skaldina have won World and European Championships.

Valerii Lobanovskyi was born in 1939. He began to play football in 1952. V.Lobanovskyi graduated from Odessa Polytechnic Institute. He played in 253 matches and scored 71 goals. In 1973 he became a coach of Dynamo –Kyiv. Under V.Lobanovskyi the Dynamo-Kyiv became the holder of the UEFA Super Cup of 1975.

Oleh Blokhin was born in 1952. He began playing football at the age of 11 in the children's football school "Dynamo". His coach was О V Leonidov. О.Blokhin became the player of the Dynamo-Kyiv in 1970. He graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Physical Culture. О Blokhin became a record holder in football, the best football player of Europe when he won the "Golden Ball" Prize in 1975. In 1975 the Dynamo-Kyiv became the holder of the UEFA Super Cup. Oleh Blokhin was bronze medallist of the Olympic Games of 1972 and 1976.

О Blokhin scored more than 300 goals, he was named Europe's best soccer player.

What other Ukrainian or foreign sportsmen do you know? Tell about them.


Give the words corresponding to the following definitions:

jumping, running and throwing the discus; people who come to the stadium to watch sport competitions; the thing with which people strike; a hard rubber ball for playing hockey; a kind of contest at which many sports events take place.


Make up dialogues, using these questions. Work in pairs.

1. Do you play any kinds of sports?

2. What sport do you play?

3. Have you ever taken part in any competitions?

4. How do sports help you in your studies?

5. Do you think sports develop people only physically?

6. Are sports a source of recreation and pleasure for you?

7. What kinds of sports are popular in winter (in summer) in your country?

8. How many players are there in a football team?

9. How many kilometres are there in the marathon?

10. Which country does Ronaldo play football for?

11. Do you do any sports?

12. How often do you do them?

13. Do you have a favourite sport?

14. What sport do people play in your school?

15. Do you like watching sports on television?

16. Which sports do you like doing?

17. Why do people do sports?

18. How do different sports make you strong?


Find the Ukrainian equivalents of these Proverbs and Sayings

1. A sound mind in a sound body.

2. Health is better than wealth.

3. In sports and journeys men are known.

4. When angry, count a hundred.

5. All is well that ends well.


Read this joke and tell it to your classmates. Act it.

In the Park

It was spring. A well-dressed gentleman came into the park and sat down on a bench under a tree. He looked around at the trees, the flowers and the green grass. Then he saw a boy six or seven years old, who lay on the ground and watched him.

"What's the matter, sonny?" asked the gentleman. "Why don't you go and play?"

"I don't want to play," said the boy.

"Why not? Look at those boys over there! They are running and playing bail. Why don't you want to run and play?" asked the gentleman.

"Oh, I'm waiting," answered the boy.

"Waiting? Why?"

"Well, I want to see you when you stand up. A man painted that bench a quarter of an hour ago."


Write the little text, translating the words from Ukrainian into English.

I’m fond of спорт. I go in for теніс. I граю tennis with a racket and мяч. Tennis is an outdoor and indoor гра. Взимку I play tennis in the Sports Palace and влітку I go to the tennis court. I want to be a великий sportsman.

An interesting quiz. Choose the correct answers.

1. Who is the captain of the National football team of Ukraine?

a) Vitaliy Klychko

b) Oleksandr Shorovs'kyi

c) Andriy Voronin

d) Andriy Shevchenko

2. When and where was the sport club "Dynamo" or­ganised?

a) 1923, Moscow

b) 1943, Kyiv

c) 2001, Washington

d) 1861, Madrid

3. Who received the gold medal in boxing in Atlanta Olympics in 1996?

a) Vitaliy Klytchko

b) Volodymyr Klytchko

c) Mike Tyson '

d) Andriy Shevchenko

4. What is true?

a) Vitaliy Klytchko is younger than Votodymyr Klytchko is.

b) Volodymyr Klytchko is younger than VitaUy Klytchko is.

c) They are twins.

d) Volodymyr Klytchko is as young as Vitaliy Klytchko is.

5. Where was Yana Klochkova born?

a) Kyiv c) Simferopol

b) Odesa d) Donets'k

6. Where was Serhiy Bubka born?

a) Luhans'k c) L'viv

b) Kyiv d) Luts'k

7. What is Serhiy Bubka's trainer's name?

a) Petrov c) Ivanov

b) Sydorov d) Petrenko

8. When did Andriy Shevchenko begin to play foot­ball?

a) 1993

b) 1991

c) 1989

d) 1992

9. Where was Ronaldo born?

a) Brasilia

b) New-York

c) London

d) Rio-de-Janeiro

10. What colour does Africa have in the Olympic flag?

a) green

b) blue

c) pink

d) black

Read the text, discuss it and answer the questions.


Olympic Games are the greatest international sports games in the world.

The Olympic Games have an interesting and long history. The competitions of athletes took place in Greece. They were only for men. Women were neither allowed to take part in the Olympic Games nor to watch them. Women were allowed to take part in the second Olympic Games, which were held in Paris in 1900. There were six women at these Games. They took part in the tennis competitions.

It was twenty eight centuries ago in 776 B.C.

The most important competitions in Olympia were named the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games were a holiday. They were held every four years (through 1417 days). The Olympic Games included events in racing, boxing, jumping, horse racing and wrestling.

The Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship. In 394 A.D. the Games stopped and the temple at Olympia was destroyed. Fifteen hundred years later, in 1894, a Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin persuaded people from fifteen countries to start the Olympic Games again. The first of the modern series of Games took place in Athens two years later, in 1896.

The International Olympic Committee was set up and began to work in 1896. There were competitions in many kinds of sports: jumping and running, boxing and swimming, athletics, football, basket-ball and others. At the fourth Olympics, in 1908, in London, there were more than two thousand competitors, from twenty-two different countries.

Summer and Winter Games are held separately. Winter Olympic Games first took place in 1924. There were competitions in skiing, skating, ice hockey and etc. Since 1936 the opening ceremony is celebrated by lighting a flame, which is called "The Olympic Flame".

The Olympic Games first took place in England in the 17th century. They were held from about 1612 till 1852.

Many people want the Olympic Games to be held in their cities, but it depends on the decision of the international Olympic Committee. The Olympic Games were held in the cities of Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Our country joined the Olympic Movement in 1952.

The 22nd Summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980 (from July 19 to August 3).

The Olympic Games have become a wonderful sports tradition. They help to bring peoples closer together.

Do you know that...

The Olympic Games always begin with the lighting of the Olympic Flame, the fire from the temple of Olympia, which is the symbol of friendly competition.


Boxing is an old sport, going back to the days of ancient Greece, where it was an important part of the Olympic Games. The Olympics were held during the hottest part of summer, and the boxers were rubbed with oil to limit perspiration. Their hands were bound with heavy leather strips often loaded with lead or iron. The sport passed from Greece to Rome, but after the of Rome it was unknown in Europe until the 18-th century, when James Figg introduced gloveless fighting in England, and opened a boxing school in London.


1. Are the Olympic Games the greatest international sports games in the world?

2. Have these Games got a long history?

3. What competitions did the First Olympic Games include?

4. How often are the Olympic Games held?

5. The Olympic Games became a symbol of peace, didn't they?

6. When was the International Olympic Committee set up?

7. Where were the Olympic Games held?

8. When were the 22nd Olympic Games held in Moscow?

9. Would you like to watch the Olympic Games?

10. Why are the Olympic Games important?


Learn this dialogue, make up your own ones and act them.

Sport and Healthy Way of Life

(The conversation)

— What can you say about sports?

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. Some people go in for sports for their health and some for professional aims.

Have one opportunity to go in for sports (to do sports) in our country?

There are many stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, football fields in each town. Most schools have well-equipped gyms, swimming pools and tennis courts, where students can develop physically and get all the necessary skills and habits.

What kinds of sports are popular in our country? I

— Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country but football, figure-skating and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In the morning and in the evening we can see people jogging in the parks, stadiums and even in the streets.

Why is physical education paid special attention?

— It goes without saying that one of the most important task today is to bring up a healthy generation. It is known that most schoolchildren are interested in sport or take part in a sporting activity. In every school pupils spend much time going in for sports. First of all they have their physical training lessons. And when school is over they may train at different sports clubs and sections in different kinds of sport.

As for me I go in for table tennis (ping-pong). It needs mobility liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play the more I like it. I

What do you know about sports in Great Britain? 1

— Sport plays such a large part in British life that many idioms in the English language have come from the world of sport. For example play the game means to be fair and that's not cricket means that’s not fair. The British are proud that many sports originated from their country and then spread throughout the world.

Can you name national British sports? I

— The national British sports are: football, golf, cricket, lawn tennis, darts, racing. The most popular sport in Britain is football. A lot of people support their local clubs at matches on Saturday afternoon or watch the matches alive on television. Golf is Scotland's chief contribution to British sport. English people love cricket. Cricket is played in schools, colleges, universities, in most towns and villages. Test matches with other countries are held regularly.

If you hear the word "Wimbledon" what do you think of?   1

— People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. The Wimbledon championships, in which the leading rackets of the world compete, is held annually in a southern suburb of London. I

Tennis is played by both men and women either in exclusive tennis clubs or on public tennis courts.

Do Englishmen sometimes get excited about sports? I

— Englishmen are fond of racing. There are all kinds of racing in England: horse-racing, motor-car racing, boat racing, dog racing, donkey racing. The most famous boat race in England is between the Oxford and Cambridge. It is rowed over a course on the River Thames. Thousands of people go to watch it. You see, all sports are very popular among British.


The favourite sports of the British upper class are hunting, shooting and fishing. The most widespread form of hunting is fox-hunting.

Shooting in Britain is allowed only during certain specified times of the year. Shooting means killing birds with guns.

The only kind of hunting which is associated with the working class is hare-coursing. The one kind of hunting, which is popular among all social classes, is fishing.

Horse-racing is a very popular sport in Britain. This sport became known as “the sport of kings” in the 17-th century. Today some members of the royal family own race horses and attend certain annual race meetings; some are active participants in the sports of polo and show-jumping.


Find the Ukrainian equivalents of these Proverbs and Sayings

1. While there is a life, there is a hope.

2. One for all and all for one.

3. It is better to be healthy and rich than to be poor and ill.

4. Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

5. Good health is better than good medicine.


Write the questions to the sentences

1. Yes, I do.

2. I play football and tennis.

3. Yes, I have. I've taken part in a Moscow ten­nis tournament.

4. Sports help me to feel fit, and help me to study for many hours without overstrain.

5. No, I don't think so.

6. Sports teach people to reach their goals and train their will.

7. They are football and hockey.

8. There are eleven players there.

9. There are 40 km.

10. He played for Brazil.                                                

11. Yes, I do.                                                                 

12. I do them every day.

13. Yes, I do. My favourite sport is football.

14. They play football and basketball.

15. No, I don't, I like to come to a stadium.

16. I like playing tennis.

17. They do sports to keep fit.

18. Swimming makes your body flexible, football makes your legs strong, running is very good for your heart and lungs.


Read the text, write its plan, retell it.


It was a rainy day in November, 1891. An instructor at Springfield college in Massachusetts climbed up a ladder and nailed a fruit basket to the wall of the gymnasium. Then he climbed down the ladder. He picked up a football and threw it. The ball went into the basket. As he climbed back up the ladder to get the ball, the man was very glad. Maybe he had solved his problem! Well, he would soon see.

Ten minutes later, eighteen young men ran into the little gym. The instructor put nine boys on one side and nine on the other. He told them to throw the ball to each other or bounce it and, when they were near the wall where the basket was nailed, to try and throw the ball into the basket.

The game started, and what a game it was!

When several of the young men fell to the floor as they were playing, the instructor stopped the game. "Something is wrong in this game," he said. "This is too unpleasant."

He sat down and took out a piece of paper and a pencil. "Now let's have some rules—and let's observe them!" He paused for a minute, thinking. Then he began, "Rule number one: No one can run with the ball! You have to throw it or bounce it to someone else on your side."

They all agreed that it was a good rule.

"Rule number two: If a man pushes another player to get the ball, the game will stop. The man pushed will have a free throw at the basket Nobody must try to catch the ball on its way to the basket."

That rule, too, was good. Quickly, other rules were made. When the game started again, there was less pushing, fewer men falling, and better passing of the ball from one man to another. A second basket was nailed to the wall at the other end of the gym.

The man, who nailed the fruit baskets to the wall, was a young Canadian. His name was James Naismith, and he was a college teacher.

to climb (up) — взбиратися; ladder — дробина; to nail —прибивати цвяхами; basket — кошик; to bounce [bauns]—тут.робити пробіжку з підстрибуючим мячем; to push — штовхати.


Sport, sections, clubs

Read the conversation, be ready to discuss it, talk about your sports problems.


mostly— головним чином

to improveпокращати

to break [breik] the record — побити рекорд

to do one's training—тренуватися


Steve, the president of the school sports club, and his friends have gathered together to discuss the different problems of the coming summer sports season.

STEVE: First, allow me to say a few words about the work of our school sports club. As you know, 90 per cent of the pupils of our school go in for different sports. During the winter season they went in mostly for skiing and skating. Our best skier is Andriy Manko and our best skater is Oleh Kravchuk. Many girls and boys in our school like to play table tennis (ping-pong). The team of Form 9B has won its last two games and has taken first place. I must say, they are really very good players, and other teams can learn much from them.

VADIM: What can you say about the work of our chess section?

STEVE: I am sorry to say that our chess-players are still very weak. They lost almost all their games to the teams of other schools. They must improve. Our draughts section is also beginning to worry me. At the moment they are  playing a number of games with School No. 5, and I am

sorry to say, they are losing by a score of 5-1 (five to one).

NINA: Do you think, Steve, that our volley-ball team will take first place?

STEVE: Our volley-ball team is not a bad one, and I hope they will take first or second place in the city games.

Now a few words about our jumpers and runners. Tolya Rozov broke the old school record for the long jump and has set a new one. And Vova Gorov has also set a new record for the high jump. I think more pupils will take part in the summer races this year than last.

TOLYA: And what are you planning for the summer?

STEVE: Now this is what we are planning for the summer.

Our football team will play against School No. 10 again. We must win this game by all means. You remember that last year our team lost by 3-1. We shall do all our training at the Stadium this year, and I am sure this will help us to become a really good team.

And this season, we plan to set new city swimming records for schoolchildren. Our swimmers are the strongest in the whole city, and we are proud of them.

When Steve finished speaking, his listeners asked him many questions.

After that he was again elected president of the school sports club.



"Are you training for a race?"

"No, I am racing for a train."


Tell about the best athletes in your form, school, about your school sports competitions.

These questions will help you.

  1. What kinds of sports do the pupils of your form go in for?
  2. What sports competitions take place in your school?
  3. What competitions do you take part in?
  4. What sports competitions took place in your school last time?
  5. Who took part in those competitions?
  6. What sportsmen showed better results?
  7. What place did the sportsmen of your school take?
  8. Who showed the best results in those competitions?
  9. When did you have the football match in your school?
  10.                     What teams took part in this game?
  11.                     What team played better?
  12.                     Who won the game?
  13.                     Did you like the game? Why?
  14.                     Who is the coach of this team?


Write different kinds of questions to these sentences.

1. We have fine teams at our school and many kinds of competitions take place there. 2. Of all outdoor games I prefer football, especially those matches which are played at our Stadium. 3. I never miss a single match played by "Dynamo" for I'm a "Dynamo" fan. 4. Sport makes people strong, healthy and gay, and I like it very much.

Say about your sports circle (club).




Read the text and tell about your favorite football team and its matches.

A Football Match

Victor Mykolayovich Kovalenko and his son Boris went to the stadium on Saturday to see a football match between Dynamo, the team of their town, and Metallurg, a team from another town.

