Діагностувальна робота "Rest and Leisure"

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Діагностувальна робота до теми "Відпочинок і дозвілля" для учнів 5 класів НУШ.

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Diagnostic work  “Rest and Leisure” 5th form _________________________________


I. Choose the right variant:

1) I ________ TV every day.

a) watch     b) play   c) ride

2) My mother _______ a bike to work.

a) goes      b) rides     c) listens

3) I like to _______ games with friends.

a) watch    b) go    c) play

4) My father likes to ______ books.

a) read   b) speak    c) play

5) My friend likes to ______ to music.

a) listen    b) play    c) do

6) In summer I like to ______ to a river.

a) play     b) go      c) listen

II. Match:

1) get up

2) have breakfast

3) brush my teeth

4) wash my face

5) get dressed

6) to go to school

7) take classes

8) have lunch

9) play with friends

10) come home

11) do my homework

12) have dinner

13) take shower

14) to go to bed


III. Вставте since або for.

1) Tom has lived here _________ last year.

2) Tom has lived here _________ five years.

3) John has had the car_________ last month.

4) He has had the car _________ eight months.


IV. Поставте дієслова в дужках у Present Perfect.

1) He ___________________________ (finish) working.

2) This is the first time he____________________________ (drive) a car.

3) She ___________________________ (buy) a very nice dress today.

4) Oh, no! I ____________________________ (lose) my money!


V. Поставте дієслова в дужках у заперечну форму Present Perfect.

1) I _______________ (not clean) my room.

2) They ________________ (not finish) their work yet.

3) I _______________ (not see) Tom this morning.

4) He _______________ (not write) me for nearly a month.