Cooking. Laying the table

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Розробка уроку "Приготування їжі. Сервірування столу" допоможе вчителям англійської мови підготуватися до уроку з теми "Домогосподарство"
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Topic. Cooking. Laying the table


  •          to present and practice new words;
  •          to role play a situation;
  •          to give practice in speaking, reading, listening and writing;
  •          to develop dialogical skills using the studied vocabulary;
  •          to reviw Present Perfect Continuous; 
  •          to develop pupils’ linguistic outlook and communicative skills; 
  •          to contribute to all-round development of personality.

Type of the lesson: lesson of development of speaking skills.

Equipment: textbooks, hand-outs, different cutlery and tableware.


The Course of the Lesson

  1. The Beginning of the Lesson.
  1. Organizing the class for the lesson.

T.: Do you like cooking?

- What is your favourite dish?

- What cooking equipment do you use while cooking?

- What things does your mother use while cooking?

T. Today we are going to talk about the way we lay the table and cook our meals. We’ll be able to tell each other the recipes of your favourite dishes. You know there is a saying “You are what you eat”.

What do you think it means?

P. I think / consider it means …

T. By the way what did you have for breakfast today?

P. I had … for breakfast.

2. Warm-up activities.

T. Now look at the blackboard and give the answers to the question:

- What do you need?

  1. To make coffee I need …
  2. To make tea I need …
  3. To fry eggs I need …
  4. To eat my food I need …
  5. To drink some water I need …
  6. To make my dinner in just two minutes I need…
  1. The Main Body of the Lesson.

3. Homework check-up.

T. Your homework for today was to speak about your householding duties.

- What do you usually do about the house?

- How often do you help your mother about the house?

- Can you cook?

- What dish can you cook the best?

4. Presenting new material.

T. Today we are going to learn how we set out the table. At the blackboard you can see the things we put on the table when we have breakfast, dinner or supper









T. Do you help your parents to lay the table?

  •          How often do you lay the table?
  •          What do you usually put on the table?
  •          Do you like cooking?
  •          What do you usually cook?

Now look at the blackboard and read the list of verbs for preparing and cooking food and match them with the food words:



  1.     bake
  1. chicken
  1.     boil
  1. turkey
  1.     chop
  1. fish
  1.     cut
  1. banana
  1.     fry
  1. onion
  1.     grill
  1. potato
  1.     peel
  1. meat
  1.     roast
  1. lemon
  1.     slice
  1. carrot
  1. squeeze
  1. cake


5. Practising new material. Work in groups.

T. Now you are going to learn the way we make a tomato and cheese sandwich. Your task is to fill in the words from the box and read the recipe.

put (x3)         cut              eat              slice (x2)


Tomato and Cheese Sandwich

… to open the bread roll,

… the tomatoes,

… the cheese,

… tomato slices on the bread,

… some cheese on top,

… the top of the bread roll on top.

Now … your sandwich. It’s delicious!

 6. Practising listening and speaking skills.

T. I’ll read you the recipe of my favourite dish. Your task is to guess what my favourite dish is, what ingredients I need and how l cook it.

“Oil the pan. Put the flour and salt inro a bowl. Add some butter, milk and mix. Put the dough into the oiled pan. Add sliced tomatoes, ham and cheese. Bake for about 15 minutes in a microwave oven. Enjoy my …” (pizza)

 7. Practising reading skills.

T. So do you know the rules of laying the table? What things do you need?

As you see you have cards with the text.

Now in groups you will read it and choose the cutlery and tableware you need and lay the table.

How to lay the table for a special dinner?

If you have a special dinner, you should know how to lay the table on such an occasion.

First you spread the table-cloth and put out table-mats to protect the table from hot dishes.

Then take soup spoons for the soup, spoons for the sweet and all the cutlery – knives and forks, including a small knife for butter, a small knife and fork for the hors d’oeuvres and a fruit knife for dessert.

You should put the knives and the spoons on the right-hand side and the fork on the left

The spoon for sweet you should put across the top.

On the left of each guest, you put a small plate for bread and on the right a glass.

Don’t forget to put out the table napkins for each guest and place several salt-cellars.

Once again have a look at the table.

And don’t forget to put a bowl of beautiful flowers on dinner table.

You are ready for the friends to come.


the cutlery and tableware – cтолові прилади та посуд

occasion – нагода

spread the table-cloth – застеляти скатертину

hors d’oeuvres – закуски

salt-cellars – сільнички

 8. Grammar.

T. How long have you been doing the task?

So let’s review Present Perfect Continuous.

Make up the sentences with following words

  •          roast turkey
  •          cook cake
  •          slice fruit
  •          lay the table
  •          classmates wait for us
  •          wait for guests

T. Check out the sentences.

III. The End of the Lesson.

 9. Summing up.

T. Well, we have learnt many new things today.

  •          What have you known today?
  •          What did you like best of all?
  •          You did such a wonderful job!

10. Homework setting.

T. Your home task is to be ready to speak on the way you lay the table for dinner.



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