British Traditional Food.English Breakfast.

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На уроці учні знайомляться з традиціями харчування британців,особлива увага приділяється англійському традиційному сніданку та святковим традиційним стравам.

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Тема: «Традиційна британська їжа. »




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Обладнання:фото Роус, малюнки з їжею, «healthy plates», ДРМ з текстами та завданням з відео, фото традиційної британської їжі,відео.

T: Hello! Today we’re going on speaking about food. And the topic of our lesson is “Traditional British food.” Do you know this girl? When she was in our country, she tried our food. One day you will go to GB and you should know what food the British eat. But how  can we get to know about it?

I’ll invite you to my TV channel. And our first program is revising the names of products. I hope that you’re not hungry.

(учні повторюють назви продуктів)

Guys! You already know that food can be healthy and unhealthy. I’ll show you a card and If it is healthy, you will clap twice.(7)

(карточки з їжею)

Revising topical vocabulary.

T: Look at the table and revise some useful expressions:(2’)

Have  breakfast                      skip breakfast            eat healthy food

          lunch    a snack                                lunch                     convenient food

          dinner   meals  tea                               dinner

I think that you never skip breakfast. Do you? What do you eat for breakfast?

(3-4 учня відповідають)


 Each of you has a “healthy plate” Find “My breakfast” on it and write down the food you usually eat for breakfast.(3’)

T: Students! Now we will get to know what the English eat for breakfast. Let’s read the text about English breakfast and see if it is different from the breakfast in Ukraine.(ДРМ)(3)

Now can you tell me what the British people usually eat for breakfast.

T: And it’s high time to check up our homework (Ex.4 p.101,ex.5 p.102)(4’)

T: There is a proverb “Seeing once is better than hearing twice ” Let’s translate it.

Now our next programme –  watching  a video about British food.

1)Pre-watching activities(2’)

T: Before we watch the film look at some words on the board and revise them:

Roast beef, snack, packed lunch, chips ,cereal, bacon, cornflakes, milkman.

Pay attention to this

1.What is a milkman?

a)a man who milks a cow; b) a man who likes milk; c)a man who brings milk to people.

2. British have their lunch at about…

a)11 or 12 o’clock b) 12 or 1 o’clock c) 1 or 2 o’clock.

3. Traditional British food is…

a) chips&fish c) burgers d) cheese

4. Traditional English breakfast consists of…

a) pasta;b) tomato; c) bacon& eggs.

5. People in Britain eat for dinner at about …

a) 5 o’clock b)6 o’clock c) 7 o’clock.

2) While-watching activities(5’)

3) Post-watching activities (3’)

Зарядка : I’m a little teapot (1’)


T: Now write down on your healthy plates  the food British people eat for breakfast, lunch and  things they eat for dinner.(3’)

T:So let’s match the traditional English meals with their names.(1)

1.pudding pie & chips

4.fried eggs & ham

5. roast chicken



T: Dear friends! Do you know that British people are great lovers of tea. They drink tea for breakfast , lunch and dinner. They also have their traditional 5 o’clock tea.

Now you should guess the riddles to learn what the British people drink tea with

1)It is white. Little children usually drink it. (milk)


2)Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (sugar)

Right! They drink tea with milk and sugar. It’s called the English tea. 

Let’s read some information about English tea.(ДРМ)

Englishmen are sweet tooth.They like drinking tea with… Oh! Sorry !The letters are in a wrong order! You should put it right!


T: It’s time to sum up ! Your homework is WB p.54-55(1’)

























In England you may have what they call “full English breakfast.” First they

bring you cereal and fruit juice, then you get bacon, eggs and tomatoes. Then

comes  toast and marmalade. You finish your breakfast with a cup of coffee or

tea usually with milk.

In fact English people don’t often have “full breakfast”. They have just one of

these things with a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes they call it “continental




In England you may have what they call “full English breakfast.” First they bring you cereal and fruit juice, then you get bacon, eggs and tomatoes. Then comes  toast and marmalade. You finish your breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea usually with milk.

In fact English people don’t often have “full breakfast”. They have just one of these things with a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes they call it “continental breakfast”.



In England you may have what they call “full English breakfast.” First they bring you cereal and fruit juice, then you get bacon, eggs and tomatoes. Then comes  toast and marmalade. You finish your breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea usually with milk.

In fact English people don’t often have “full breakfast”. They have just one of these things with a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes they call it “continental breakfast”.


1.What is a milkman?

a)a man who milks a cow; b) a man who likes milk; c)a man who brings milk to people.

2. British have their lunch at about…

a)11 or 12 o’clock b) 12 or 1 o’clock c) 1 or 2 o’clock.

3. Traditional British food is…

a) chips&fish c) burgers d) cheese

4. Traditional English breakfast consists of…

a) pasta;b) tomato; c) bacon& eggs.

5. People in Britain eat for dinner at about …

a) 5 o’clock b)6 o’clock c) 7 o’clock.



1.What is a milkman?

a)a man who milks a cow; b) a man who likes milk; c)a man who brings milk to people.

2. British have their lunch at about…

a)11 or 12 o’clock b) 12 or 1 o’clock c) 1 or 2 o’clock.

3. Traditional British food is…

a) chips&fish c) burgers d) cheese

4. Traditional English breakfast consists of…

a) pasta;b) tomato; c) bacon& eggs.

5. People in Britain eat for dinner at about …

a) 5 o’clock b)6 o’clock c) 7 o’clock.



1.It’s yellow and people like me on their pizza.

2.I’m small round and red fruit. I grow on trees.

3.It’s white. It’s oval. It’s good to eat for breakfast. It comes from hens.

4. We are small round green vegetables.

5.Cats like to drink it.

6.Rabbits just like it.

7.This is a long yellow fruit. Monkeys love it. 

8.It can be from orange, apple, banana, cherry…People like to drink it.

9.It’s yellow and sweet. Bears love it.

10.I’m a round fruit. I’m usually red, yellow and green.













English people like tea. They drink a lot of tea. They have tea for breakfast, for lunch and  for dinner. Some English families have two or three cups of tea at tea time.

English people drink tea from cups not from glasses. English people like to have tea  with milk not with lemon. They call it “English tea.”   


English people like tea. They drink a lot of tea. They have tea for breakfast, for lunch and  for dinner. Some English families have two or three cups of tea at tea time.

English people drink tea from cups not from glasses. English people like to have tea  with milk not with lemon. They call it “English tea.”   


English people like tea. They drink a lot of tea. They have tea for breakfast, for lunch and  for dinner. Some English families have two or three cups of tea at tea time.

English people drink tea from cups not from glasses. English people like to have tea  with milk not with lemon. They call it “English tea.”   


English people like tea. They drink a lot of tea. They have tea for breakfast, for lunch and  for dinner. Some English families have two or three cups of tea at tea time.

English people drink tea from cups not from glasses. English people like to have tea  with milk not with lemon. They call it “English tea.”   















ПРОВЕЛА: Шарапенко В.А.















11 січня 2019
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