Брейн-ринг з англійської мови "English Together"

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Брейн-ринг з англійської мови "English Together" є одним з видів позакласної роботи з англійської мови. Розробка спрямована на розвиток іншомовної комунікативної компетенції студентів, використання здобутих ними теоретичних знань на практиці, розвиток пізнавальних інтересів, творчої активності, вміння швидко та раціонально приймати рішення, логічно мислити, працювати в команді.
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Брейн-ринг з англійської мови

"English Together"

Мета: розвивати вміння студентів використовувати здобуті теоретичні знання на 

практиці, їх пізнавальні інтереси, здібності до вивчення англійської мови, творчу активність, вміння швидко та раціонально приймати рішення, логічно мислити, працювати в команді.

Пояснення: У грі беруть участь дві команди (студенти І курсу), двоє ведучих (студенти ІІ курсу), журі (студенти ІІІ курсу). Кожна команда складається з п’ятьох  учасників. Змагання команд ділиться на десять раундів, що складаються з різних конкурсів. Переможець визначається журі після 10 раунду.

Хід гри

L.: Good afternoon. Glad to see you. Let’s play Brain-ring “English Together”. Two teams take part in this game. The teams will show their knowledge of English and try to assure the jury that they are clever, smart and good students.

I.: You’ll have several steps. The first step is the visit card of your team. Your task is:

  • to name your team
  • to elect the captain
  • to choose the motto
  • to present a poem, a song, etc.

L.: You’ve got time limit – 5 minutes. Please give us your presentation. And the judges will put marks to you.

I.: The first one is group #88. You’re welcome……………………………………………………………

L.: The second team is group #84. You’re welcome…………………………………………………….

I.: Thanks a lot to all of you. And we ask our judges to announce the points.


Step 1. Now let’s start our competition.  

I.: You’ve been studying English for ages.

L.:You know a lot of facts about English, English-speaking countries, their customs and traditions.

I.: To check up your knowledge we shall ask you questions and you should answer them as soon as possible.

L.: One correct answer is a point.

I.: Get set, go!

L.: 1. Do you know anything about English writers and poets? Speak about one.

I.: 2. What events come to your mind when you look at the map of Great Britain and see the following place-names: Edinburgh, Alderborough, Langollen, Liverpool? (Queen Elizabeth II, the Beatles, Eisteddfod, Aldeborough Festival)

L.: 3. What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace) 

I.: 4. What was B. Britten? (a composer)

L.: 5. What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower) 

I.: 6. Where does Royal Shakespeare Company perform? (in Stradford-on-Avon)

L.: 7. Where is the Poets' Corner? (in Westminster Abbey)

I.: 8. Who is called by the British people "Our national bard", "The bard of Avon"? (Shakespeare)

L.: 9. Who is considered to be the national poet of Scotland? (R. Burns)

I.: 10. Who is the national hero of Britain, the defender of the poor? (Robin Hood)

L.: 11. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain? (M. Thatcher)

I.: Now we ask the judges to announce the results.

Step 2. Proverbs are wisdom of the whole nation.

I.: Wherever you live, whatever language you speak, most of the proverbs have similar meanings.

L.: For example, my home is my castle (мій дім – моя фортеця), East or West, home is best (в гостях добре, а вдома краще).

I.: The same is about the idioms (to kill two hares with one stone – убити двох зайців відразу).

L.: Your task is to find Ukrainian equivalents to the proverbs. Be very attentive and listen:

L.: Don't pull my leg. (Не розігруй мене)

Every cook praises his own broth. (Кожен кухар хвалить свій власний борщ)

I.: From the horse's mouth. (З перших рук (вуст))     


L.: Keep your chin up. (Вище ніс)


I.: Score twice before you cut once. (7 разів відміряй, один відріж)                 


L.: To be on the safe side. (Про всяк випадок)


I.: Now we shall listen to our judges. 

            To beat the air. (Бити повітря)



Step 3. Do you know the history and culture of the countries the language of which you study?

