Careers in computing

Про матеріал
Матеріал для курсу ''Computer Engineering'. Короткий текст для читання та 2 вправи. Ключі до завдань.
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Careers in computing


hardware engineer           спеціаліст по обслуговуванню комп’ютерної техніки

software developer          розробник програмного забезпечення         

oversee                            наглядати

modify                             видозмінювати

update                              оновлювати

manufacture                     виготовлення

incorporate                       включати, об’єднувати

appliance                          прилад

home appliances              побутова техніка

ensure                              забезпечити


   Computer hardware engineers design new computer hardware, creating schematics of computer equipment to be built, test the computer hardware they design, analyze the test results and modify the design as needed. They also update existing computer equipment so that it will work with new software and oversee the manufacturing process for computer hardware.

   Many hardware engineers design devices used in manufactured products that incorporate processors and other computer components and that connect to the Internet. For example, many new cars, home appliances, and medical devices have Internet-ready computer systems built into them.

   Computer hardware engineers ensure that computer hardware components work together with the latest software. Therefore, hardware engineers often work with software developers.


   Software developers create the computer applications. They analyze users' needs and then design and develop software to meet those needs. They also recommend software upgrades for customers' existing programs and systems and design each piece of an application or system and plan how the pieces will work together.


  1. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).


  1. hardware engineer   
  2. update             
  3. appliance
  4. oversee        
  5. manufacture
  6. equipment


A the set of necessary tools, clothing

B an instrument, apparatus or device

C make (something) more modern 

D to produce goods in large numbers

E a person who research, design, develop, and test computer systems

F control


  1. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).


  1. Computer hardware engineers improve existing computer equipment.
  2. The main task of computer hardware engineers is to oversee the manufacturing process for computer hardware.
  3. Software developers cannot recommend software upgrades for customers' existing programs.








12 листопада 2022
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