Countries we live in Конспект уроку для учнів 8 класу

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Тема уроку: Countries we live in

Мета:  - перевірити рівень знань з теми;

  • активізувати та закріпити вживання Passive Voice у мовленні;
  • вдосконалювати навички аудіювання;
  • розвивати здібності учнів до комунікації;
  • вмотивувати необхідність володіння іноземною мовою як неповторним засобом міжкультурного спілкування;
  •  виховувати провідні риси громадянина.

Обладнання: карта Великобританії, України, відео презентація « Ukraine invites», роздатковий матеріал  (НО1 – питання, НО2- текст для читання, НО3 – завдання для аудіювання), словники, підручники

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу

  1. Привітання. Повідомлення теми. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

 Good morning, dear pupils! How are you? (T→P 1→P 2…).

The topic of todays lesson isCountries we live in”. And we’re going to speak, to read , to listen to  some facts about Ukraine and Great Britain.

But at first let’s read some tongue-twisters (на  дошці)

  1. I thought, I thought of thinking of  thanking you.
  2. I have got a date at a  quarter to eight;

           I’ll see you at the gate,    so don’t be late

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання. (dialogues about Great Britain and Ukraine)
  2. Reading  (учні читають фрагменти вірша та складають його, прикріплюючи до дошки, потім зачитують вірш повністю)

        The   Ukrainians  are  at   home

        In  Kyiv  and  Cherkasy.

 And   the   English   are   at   home

In   London   and   New   Castle.

 The    Italians   are  at    home

 In Venice and  Rome.

  People  can  be  happy

  When    they    are   at  home.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

  1. Говоріння. Робота з картою.

(учні отримують картки  НО 1 із запитаннями та завданнями, зачитують вголос, виконують).

НО 1 Answer the question.

  1. What part of Europe is Ukraine situated in?
  1. What countries does Ukraine border on? (show on the map)
  1. What seas is Ukraine washed by?  (show on the map)
  1. What is the most important national holiday in Ukraine an d when do we celebrate it?
  1. How many parts does Great Britain consists of? (show on the map)
  1. Great Britain is a monarchy , isn’t it?
  1. What  seas and oceans  is Great Britain washed by? (show on the map)


  1. Аудіювання (Listening Comprehention)

    Before-listening.Повторення лексики перед слуханням (переклад слів та словосполучень в режимі Т-Р або Р-Р).

     Listening (учні отримують картки із завданнями: позначити правдиві твердження Т (true), неправдиві F(false))


Mark the following statements T (if they are true) and F (if they are false)

  1. Ukraine is one of the smallest countries in Europe.____
  2. There is a geographical centre of Europe in Ukraine ____
  3. Ukraine is a presidential republic.____
  4. The head of government is a President. ____
  5. Dnipropetrovsk is one of the largest cities in Ukraine.____
  6. More than one hundred ethnic groups live in Ukraine.____
  7. Anna, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, became the Queen of Great Britain.____
  8. The library, collected by  Yaroslav the Wise, was the first in Europe.____
  9. The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy became the first university in eastern Europe.____


Перегляд відео презентації “Ukraine invites” (

Виконання завдання на картках. Перевірка (учні зачитують твердження та відповідають:”Yes, its true/ No, its not  true.”)

  1. Читання (Reading)

HO 3.Read the following text. Answer the questions.

British traditions and superstitions.

       Britain has some traditions and customs that show the typical 'way of life' for British peoples.  It is Sunday Roast, for example. Roast beef is served with roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, vegetables and gravy. It is usually served on a Sunday, mid to late afternoon. Yorkshire pudding is batter baked in hot fat in the oven. Gravy is a sauce made from meat juices and stock, thickened with flour.

    High Tea .The modern High Tea is served between 3pm and 5pm. It is a pot of tea, usually accompanied by thin sandwiches, scones with cream, small cakes, and pastries. High tea can also be called 'afternoon tea' which can be as simple as a cup of tea and biscuits.

    Fish and Chips .Friday Fish and Chips are eaten any day of the week. Fridays became the 'traditional' day to eat them due to a Roman Catholic rule that fish was the only meal to be eaten on a Friday.

   There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most widespread is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder - even if it means stepping off the pavement into a busy street.

    Another common superstition is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house - it will either bring misfortune to the person that opened it or to the household.

   The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and especially when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday.

    The worst misfortune that can befall you is breaking a mirror, as it brings seven years of bad luck!

   Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are associated with witchcraft - a witch's animal-familiar' is usually a black cat.

1.  When do British usually have their High Tea?

2. Can British eat Fish and Chips any day of the week?

      3. What is the most widespread superstition in Britain?

 4. What is the worst superstition for British?
Find in the text and read the sentences with Passive Voice (Roast beef is served with roast potatoes, . Yorkshire pudding is batter baked in hot fat in the oven, Gravy is a sauce made from meat juices and stock, thickened with flour. і .т.)

  1. Письмо. (Writing)

Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets (The Passive Voice)                                    

  1. This house … by my husband’s grandfather in 1970 (is built / are built/ was built/ were built/ will be built).
  2. As a result of an earthquake, the house there…( is burned down/ are burned down/ was burned down/  will be burned down).
  3. I … (is brought up/ was brought up/ had been brought up) in an orphanage and then I … (is adopted/ was adopted/had been adopted).
  4. A second later I … (am introduced/ is introduced/ was introduced) to a group of young American officers.
  5. The road to the City of Emeralds… (pave/ paves/ is paved/were paved) with yellow brick, so you cannot miss it.

HO4 . Match the pairs. Answer the question.  (дати письмово відповіді на питання )

What do we celebrate on these days?

Відповідь We celebrate New Year on the 1st of January.

- August, 24 - ________________________

- May ,9  - ____________________________

- January,1 - ___________________________

- January, 7 - ____________________________

- between April,4 and May,8 -________________

- June, 28 - ______________________________

- March, 8 - _____________________________

- March, 9 -______________________________

 - September, 1 -__________________________    

ІІІ . Заключна частина

Домашнє завдання (Homework): make up an essay about our Motherland  (10-15 sentences), get ready to the test.

Підведення підсумків (Summarizing):

 Have you learnt some  new facts about Great Britain?











      The   Ukrainians  are  at   homeна 1 аркуші

        In  Kyiv  and  Cherkasy. на 2 аркуші

 And   the   English   are   at   homeна 3 аркуші

In   London   and   New   Castle.на 4 аркуші

The    Italians   are  at    home – на 5 аркуші

 In Venice and  Rome.на 6 аркуші

  People  can  be  happy – на 7 аркуші

  When    they    are   at  home. –на 8 аркуші

НО 1 Answer the question.

  1. What part of Europe is Ukraine situated in?
  1. What countries does Ukraine borders on? (show on the map)
  1. What seas is Ukraine washed by?  (show on the map)
  1. What is the most important national holiday in Ukraine an d when do we celebrate it?
  1. How many parts does Great Britain consists of? (show on the map)
  1. Great Britain is a monarchy , isn’t it?
  1. What  seas and oceans  is Great Britain washed by? (show on the map)



Mark the following statements T (if they are true) and F (if they are false)

  1. Ukraine is one of the smallest countries in Europe.____
  2. There is a geographical centre of Europe in Ukraine ____
  3. Ukraine is a presidential republic.____
  4. The head of government is a President. ____
  5. Dnipropetrovsk is one of the largest cities in Ukraine.____
  6. More than one hundred ethnic groups live in Ukraine.____
  7. Anna, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, became the Queen of Great Britain.____
  8. The library, collected by  Yaroslav the Wise, was the first in Europe.____
  9. The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy became the first university in eastern Europe.____


HO 3.Read the following text. Answer the questions.

British traditions and superstitions.

       Britain has some traditions and customs that show the typical 'way of life' for British peoples.  It is Sunday Roast, for example. Roast beef is served with roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, vegetables and gravy. It is usually served on a Sunday, mid to late afternoon. Yorkshire pudding is batter baked in hot fat in the oven. Gravy is a sauce made from meat juices and stock, thickened with flour.

    High Tea .The modern High Tea is served between 3pm and 5pm. It is a pot of tea, usually accompanied by thin sandwiches, scones with cream, small cakes, and pastries. High tea can also be called 'afternoon tea' which can be as simple as a cup of tea and biscuits.

    Fish and Chips .Friday Fish and Chips are eaten any day of the week. Fridays became the 'traditional' day to eat them due to a Roman Catholic rule that fish was the only meal to be eaten on a Friday.

   There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most widespread is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder - even if it means stepping off the pavement into a busy street.

    Another common superstition is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house - it will either bring misfortune to the person that opened it or to the household.

   The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and especially when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday.

    The worst misfortune that can befall you is breaking a mirror, as it brings seven years of bad luck!

   Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are associated with witchcraft - a witch's animal-familiar' is usually a black cat.

1.  When do British usually have their High Tea?

2. Can British eat Fish and Chips any day of the week?

      3. What is the most widespread superstition in Britain?

       4. What is the worst superstition for British?
Find in the text and read the sentences with Passive Voice.

HO4 . Match the pairs. Answer the question.

 (дати письмово відповіді на питання )

What do we celebrate on these days?

- August, 24 - ________________________

- May ,9  - ____________________________

- January,1 - ___________________________

- January, 7 - ____________________________

- between April,4 and May,8 -________________

- June, 28 - ______________________________

- March, 8 - _____________________________

- March, 9 -______________________________

 - September, 1 -__________________________    












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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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