Діагностична робота "My body" (Будна)

Про матеріал
Діагностична робота для учнів 2 класу з англійської мови за підручником Будна.
Перегляд файлу

Name_______________________________   Variant 1


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.

Nose –

Leg –

Fingers –

Toes –


  1. Write the words from the box.

I have got ears.  I can________________.

I have got nose.  I can________________.

I have got mouth.  I can________________.

I have got hands.  I can________________.


  1. Read the text and draw a monster.

This is a monster. Its name is Tobby. It has got a body (тіло), two heads, four arms and two legs. Tobby has got long fair hair, four eyes, two noses, one mouth. It is a nice monster.













Name_______________________________   Variant 2


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.

Arm –

Eyes –

Foot –

Mouth –


  1. Write the words from the box.

I have got hands.  I can________________.

I have got ears.  I can________________.

I have got nose.  I can________________.

I have got mouth.  I can________________.


  1. Read the text and draw a monster.

This is a monster. Its name is Fred. It has got a body (тіло), four heads, two arms and two legs. Fred has got short brown hair, four eyes, four noses, one mouth. It is a nice monster.


15 лютого 2021
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