I.: Please answer:

L.: 1. Name the capitals of the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. (Washington, Canberra, Wellington, Ottawa)

I.: 2. Name the king of the rock'n'roll. (E. Presley)

L.: 3. The Ukrainians like to drink their tea with lemon. What kind of tea do they call British tea? (tea with milk)

I.: 4. What English scientist did an apple fall on his head and helped him to discover a physics law? (I. Newton)

L.: 5. What strait separates Great Britain from the continent? (the English Channel)

I.: 6. What was the real name of Mark Twain? (S. Clemens)

L.: 7. Who lives in 10, Downing street in London? (Prime Minister)

I.: 8. Who was the first President of America? (G. Washington)

L.: 9. Who was the 42nd President of the USA? (B. Clinton)

I.: OK. We thank all the members of the teams for their answers.

L.: Dear judges, what are the results?..............................................................

Step 4. We continue our game.

L.: Are there polyglots among you? Tell me please:

I.: 1. Do you know how to greet a person in French? (Bonjour)

L.: 2. Say in French "Один на один''. (Tete-a-tete)

I.: 3. Translate from Italian: " Finita la comedia". (the end of comedy)

L.: 4. Translate from Latin: "Terra incognita". (unknown land)

I.: 5. Translate from Latin: "Veni, vidi, vici". (came, saw and won)

L.: 6. What's the English for "Бути чи не бути"? (to be or not to be)

I.: 7. What's the English for "грудна дитина''?  (baby)

L.: 8. What's the French for "Look for a woman"? (шерше ля фам)

I.: 9. What unites these great people: John Golsworthy, Juan Antonio Samaranch, Iogann Guttenberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Ivan Mazepa, Ian Zhizhka? (the name Ivan sounds differently in different languages)

L.: So, dear judges, what are the results of this step?... Thank you.

Step 5.The next step is called  Do you know?” You know that during English classes we study not only English, but a wide range of different things: we speak both about changeable climate in Great Britain and the Mediterranean climate of Australia.

L.: We learn how to be polite, how to protect the environment and how to respect grown-ups. Please try to answer the questions. One correct answer is a point.

I.: 1. Please give British equivalents of the following words:


1. elevator (lift)



4. subway (underground)

2. first floor (ground floor)

5. truck (lorry)

3. movie (cinema)

L.: 2. What city does it belong to? It has three parts: the West End, the City and the East End:

a) London

b) Ottawa

c) New York

I.: 3. Which statements are wrong:

a) The United Kingdom consists of all the members of the British Commonwealth.

b) Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

c) Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales,

L.: 4. Which statement is correct:

a) Canadians are bilingual.

b) Canadians speak English,

c) Canadians speak French.

I.: 5. Which country is the nearest continental neighbour of Great Britain:

a) France

b) Ireland

c) Spain.

L.: The step is over and we are waiting for the announcement of the points... Thank you very much.  

Step 6. Our game is going on. Now dear teams, please, make as many words as you can out of the word "Thunderstorm". You’ve got time limit - 1 minute.

L.: Please, dear participants, give your words to our judges………………………………………………………………….

Now we would like to know the results of this step.

I.: Thank you.

Step 7. We continue the Brain-ring. Your next task is to match the date with the month and name the British holidays. Please write down the dates and the months. Are you ready? So May or April, 14, 25, 26, 31, 31 (May or April - Easter, 14th February - St. Valentine’s Day, 25th December – Christmas Day, 26th December – Boxing Day, 31st December – New Year Day, 31st October – Halloween)

I.: And now our judges will inform the results of this step.

Step 8. And now the captains are invited. The task is “You’ll have  a card with a word on it and you should write your five associations with that notion”. You can get five points for all five associations. So you’re welcome. Please choose a word.


I.: Is anybody ready? Please……………………….......

L.: Let’s listen to our jury.


Step 9. Here are the cards with words for you. Your task is to put the missing letters. The first team who is ready will get 5 points if all the letters are correct. Thank you.

Harb_ _r


L.: Who is ready please? Show your words to the jury.

Please, dear jury members, tell us the points for this task…

I’d like to inform that the total score is:

team of group #88  - … points

team of group #87  - … points.

Step 10. And now the next task. There are 20 parts of 10 words. Try to combine them into the words. Read the words. Thank you!

L.: So who is ready to show and read the words for us?

(architecture, neighbourhood, arabic, flora, koala, Spanish, unemployment, temperature, fauna, kangaroo)


And now we would like to listen to our jury.

