Цікаві вправи для роботи в НУШ!

Про матеріал
Матерял буде корисним всім вчителям,які працюють в НУШ. Можна використовувати при підготовці до уроків або при роботі дистанційно. Цікаві та змістовні завдання.
Перегляд файлу


Читаємо і пишемо

англійською мовою

 із задоволенням




Цікаві вправи для учнів

молодшого шкільного віку










http://goodtc-restaurant.info/images/MEBEL-SCHKOLA/party-shkolnye.jpgRead and write the number of each word on the picture.




1  the classroom                 6  the shelf               11 the child                      16  the book

     клас                                      полиця                      дитина                               книга


2  the teacher                     7  the chair               12  the ruler                     17  the chalk

     учитель                               стілець                        лінійка                              крейда


3  the window                     8  the desk               13  the pen                       18  the floor

    вікно                                     парта                          ручка                                 підлога


4  the bag                             9  the pencil            14  the copybook             19  the boy

    портфель                             олівець                      зошит                                хлопчик


5  the picture                      10 the door              15 the blackboard           20  the girl

    малюнок                              двері                         дошка                                 дівчинка   





  1. Put the letters in correct order and write.


eskd     _____________           rhiac  ___________



epn       _____________          epnlic ___________



rerlu      _____________          bltae  ___________



  1. Choose the right word. 


Учитель пише крейдою на                                     Ти сидиш на                

the desk                                                                        the teacher

the blackboard                                                              the chair

the book                                                                        the eraser


Ти виконуєш домашні завдання в                      Ти пишеш  (чим?) 

 the bag                                                                       the boy

           the exercise-book                                                       the pen

           the sharpener                                                              the pencil-box   



  1. Translate the words into Ukrainian and match them with pictures.

Autumn -   ___________                         Картинки по запросу літо

Winter -   ____________                           Картинки по запросу весна

Spring -    ____________                          Картинки по запросу осінь картинки для дітей

        Summer - ___________                                 Картинки по запросу зима

  1. Write the seasons correctly.

win            sum                                    1. ____________

mer           tumn                                   2. ____________

au              ter                                                  3. ____________

ing             spr                                      4. ____________


  1. Read and match the sentences with correct season .


  • http://ecorezerv.ucoz.ua/_nw/3/13688172.jpgПочаток навчального року.
  • Ура! Літні канікули!               




  • З Новим роком!       
  • День сміху. ( 1 квітня)    




  • http://www.rivne1.tv/pics2/1408/ui14092518061.jpgЯкий чудовий сніг!
  • Розцвіли підсніжники.           


  • Яблука поспіли.
  • Падають жолуді і каштани.



  • Річка замерзла.


  • Великодній кошик. 



  1. Read and write the names of  months .


September        December         March                 June

Вересень                   Грудень                _________                _________

October             January             May                   August

________             ________            ________              ________

November         April                 February             July

________             ________             ________             ________


  1. Write the dates:


Christmas Day:   ____________________

Mother's Day: ______________________

New Year: _________________________

Day of your birthday: ________________

First day of summer holidays: __________

St. Valentine Day: ___________________

Easter (this year): ____________________

Victory Day: ________________________



  1. Read and write the number of each month correctly.























  1. Read and delete the words which you cannot buy in the supermarket.



the vegetables – the nose – the carrot – the cabbage – the bean – the spinach – the cloud – the lettuce – the tomato – the peas – the potato – the tree – the fish – the house – the bird – the mouth -   the oil – the stamp – the soup – the jam – the tea – the coffee – the street – the train – the onion – the child – the dog -  the cucumber – the fruit – the beat – the apple – the bed – the banana – the cherry – the orange – the pear – the table – the lemon – the meat -  the bread



  1. Write the words:


5 vegetables:___________________________________________________

5 fruit:            __________________________________________________

Several products from the bakery:          _____________________________

Several drinks:       ______________________________________________

Several meat products:   _________________________________________

Several your favorite products: ____________________________________




  1. Read and match the words with the pictures.



 baker                                                                                                    cow


 dairy                                                                                                                   yoghurt


 biscuit                                                                                                    cream


 egg                                                                                                       milk


 butter                                                                                                  croissant


 bread                                                                                                    bakery


 flour                                                                                           ice-cream


 cake                                                                                                         bun


 cheese                                                                                             milkman


 cereal                                                                                                  sweets                                                                                           




  1. Read and write as in the example.

69 = sixty-nine                                                                  24 =

22 =                                                                                    88 =

63 =                                                                                    98 =

82 =                                                                                    29 =

33 =                                                                                    44 =

55 =                                                                                    66 =

  1. =                                                                                    99 =



  1. Read, think, count and write.




                           twenty            thirty               forty                fifty

          ten                                                                                                           sixty



     zero                            a  hundred          ninety              eighty           seventy


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