Діагностична контрольна робота 7 клас, НУШ

Про матеріал
Повторення та перевірка засвоєння лексичного і граматичного матеріалу з тем
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Diagnostic test 1 (Unit 1-2)

Variant 1

Task I. Вставити слово, яке потрібне:

          warmer / fill / changing / certificate / quiet / put

  1. The Earth is always ____ because of volcanoes.
  2. The Arctic is getting ____.
  3. He wants to ___ news on the website.
  4. ____ in the online form with all your details.
  5. If you complete everything, you get a ____.
  6. I’m a ___ person, I don’t talk much.

Task II. Утворити назви тварин:

  1.      pnolhid                    3) knemoy
  2.      hleaw                       4) upening

Task III. Знайти граматичну помилку і переписати речення:

  1. It is rain at the moment.
  2. Does they meet at the café?
  3. My brother always do his homework.
  4. It rains a lot at the moment.

Task IV. Вибрати правильний варіант:

  1. The cubs only ___ about 67 grams.
  1.       Reason                      c) weigh
  2.      Whale                        d) wolves
  1. They sometimes eat other____.
  1.       Plants                               c) grasslands
  2.      Deserts                              d) enclosures
  1. A lot of local ___ become a home to many animals.
  1.       Own                  c) wheelchair
  2.      Caves                 d) female
  1. He is still really ___, he cycles to school every day.
  1.     award                    c) active  
  2.     describe                 d) lazy


Task V. Дайти відповіді на запитання:

  1. Describe yourself. (I’m _____ person. I’m good at ______)
  2. What’s your favourite subject?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. Write 6 – 8 animals in English.



Diagnostic test 1 (Unit 1-2)

                                          Variant 2

Task  I. Вставити слово, яке потрібне:

               learn / rubbish / surprise / skills / polite / creative 

  1. They are preparing a ___ for you.
  2. When I speak to adults, I try to be _____.
  3. It is a great way to ____ new things.
  4. She is very ____, she loves Art.
  5. He should improve his drawing ____.
  6. You can help older people or picking up ___.

Task II. Утворити назви тварин:

  1.      knase            3) theelpan
  2.      dapan            4) regti

Task III. Знайти граматичну помилку і переписати речення:

  1. That book belong to me.
  2. They makes very big changes.
  3. We are swimming and sunbathing every day.
  4. He play the drums at the moment.

Task IV. Вибрати правильний варіант:

  1. They don’t understand everything that’s ____.
  1.       Heavy                 c) own
  2.      Weigh                 d) happening
  1. The youngest ___ in the world is the Baltic.
  1.       Mountains                    c) valleys  
  2.      Sea                                  d) possible
  1. A lot of different animals ____ in the park.
  1.       Live                      c) living  
  2.      Lives                     d) is living
  1. I’m quite ____, I don’t always do my homework.
  1.       Popular                 c) age
  2.      Lazy                       d) active

Task V.  Дайти відповіді на запитання:

  1. Describe yourself. (I’m _____ person. I’m good at ______)
  2. What’s your favourite subject?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. Write 6 – 8 animals in English.
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