Control work.Prepare.Unit1-2 form 7.

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота по 1-2 розділу для учнів 7 класу по підручнику Prepare, включає словник,граматику,письмо.
Перегляд файлу

         1.Put the missing letters and write down the translation.                                                                 …y-                                                          h.lp.l-

po.u.a.-                                                        l..y-

f.nn.—                                                         k.n.-

p.l.te-                                                                                                                   cr…iv.-                                                         a.c.v.- 

        2.Choose the correct form of the verb.

1.She is knowing/knows him well.

2.They always go shopping/are going shopping on Saturdays.

3.His parents visit/are visiting Italy these days.

4.Her uncle believes/is believing in this miracle.

5.Peter wants/is wanting to buy a new laptop.

      3.Open the brackets using Pr.S. or Pr.C.

1.Wild panda (live) in bamboo forests.

2.Look, monkeys (eat) bananas!

3.Penguins usually (look) very curious.

4.This elephant (need) our help.

5.Listen, these birds (sing) so sweetly!

      4.Describe one of the wild animals. Use the questions as a prompt.

1.What kind of animal is it? 2.Where is it from? 3.Where does it live?

4.What color and size is it? 5.What does it eat? 6.How much does it weigh?

7.How many babies does female have?

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