The match began at five o'clock, but all the stands were full of spectators at half past four. At last the teams came out on to the field and the match began. Metallurg attacked Dynamo's goal, but the Dynamo team defended their goal splendidly. Then Dynamo took the ball quickly into Metallurg half of the field. Dynamo's captain sent the ball into the corner of Metallurg's   goal. Metallurg's  goal-keeper  jumped and stopped the ball, but another Dynamo player sent it into the goal.

"Goal! One — nil in our favour!" shouted Boris.

Metallurg began again from the centre of the field and slowly came nearer to Dynamo's goal. Dynamo fought bravely to defend their goal. But soon Metallurg attacked again and the score was 1:1. A few minutes later came half time.

During the second half, both teams played beautifully. The fans shouted more and more loudly, "Come on, Dynamo!" Come on, Metallurg!" Boris and his father watched with great interest. Soon Dynamo's captain sent the ball into Metallurg 's goal. "Two to one in our favour!" shouted the spectators from Boris's town. They cheered and shouted, "Well played, Dynamo!"

Metallurg began to attack again, the ball went quickly from one player to another. But Dynamo's players defended themselves excellently. They did not want to lose the match.

When the second half ended, the score was 2:1 in favour of Dynamo. Boris and his father and all the Dynamo fans cheered them for their victory.


Read the dialogue and act it up.

On the skating-rink

Pat: Look, Jane! That's Paul dancing with his sister Margaret, You know you met them at my party.

Jane: Oh, yes, of course. How well they dance!

Pat: They've seen us, they're coming over here!

Paul: Hullo! Want to have a try? The ice is good!

Pat: I'm afraid we've got no skates, Paul.

Paul: Never mind, you can put on mine if you like, and Jane, Margaret's.

Pat: No, thank you, that's awfully kind of you, but we can't skate, you know. I wish I could.

Paul: Then it's high time you learned, you lazy thing.

Pat: Some other time perhaps, but now we want to try our new sledge.

Paul: I see, what about tomorrow? I have another pair of skates at home and so has Margaret. We'd be glad to bring them for you. What do you say?

Pat: I'd like to, but I don't know about Jane.

Jane: Oh. I'd love to learn!

Paul: Splendid! That's settled then. Same time, same place?

Pat: All right.

Paul: So long then. See you tomorrow.

Pat: So long!


Read the text, write the plan and tell it.

In a few minutes they all started walking towards the ice. Mr. Wardle and the other gentlemen quickly put on their skates and began describing circles and figures of eight on the smooth surface. Meanwhile, Mr. Pickwick, Mr. Tupman and the ladies stood on the bank and looked on with the greatest interest. All this while Mr. Winkle, with his face and hands blue with the cold, was trying to put on his skates. At last with the help of Mr. Weller the skates were put on and Mr. Winkle was raised to his feet.

"Now, then. Sir," said Sam, in an encouraging tone,"show them how to do it." "Stop, Sam, stop!" said Mr. Winkle, holding Sam's arm. "How slippery it is, Sam!" "Not an uncommon thing with ice, Sir," replied Мг. Weller. "Hold up, Sir." "These— these skates are very awkward," said Mr. Winkle. "I am afraid there is an awkward gentleman in them, Sir," replied Sam. "Now, Winkle!" cried Mr. Pickwick. "Come! The ladies are waiting for you." "Yes, yes," replied Mr. Winkle with a forced smile, "I am coming."

"It is only difficult to begin, Sir," said Sam. "Now, Sir, start off."

"Stop an instant, Sam," said Mr. Winkle. "I find that I have a nice coat at home that I don't want, Sam. You can take it, Sam." "Thank you, Sir," replied Mr. Weller. "Never mind touching your hat, Sam. And don't take your hand away to do it. I thought of giving you five shillings this morning, Sam. I will give them to you this afternoon, Sam."

"You are very good, Sir," replied Mr. Weller. "But just hold me at first, Sam, will you?" said Mr. Winkle. "There that is right. Not too fast, Sam, not too fast."

And so Mr. Winkle moved slowly along the ice, assisted by Mr. Weller, but suddenly Mr. Pickwick shouted:


"Sir?" said Mr. Weller.

"Here, I want you."

"Let me go, Sir," said Sam. "Don't you hear Mr. Pickwick is calling me? Let me go, Sir."

And pushing Winkle forward, Mr. Weller left him alone and ran towards Mr. Pickwick.

Poor Mr. Winkle made a few awkward movements but almost immediately ran against another member of the company—Mr. Bob Sawyer who was just then describing a beautiful figure of eight on the ice. Both fell down heavily.


Read and retell the text.

Wimbledon – an unusual club

People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. But most people do not know that it was famous for another game before tennis was invented. Wimbledon is now a part of Greater London. In 1874 it was a country village, but it had a railway station, and it was the home of the All England Croquet Club. The Club had been there since 1864. A lot of people played croquet in England at that time and enjoyed it, but the national championships did not attract many spectators. So the Club had very little money, and the members were looking for ways of getting some. "This new game of lawn tennis seems to have plenty of action, and people like watching it," they thought. "Shall we allow people to play lawn tennis on somе of our beautiful croquet lawns?"

In 1875 they changed the name of the Club to the "All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club", and that is the name that you will still find in the telephone book. Two years later, in 1877, Wimbledon held the first world lawn tennis championships (men's singles). The winner was S W. Gore, a Londoner. There were 22 players, and the 200 spectators, each paid one shilling. Those who watched were dressed in the very latest fashion—the men in hard top hats and long coats, and the ladies in dresses that reached to the ground! The Club gained £10. It was saved.

Wimbledon grew. There was some surprise and doubt, of course, when the Club allowed women to play in the first women's singles championship in 1884. But the ladies played well — even in long skirts that hid their legs and feet.

The Wimbledon championships begin on the Monday nearest to June 22, at a time when England often has its finest weather. It is not only because of the tennis that people like to go there. When the weather is good, it is a very pleasant place to spend an afternoon. The grass is fresh and green, the players wear beautiful white clothes, the spectators are dressed in the latest fashion, there may be members of the Royal Family among them, and there are cool drinks in the open-air cafés next to the tennis courts.

Millions of people watch the championships on television. The Club's £10 gain in 1877 has grown to more than £50,000 in the 1970s. Most of this goes to the Lawn Tennis Association. But if you want to join the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, you will find that it is not at all easy. There are only 400 members — 350 men and 50 women. Singles champions are usually made honorary members. Some people say that the easiest way to become a member of the Club is to win the singles in the Wimbledon Championships.



Appendix (Rhymes)

1. Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It's much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski, and skate .

And play snowballs with Кate

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun

2. I like to run out in the sun,

It's such a fun to run, to run!

3. In winter we ski and skate,

Says little Kate.

In summer I like to swim,

Says little Jim.

And what do you do in spring?

In spring we play and sing.

4. I am running on my skis.

White and silver stand the trees.

I'm as quick as quick can be,

Try to catch me, one, two, three!

5. He had a racket and she had a ball,

They played tennis, little Nell and Paul.

But who won the game we couldn't tell

«Both of us are winners», said Paul and Nell




  1. Подивіться на малюнки та запам’ятайте слова.


















  1. Вчись читати швидко й виразно:

Berry – strawberry, a tasty strawberry, a wood strawberry. I like strawberries.

             Gooseberry, a green gooseberry. Do you like gooseberries?

             Blackberry, a sweet blackberry. There are a lot of blackberries on the bush.

Cherry – a red cherry, a juicy cherry. Do you like red cherries?

Apple – a juicy apple, apple juice. Apples are tasty. Do you like apples?

Pineapple – Who likes to eat pineapples?


  1. Відгадай слова, в яких пропущені одна або декілька букв. Встав пропущені букви замість крапок:
  1. St…awbe…ies and che…ies are red and juicy.
  2. …um…kins are the biggest be…ies.
  3. …ears, …eaches, …lums and a…les grow on the trees.
  4. A tomat… is a juicy vegeta…le eatenin salads.
  5. A c…c…mber is a vegetable eaten with toma…oes in salads.
  6. P…tat…es grow underground.
  7. A ca…age looks like a big round head.




  1. Прочитай, вивчи, інсценуй:



- Do you eat cherries?

- Yes, I do.


- Why do you eat cherries?

- Because cherries are juicy and      tasty.


  1. Гра «Why do you eat…?»



Гравці по черзі запитують один одного які фрукти та овочі вони їдять і чому. Наприклад: «Do you eat …? Why do you eat…?» Далі ведучий запитує, чи пам’ятають вони, які фрукти та овочі їсть кожен з гравців. Наприклад: «What does Kate eat? Why?»













do you eat






does he(she) eat














… tasty

I eat…


… juicy



… sweet

He(she) eats..


I want to be healthy.



… wants to be …


  1. Уявіть, що ви фермер. Напишіть, що б ви хотіли вирощувати на своєму городі і чому. Використовуй подану конструкцію:


I would like to grow … because …


  1. Запишіть овочі, фрукти та ягоди, які ти знаєш в окремі колонки таблиці:





































  1. Прочитай та зверни увагу на вживання артиклів a/an:


a carrot

a tomato

a potato


an orange

an apple

an onion




  • Артикль а вживається перед іменниками в однині, що починаються з приголосної ( a banana)
  • Артикль аn вживається перед іменниками в однині. Що починаються з голосної.( an orange)



  1. Розподіли слова з рамки у два кошика.

Apple, banana, orange, pineapple, cherry, melon, apricot, onion, potato, carrot, mushroom, pear, pepper, strawberry, peach, blackberry, berry, plum, lemon,kiwi.





  1. Запам’ятай слова:



A lot of


























  1. Прочитай текст і виконай завдання:

What do We Eat?

 People eat because they cannot live without food and water.

 People eat vegetables, fruit, meat, fish and a lot of different food. Vegetarians eat only vegetables and fruit. They don’t eat meat and fish. They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. They like eating cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, pears and other fruit and vegetables. Vegetarians eat different fruit and vegetable salads too. They cook vegetable soup, porridge and mushrooms. They drink tea, coffee and fruit juice. 


  1. Дай відповіді на запитання:
  • Why do people eat?
  • What do people eat?
  • What do vegetarians eat?
  • What do not vegetarians eat?
  • What do they drink?


  1. Продовжи речення
  1. People eat because_______________________________________________
  2. Vegetarians eat __________________________________________________
  3. They don’t eat___________________________________________________
  4. They drink______________________________________________________


  1. Розкажіть, хто такі вегетаріанці.



  1. Прочитай, вивчи, інсценуй.

At the shop.


Lesya: I’d like some apples, please.

Shop assistant: What apples would you like: green, yellow or red?

Lesya: Green, please.

Shop assistant: How many apple would you like?

Lesya: Can I have five apples?

Shop assistant: Of course.


  1. Уяви, що ти купуєш овочі чи фрукти. Інсценуй купівлю цих продуктів на ринку чи в магазині.


  1. Гра «Memory game»

Подивись уважно на малюнок протягом однієї хвилини. Назви овочі і фрукти, які ти побачив на малюнку.

Контрольні завдання.


  1. Встав пропущені літери в слова:











  1. Розглянь список продуктів і випиши ті, що потрібні для приготування фруктового салату та овочевого салату.


cucumber, orange, tomato, apple, onion, banana, kiwi, cabbage, carrot, srawberry


Vegetable salad ______________________________________________


Fruit salad __________________________________________________



  1. Запиши в пропуски слова замість малюнків.

I can make a vegetable salad. I take vegetables: two _________________,

One ______________and an ________________.Then I put some salt and add some oil into the salad. Mix it-and your ______________is ready!



  1. Розподіли й запиши слова з рамки у дві групи перед якими ставиться а або аn.


Tomato,onion,orange,carrot,potato,pineapple,pear,banana kiwi,lemon,apricot,apple,cherry,blackberry,watermelon.












  1. Знайди переклад даних речень.


1.Огірок-смачний овоч

a) I like fruit juice.

2.Мені подобається фруктовий сік.

b) A peach is a tasty fruit.


3.Слива-соковитий фрукт

c)Does your Mum cook fruit salad

4.Персик-смачний фрукт.

d) Do you like to eat vegetables or meat for dinner?


5.Твоя мама готує салат

e) A plum is a juicy fruit.


6.Картопля-овоч,а не фрукт.

f) A cucumber is a tasty vegetable.


7.Тобі подобається їсти на обід овочі чи м ясо?

g) A potato is a vegetable not a fruit.              



  1. Дай відповіді на запитання про себе:
  1. What is your favourite fruit?
  2. What is your favourite vegetable?
  3. What is your favourite berry?
  4. What vegetables and fruit do you eat?
  5. Are you a vegetarian?


  1. Склади і напиши розповідь про улюблені овочі та фрукти у твоїй родині.




































































































































































































































































The alphabet

  1. Number code. A is 1, b is 2, c is – 3, etc. What are these sentences?

       ( Дано код. Лiтера А-1, В- 2, С- 3, I так далi.


        1.8 5 12 12 15      13 5        14 1 13 5       9 19            10 21 4 25.


        2. 9 1 13       6 18 15 13        12 15 14 4 15 14.


        3. 9    12 9 11 5       3 15 13 16 21 20 5 18         7 1 13 5 19.


      4. 9      3 1 14 16 12 1 25        20 5 14 14 9 19       1 14 4        9     


3 1 14     19 23 9 13.




  1. Write these words in alphabetical order.

(Напишiть цi слова в алфавiтному порядку)



Cheese                                       coffe                               oil

Cereal                                         bread                             water

Sugar                                          apple                              milk

Mushroom                                   salt                                chicken



  1. Write out in alphabetical order.

 (запишiть в алфавiтному порядку)


  1. Ten different colours:

  __________________                                      ________________

  __________________                                      ________________

  __________________                                      ________________

  __________________                                      ________________

 __________________                                       ________________  


  1. Ten different animals:

  ________________                                         ________________

  ________________                                         ________________

  ________________                                         ________________

  ________________                                         ________________

  ________________                                         ________________


c)Ten different countries:

       __________________                                     ________________

       __________________                                     ________________

      __________________                                      ________________

  1. Ten different months:

_______________                                            ________________

_______________                                            ________________

    ________________                                            ________________  

     _______________                                            ________________ 

     _______________                                            ________________



  1. The Wonderful  Worldwide Names Quiz. Can you…..

( Чудовий тест про всесвiтньо вiдомi назви. Чи можете назвати…)

-name an ocean beginning  with A?


  • name a country beginning with C?


  • name a high mountain beginning with E?


  • name a day of the week beginning with F?


  • name a month of the year beginning with J?


-   name a fruit beginning with O?


-  name a farm animal beginning with P?


-  name a flower beginning with R?


  • name colour  beginning with Y?


-    name a school thing beginning with B?


  • name a job beginning with S?


  • name a school subject beginning with M?


  • name a toy beginning with B?


-    name a colour beginning   with   G?


  • name an animal beginning with F?


  • name a food beginning with C?


  • name a job beginning with D?


  • name a room in the house beginning with K?




  1. Unscramble these words.( theme “ Family”)













  1. Fill the gaps with the missing letters.




 Grammar exercises for elementary learners

 Вправа 1. Поставте замість пропусків артиклі the або a (an), якщо потрібно.

1) Don't take____ apples; they are green.

  1. Give me__ pencil; I want to write a letter to____our grandmother.
  1. Little Nelly has_____many toys and kitten; kitten likes to play with____Nelly.


Вправа 2. Поставте замість пропусків артикль а або the.

1) We see___tent. We see_____kite on____  tent.

We see_________white kite on____tent.

We go to___tent. We take___kite.

We like ___kite.

