Communication Technologies. 10th form за підручником Карп'юк О.Д.

Про матеріал
Додатковий матеріал по темі " Communication Technologies "" для перевірки знань , умінь і навичок , який можна використати y 10 класі .
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Communication Technologies. 10th form за підручником Карп'юк О.Д.


Choose the correct variant.


1. .... is a list of computer operations.









Choose the correct variant.


2. ... is a small picture or symbol






 menu bar


Choose the correct variant .


3 .... is software for creating text files.


 word processor









Choose the correct variant .


4 . a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse









Choose the correct variant .


5. ... means to press and release the buttom on the mouse .


log on






scrroll up



Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.


6. His secretary is very quick at keying .










Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.


7. For security reasons, always log ... when you leave your computer unattended for any period of time .










Choose the correct word to complete the sentence


8 . Tom was very upset when he realised that someone had hacked ... his computer .









Choose the correct word to complete the sentence .


9. It took ages ... the whole report out


 to delete


  to print


 to pick up



Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.


10. The ability ... is particularly useful when you are working on detailed diagrams /


 to print



 to pick up



 to zoom


Choose the correct word.



11. What is the ... of your computer ?


 computing system



 word processing



 operating system


Choose the correct variant.


12 . How often do you write ..... ?


chat rooms


 email letters




До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 лютого 2022
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