Control work "DOCTOR! DOCTOR!" (Grade7) O.Karpiuk

Про матеріал
тематична контрольна робота на 3 завдання: 1. знання лексики з теми 2. вживання Past Perfect Tense 3. відповісти за запитання
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  1. Translate the words.


1. headache

2. an accident

3.a treatment 

4.  to cough

5. to examine

6.a sore throat 

7. a nurse

8. a tongue

9. to feel ill

10. backache

11. medicines

12. a flu

13. to sneeze

14. earache

15. to keep fit

16. to stay in bed

17.a first aid

18. a bad cold

19. a disease prescribe

21. to recover

22. to look sick

23. a pain

24. to cut a finger




  1.  Write  the sentences in Past Perfect Tense


  1. Ann/to cut a finger/ before the doctor / to come
  2. Dan/ to drink hot milk/ after his mother/ to cook it
  3. Doctor/to check the pulse/ before she/ to prescribe medicines
  4. Mother/ to call the doctor/ by 5 o’clock
  5. Nick/ to feel ill/after he/ to come home
  6. Tom/to take temperature/by 7 o’clock





      3.   Answer the questions.


  1. What do you do if you have toothache?
  2. What do you do if you have a headache?
  3. When does your mother call in a doctor?
  4. When do people catch flu?
  5. What diseases did you have last year?
  6. What should you do to keep on being healthy?



  1. Translate the words.


1. headache

2. an accident

3.a treatment 

4.  to cough

5. to examine

6.a sore throat 

7. a nurse

8. a tongue

9. to feel ill

10. backache

11. medicines

12. a flu

13. to sneeze

14. earache

15. to keep fit

16. to stay in bed

17.a first aid

18. a bad cold

19. a disease prescribe

21. to recover

22. to look sick

23. a pain

24. to cut a finger




  1.  Write  the sentences in Past Perfect Tense


  1. Ann/to cut a finger/ before the doctor / to come
  2. Dan/ to drink hot milk/ after his mother/ to cook it
  3. Doctor/to check the pulse/ before she/ to prescribe medicines
  4. Mother/ to call the doctor/ by 5 o’clock
  5. Nick/ to feel ill/after he/ to come home
  6. Tom/to take temperature/by 7 o’clock





      3.   Answer the questions.


  1. What do you do if you have toothache?
  2. What do you do if you have a headache?
  3. When does your mother call in a doctor?
  4. When do people catch flu?
  5. What diseases did you have last year?
  6. What should you do to keep on being healthy?


10 жовтня 2019
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