2) Nick sees____tent. Nick sees___white tent.

He goes to___tent. He opens ____tent. He sees_____cat in tent.

He likes________cat. He takes____ cat.


Вправа 3. Поставте замість пропусків означений (the) або неозначений (а) артикль.

We see____big box. In_____box we see three little dogs._____ box is on____bench

is in___garden.


Вправа 4. Поставте артиклі замість пропусків там, де потрібно.

І see____bench.   ____bench is in___ gar­den. On____bench I see____box.  In___ box

I see_____four kittens.


Вправа 5. Випишіть слова

у два стовпчики: в одинвласні

назви, у другий — називні іменники.

Ada, Lena, a pen, Pete, a tent, a tie, Bill, a bed, a pin, a kite, take, a desk, a map, a lake, Ann, Sam, little, see, take, spell, sit, stand.


Вправа 6. Поставте ці речення у множину.

  1. There is one book here.
  2. This school has its own building.
  3. Your brother is a young man.



Вправа 7. Перепишіть речення, вживаючи виділені іменники і займенники у множині.

  1. The girl takes a red tie.
  2. The child has a nice little box.
  3. I see a big tent.
  4. He sees a be



Вправа 8. Вставте замість пропусків присвійні займенники my, his, her, our, your, their:

1) Bill has a sister; ____ sister cannot read Russian.

2) You have a nice lamp; I like_____lamp.

3) Lena has a grey kitten; ____ kitten likes to play with her.


Вправа 9. Вставте замість пропусків присвійні займенники my, his, her, our, your, their:

  1. Dan and Kate live near our school; _____ house stands in a garden.
  2. We have a nice dog;_____dog does not sleep in our room.
  3. I have a little brother;______brother cannot read and write Russian


Вправа 10 

 a)Поставте іменники у множину.

A bed, a white hat, a red pen, a big hill, a green apple, a big box, a sledge.


b) Перекладіть словосполучення.

Одна кішка, зелений автобус, красива ялинка, чорний собака, моя парта, великі строли, вісім дельфінів, світлий клас, червоне яблуко,

Вправа 11

1) Перекладіть складні слова:

schoolchildren, schoolgirl, a bookshelf, a schoolgirl, a pencil-box, a school-bag.


2) Перекладіть словосполучення:

Nick's sister; Nelly's cat; Lena's tie; the girl's dog; Ann's green sledge; the children's dog; the girl's hat; their sis­ter's room; Ann's bed; the girl's hat; the girls' hats; the girls' books; their sis­ters' room.


Вправа12.Перекладіть українською мовою ці займенники:

They, me, your, them, our, I, her, he, she, his, my, him, their, it, its, you, us.


Вправа 13. Поставте замість пропусків необхідні за змістом займенники та     підкресліть  ті речення, в яких ці займенники можна перекласти словами свій, своя, своє, свої:

1) І live in a nice room,_____room is large.

2) At 8 o'clock I take___ books and go to school.

  1. I put____ books on the shelf.
  2. After supper the children stay on_____room.

5) _____  school is near____house.


Вправа 14. Заповніть пропуски словами ту, their, his, her, what. Перекладіть речення.

  1. ___has Nick in___hand?
  2. ___have Sam and Bill in____hands?
  3. ___have Jane and Ann in____hands?
  4. ___has Nelly in_____ hand?
  5. ___have I in____hands?


Вправа 15. Укажіть, у якому ступені порівняння стоять ці прикметники, та перекладіть їх.

Deeper, the longest, stronger, more  necessary, the worst, the most powerful, worse,

the most beautiful, more scientific, less interesting, the best, better higher, the least.


Вправа 16. Вставте замість пропусків прийменники to, in, into, on, under, at, out of, with, after.

1)  ___summer we like to swim____that lake. (У; у)

2) Put your green and red pencils____your desk. (на)

3) Take the little kitten____that box. (з)

4) Your dog likes to sleep____ your bed.(під)

5) Your new dog likes to play___that stick. (з)


Вправа 17. Заповніть пропуски часткою to там, де потрібно.

1) Pete and Jane like _____ play in schoolyard. They can play in the schoolyard and in

the garden.

2) Pete's mother cannot_____skate, she likes_____ ski near the lake.

3) The children like_____work in the fields.  They  can_____  help  their grandmother. They like                help their grandfather. They help him              ____ take the horses to the lake.


Вправа 18. Вставте замість пропусків прийменники to, in, into, on, under, at, out of, with, after

1) Put this tool___ that bench. (Ha)

2) ____  Sundays we play hockey.


3) Write the date___the blackboard. (Ha)

  1. We come home ____ 3 o'clock. (B)
  2. My friend does not go _____ our school. (до)


Вправа 19. Вставте прийменники to, into, on, at, out of, from, Перекладіть.

1) The children come home___ school_____ 3 o'clock.

  1. Little Nelly runs _____ room when she sees Nick.
  2. Little Nelly doesn’t   want to stay___home.
  1. She wants to go ____ school
  2. The children put their books_____ the shelf.

6)   Little Nelly puts her toys______her box.


Вправа 20 . Вставте замість пропусків  прийменники

1. Two huhils stand_______ blackboard (біля).

2I like to play chess____  my grandfa­ther. (з)

3The teacher comes____ the class­room. (у)

4)  _____dinner we go___the skating-rink, (після, на)


Вправа 21. Перекладіть речення.

1)   Я (знаходжусь) в саду.

  1. Він (знаходиться) на лавці.
  2. Вони (знаходяться) надворі.
  3. Ви (знаходитесь) на (in) вулиці.
  4. Птиці (знаходяться) на (in) тому дереві.


Вправа 22. Заповніть пропуски особовими формами дієслова to be (am; is; are)

1) I__not in the garden, I___in the yard.

2) You_____ not in a car, you _____ in a tram.

  1. He_____ in his tent.
  2. She_____in her little garden.
  3. We______ on a big hill.
  4. You____ in the schoolyard.
  5. They____in the green bus.


Вправа 23. Поставте перед дієсловами займенники 3-ої особи однини та змініть форму дієслова.

То have, to be, to go, to see, to take, to live, to sit, to stand, to spell, to open, to do.


Вправа 24. Напишіть у неозначеній формі такі дієслова:

(1) am, (he) goes, (Tom) likes, (she) sleeps, (it) is, (they) are, (we) play, (he) does, (we) take, (he) has.


Вправа 25. Поставте замість пропусків дієслова am, is, are, have, has, do, does.

  1. ____you live in Ukraine?
  2. ____you a sister?
  3. ____she go to school?
  4. ____she a white bag or a black bag?
  5. ____her bag on the shelf?

Вправа 26. Поставте замість пропусків дієслова am, is, are, have, has, do, does.

1) Pete and Nick____not in the tent, they___under the tree.

  1. I___in the yard, I___ sit on the bench.
  2. I___three sisters.
  3. Birds____ not like cats.
  4. Cats____not like dogs.


Вправа 27. Поставте замість пропусків дієслова am, is, are, have, has, do, does.

  1. Her cat___not live in the tent.
  2. The big clock____on that shelf.
  3. Pete___a black dog.
  4. Ada___not live in America.
  5. Ada and Lena___many birds.



Вправа 28.

  1. Провідміняйте дієслово to like у всіх особах однини і множини теперішнього часу.

I                                                    We

You                                               You

She                                                                                                                                                               They 



2)Напишіть у неозначеній формі такі дієслова:


(he) goes, (Tom) skates, (she) plays, (they) go down, (we) run out of, (they) like, (Ann) closes, (Nick) reads.


Вправа 29. Перепишіть речення, вставивши дієслова у потрібній формі. Перекладіть їх.

  1. Ann____ in the sledge. (Sit)
  2. Pete ____at his bed. (Stand)
  3. Bill___ his bag and____ it. (Take,оpen)
  1. Pete,___"pencil"! (Spell)
  2. Ann,_____the white bag! (Open)
  3. We____a nice lake. (See)
  4. We___to the lake. (Go)
  5. Ann ___the black desk. (Open)
  6. He ___to the big tent. (Go)


Вправа 30. Перекладіть прості й складні англійські дієслова. Напишіть їх у два стовпники (прості; складні).

То put, to put on, to take, to take off, to take out, to come, to come in, to come up, to go, to go out, to get, to get up, to stand, to stand up, to sit, to sit down, to look at.


Вправа 31. Перепишіть речення, заповнивши пропуски дієсловами у потрібній формі.

  1. "Pete, ___ a pen!" (to take)
  1. She______  many books and he_____ many pencils. (to have)

3) I______to sit in the garden. (to like)

He____to play in the yard. (to like)

4)   Dan and Nick_____the ______the pens! (to take)
Dan_____the bag (to take)


Вправа 32.Перепишіть речення, вживаючи дієслово в дужках у Present Continuous або Present Indefinite.

1) Look, the children____ in the yard. (to play)

  1. When__  you____  ? (to go)
  2. When____ you____ home? ( to come)
  3. Look out of the window!  It___( to snow)


5) Usually    the    children ____  till 5o'clock. (to play)

6) What___you_____ in winter?     (to wear)


Вправа 33.Перепишіть речення, вставляючи shall або will.

1) The boys _____  bring flowers and them on the table.

  1. I___take part in the sport competition.
  1. It__snow very soon.
  2. We_not have singing lesson at school.

5) He go up to the sixth form next year.

6) _ you stay at home in the evening?
Yes, I___.


Вправа 34.Перепишіть речення вставляючи was або were.

1)   It__very cold and the children stated at home.

2 )   There__  very many people present at the concert.

 3)Who____ absent from the lesson on Tuesday.

4) The weather ___  very fine that day.

5) The children___happy to go for a walk with their parents.

a walk with their parents.

6) I_very ill and stayed at home.


Вправа 38. Перепишіть речення, вставляючи потрібну форму дієслова \ в дужках.

1) What we____tomorrow evening? (to do)

2) His father usually______home from work at five o'clock. (to come)

  1. It_____autumn now. (to be)
  2. The weather____to be very bad. (to go)

5) They____July at the camp. (to spend)


Вправа 39

2. Перекладіть   англійською   мо­вою.

  1. Я вмію (можу) читати, і я пoлюбляю читати.
  2. Він любить читати,  він  може добре читати.

Моя маленька сестра не вміє (не  може) читати.


Вправа 40

  Вибери правильний варіант і впиши в пропуски.

1)_______ your name? ( Where, What, What’s)

2) Where are you ________? ( to, from, of)

3) ________ old are you? ( How, Wha

4) He _______ from New Zealand.( is, are, am) t, Where)
































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