Choosing a holiday destination

Про матеріал
Урок розроблений з метою вдосконалювати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення учнів 11 класу за темою, що пропонується. А також тренувати їх в умінні оцінювати відповіді своїх однокласників.
Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку до підручника

                                                            New Destinations B1+

                                                          підготувала вчитель

   англійської мови Антонович А.М.

                                                                  м.Херсон, спеціалізована школа №52








Topic: Choosing a holiday destination.


  • Give SS practice in speaking;
  • Develop their acting-out skills;
  • Give SS practice in using new vocabulary related to the topic;
  • Develop critical thinking;
  • Give SS practice in peer-assessment work.

Evaluation: by the end of the lesson SS will learn to talk about different holiday destinations and solve a problem in choosing ones.

Equipment: SB “New Destinations B1+”, handouts, IB, presentation.




Teacher: Today we are going to talk about different holiday destinations. Do you like going on holiday? Where do you like to go? Why?

2 Main part.

1 Vocabulary practice:

Teacher: What types of holidays do you know? Let’s complete the chart.


city break holiday


Types of holidays


                      Beach holiday


2 Teacher hands out cards with the task:

Match pictures with the types of holidays



Teacher checks the answers with the class.

3 Debates:

The class is divided into two groups. The presentation is on the IB.

Group 1: discuss the advantages of the following types of holidays.

Group 2: discuss the disadvantages of the following types of holidays.

Teacher hands out cards with suggested expressions.

Group 1                      Card 1

I’d really like …

I think it would be nice …

That sounds …

We could…

Why don’t we …


Group 2                         Card 1

I don’t agree with you that …

I don’t really think it’s …

No way….

That’s not always true…


Teacher demonstrates slides with different types of holiday and groups debate pros and cons using suggested phrases.

4 Writing: make notes about types of holidays.

 Teacher : Now, you task is to complete the table. Do the task in pairs.

Type of a holiday



1beach holiday



2 city break holiday



3 exotic holiday



4 package holiday




5 Problem solving.

Teacher : Sometimes it’s difficult for you to make a decision about a holiday and you turn to your friends or relatives for help. Let’s imagine such situation. You have to make up a dialogue about choosing a holiday. Also, you can use ideas from the table which you have just completed. SS work in pairs.

Student A

You want to go on a holiday but you can’t make a decision what type of a holiday to choose:

all inclusive exotic resort or an extreme vacation.


Student B

You are trying to help your friend to make a decision about a holiday.

Teacher: In your dialogues you have to use the following expressions and words.


Luxurious hotel, local cuisine, beach front hotel, peaceful landscape, pure water, guided tours, stunning wildlife, action-packed, visit exotic locations, test your skills, endurance and survival skills.

Suggested expressions

If I were you, I would …

If I were in your shoes, I’d …

For me, …

It would be great if you …


6 SS act out dialogues with the class.

3 Summing up.

Teacher: So, you have just listened to your mates and now it’s time to evaluate their work. You need to read the criteria and put a tick in each line.  Choose any pair and put your mark.

Peer- assessment work:




1 Did your friends complete the task?



2 Did your friends use given words and expressions?



3 Did your friends use correct grammar (conditional type2)?



4 Did you like presentation of the dialogue?



Overall impression: Great job, Excellent, Well done, Good job, So so, Not bad



  Teacher: So, it’s time to sum up our lesson:

What are your marks for the dialogues?

What new types of holidays have you learnt at the lesson?

Have you learnt to talk about their pros and cons?

Homework for the next lesson: WB ex. A, B p.19





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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Nosalchuk Irene
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі