Defender of Ukraine Day

Про матеріал

Вірш присвячений святу 14 жовтня. Посилання на відео

14 жовтня українці святкують одразу три свята. Перше – Свято Покрови Божої Матері, друге – День українського козацтва, третє свято, дуже молоде – День захисника України.

Перегляд файлу

Defender of Ukraine Day


The fourteenth of October

Is marked in Ukraine.

It is joyful and solemn.

It is the Defender of Ukraine Day.


The celebration of this day

Coincides with the holiday of Pokrova.

For centuries, the Holy Mother

Considered the protector of all Cossacks.


According to the old legend,

The Virgin Mary and angels

Saved early christians

From pagans' invasion.


The Holy Mother appeared in the church

Surrounded by angels.

She knelt and prayed with tears -

People became invisible to strangers.


The Holy Mother appeared before people

And covered them with her cloth.

The enemies could not see

These people anymore.


Later Zaporizhian Sich Cossacks

Built a church in her honour.

On this day they chose hetmans

And celebrated the Pokrova.


This day was defined

Considering historical meaning

And contribution of Cossacks

In the process of state-building.


By the start of October,

All the major farmer works are done.

It is the best time

To take in marriage and have fun.


Now the holiday is introduced

To honour the courage of the defenders,

Military traditions and victories

Of Sich Cossacks' descendants.

12 жовтня 2020
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