English Grammar. Вказівні займенники в англійській мові (Demonstrative Pronouns) "this/that/these/those" ( cards) . Картки для вивчення та засвоєння граматичних тем в англійській мові. За допомогою цих карток легко засвоїти дану тему.
This is a sandwich. These are sandwiches. That is a banana. Those are bananas.
Номер слайду 3
These are books. Those are pencils. This is a pencil. That is a book.
Номер слайду 4
Those are flowers. That is a dog. These are dogs. This is a flower.
Номер слайду 5
Attention! a ball
a pen
a delicious sandwich
a kiss
a country
a good dictionary Singular Plural ballS
delicious sandwichES
good dictionarIES
Номер слайду 6
This is a book. These are books. That is a pencil. Those are pencils. It is a pen. They are pens. I am a teacher. We are teachers.