Colours. Smart Junior 2

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку за підручником Smart Junior 2, для учнів 2 класу. Тума уроку Colours.
Перегляд файлу

Topic : Colours.

Smart Junior 2, page 20



- to indentify colours ;

- to ask and answer questions about colours;

- to practice pair work;

- to practice the structures What colour are they?



- to ask and answer questions about colours;


1.Greeting.  Stage 1

Hello, students. I am glad to see you.

Let’s begin our lesson.

COVID-19 go away.

Never come back our way.

Little children want to play,

COVID-19 go away.

2.Warming up. Stage 2

* Фонетична зарядка

    - Lets learn the letters.


  • Мовленнєва зарядка
  • What am I ???

(I don’t have any legs. I am very long. I eat small animals. I can be very dangerous.)

     Dear students, you have some interesting cards with animals. Let’s play the game, one student close his picture and says interesting facts about  his animal. Other students must say what animal is it? Who knows the correct answer, you should hands up, don’t shout.

  • What colour is your animal?

Stage 3.

  • Повідомлення теми.

    I see you are remember some colours, I hope you will work well and today we learn others colours.

     Show the flashcards with colours and ask students to repeat them (listen to audio and repeat) .

  • Let’s see video-sing Colour.



Stage 4.

  • Вивчення нового матеріалу.

Look at the board, who is it? Yes, it is Alladin. ( Aladdin is a poor, young man. When Aladdin finds the lamp he gets trapped in cave. He accidentally rubs a magic ring lent to him by the sorcerer and a genie appears, who takes him home. When Aladdin gets home, his mother tries cleaning the lamp, a second wishes will be more powerful. That Aladdin will be young, rich man. Aladdin marries the King’s daughter and they live in a magnificent palace.)

  • Listen the audio (Ex.1, p.20).
  • Робота з підручником.


  • Listen, point and read.
  • Listen and say Yes and No (Ex.2, p.21).

Stage 5.

  • Сприймання вивченого на слух.

Practice. Presentation.

What colour are they?  -They are pink.

What colour are they? – They’re black.

  • Відпрацювання вивченого матеріалу.

Let’s play.  To guess what’s happening.

Look at the pictures in activity 2 and asking each other what colour the different objects are. (What colour are they?- They’re pink. They’re lollipops. Yes.)

Stage 6.

  • Підсумок уроку. Повідомлення дз.
  • Tell me , what colours do you remember at this lesson?
  • Your homework for the next lesson is in Workbook  Exercise  1, p. 11( Colour in the picture according to the numbers- each number corresponds to a colour. Ask about the colour of each object in the picture, as in the example).
  • Good bye (sing a song).