I.:  The game is over. Thank you so much. Let’s listen to the judges. (Журі підбиває підсумки змагання.) The winner of our competition is the team from …
We are pleased with your knowledge today. Thank you a thousand times.

L.: Thanks everybody for being so erudite and for good knowledge of the English language!




Презентація команди: 1 бал

емблема: + 1 бал

девіз: + 1 бал

вірш чи пісня англ. мовою: + 1 бал

оформлення газети:  + 1 бал

Step 1 (одне питання – 1 бал)

1. Do you know anything about English writers and poets? Speak about one.

2. What events come to your mind when you look at the map of Great Britain and see the following place-names: Edinburgh, Alderborough, Langollen, Liverpool? (Queen Elizabeth II, the Beatles, Eisteddfod, Aldeborough Festival)

3. What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace) 

4. What was B. Britten? (a composer)

5. What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower) 

6. Where does Royal Shakespeare Company perform? (in Stradford-on-Avon)

7. Where is the Poets' Corner? (in Westminster Abbey)

8. Who is called by the British people "Our national bard", "The bard of Avon"? (Shakespeare)

9. Who is considered to be the national poet of Scotland? (R. Burns)

10. Who is the national hero of Britain, the defender of the poor? (Robin Hood)

11. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain? (M. Thatcher)

Step 2 (одне питання – 1 бал)

Don't pull my leg. (Не розігруй мене)

Every cook praises his own broth. (Кожен кухар хвалить свій власний борщ)

From the horse's mouth. (З перших рук (вуст)   


Keep your chin up. (Вище ніс)


Score twice before you cut once. (7 разів відміряй, один відріж)                 


To be on the safe side. (Про всяк випадок)

            To beat the air. (Бити повітря)



Step 3 (одне питання – 1 бал)

1. Name the capitals of the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. (Washington, Canberra, Wellington, Ottawa)

2. Name the king of the rock'n'roll. (E. Presley)

3. tea with milk

S.: 4. What English scientist did an apple fall on his head and helped him to discover a physics law? (I. Newton)

5. What strait separates Great Britain from the continent? (the English Channel)

6. What was the real name of Mark Twain? (S. Clemens)

7. Who lives in 10, Downing street in London? (Prime Minister)

8. Who was the first President of America? (G. Washington)

S.: 9. Who was the 42nd President of the USA? (B. Clinton)

Step 4. (одне питання – 1 бал)

1. Do you know how to greet a person in French? (Bonjour)

2. Say in French "Один на один''. (Tete-a-tete)

3. Translate from Italian: " Finita la comedia". (the end of comedy)

4. Translate from Latin: "Terra incognita". (unknown land)

5. Translate from Latin: "Veni, vidi, vici". (came, saw and won)

6. What's the English for "Бути чи не бути"? (to be or not to be)

7. What's the English for "грудна дитина''?  (baby)

 8. What's the French for "Look for a woman"? (шерше ля фам)

9. What unites these great people: John Golsworthy, Juan Antonio Samaranch, Iogann Guttenberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Ivan Mazepa, Ian Zhizhka? (the name Ivan sounds differently in different languages)

Step 5 (одне питання – 1 бал)

1. Please give British equivalents of the following words:


1.elevator (lift)




4. subway (underground)

2. first floor (ground floor)

5. truck (lorry)

3. movie (cinema)

2. What city does it belong to? It has three parts: the West End, the City and the East End:

a) London

3. Which statements are wrong:

a) The United Kingdom consists of all the members of the British Commonwealth.

b) Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

4. Which statement is correct:

a) Canadians are bilingual.

5. Which country is the nearest continental neighbour of Great Britain:

a) France

Step 6. "Thunderstorm"    (за кожне правильно складене слово – 1 бал)

Step 7 (кожне правильно назване свято – 1 бал)

May or April - Easter

14th February - St. Valentine’s Day

25th December – Christmas Day

26th December – Boxing Day

31st December – New Year Day

31st October – Halloween

Step 8 – асоціації зі словом


Кожна вірна асоціація – 1 бал


Step 9 – слова з пропущеними буквами

 За кожне правильно заповнене слово – 1 бал




Step 10 – складання слів з половинок.

Кожне правильно складене слово – 1 бал.


architecture                         Spanish

neighbourhood                   unemployment

Arabic                                    temperature

flora                                      fauna

koala                                     kangaroo


























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