Діагностувальна робота (аудіювання) 4 клас, 2 семестр

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Діагностувальна робота (аудіювання) для учнів 4 класу. В розробці є завдання до 2 варіантів, а також ключі та посилання на аудіо для учнів. Буду вдячна за коментарі.
Перегляд файлу

Listening 4, term II  Listening 4, term II

Variant - 1

  1. Listen and write T (true) or F (false).
  1. The old woman makes a Gingerbread Man.
  2. The old woman runs away.
  3. The Gingerbread Man meets a monkey.
  4. The cat wants to eat the Gingerbread Man.
  5. The Gingerbread Man can swim.
  6. The fox eats the Gingerbread Man.


  1. Choose the correct item.
  1. The old woman wants ____ the Gingerbread Man.
  1.      to eat   b) to drink   c) to play
  1. The old woman is ___.
  1.      happy   b) nervous   c) angry
  1. ____ wants to eat him, but the Gingerbread Man runs away.
  1.      The cat   b) The dog   c) The bear
  1. The Gingerbread Man wants ___ the river.
  1.      to shout    b) to cross   c) to go
  1. There is ___ near the river.
  1.      the lion    b) the grandfather   c) the fox
  1. “I can ____,” says the fox.
  1.      dance   b) swim   c) chase




 Variant - 2

  1. Listen and write T (true) or F (false).
  1. The old man makes a Gingerbread Man.
  2. The old woman wants to eat the Gingerbread Man.
  3. The old woman can’t catch the Gingerbread Man.
  4. The cat wants to eat the Gingerbread Man.
  5. The Gingerbread Man runs to the lake.
  6. The Gingerbread Man sits on the fox’s head.


  1. Choose the correct item.
  1. One Day, an old woman makes ____.
  1.      The Gingerbread Cat   b) the Gingerbread Man   c) the Gingerbread Park
  1. The old woman is ___.
  1.      angry   b) nervous   c) thirsty
  1. The Gingerbread Man runs to ___.
  1.      the lake    b) the forest    c) the river
  1. The Gingerbread Man wants ___ the river.
  1.      to shout    b) to cross   c) to go
  1. “The water is deeper now. Sit on my ___,” says the fox.
  1.      nose    b) ears   c) eyes
  1. The fox opens its mouth and ___ the Gingerbread Man.
  1.      eat   b) meet   c) laugh



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj-043CjGA8- track 98, time code – 7:49


The Gingerbread Man

One day, an old woman makes a gingerbread Man. When it is ready, the old woman wants to eat him. But the Gingerbread Man laughs and shouts “Run, run, run if you can. You can’t catch me! I’m the Gingerbread Man!” The old woman is angry. She chases him.

The Gingerbread Man Meets a cat. The cat wants to eat him, but he runs away. He runs to the river. He wants to cross the river but he can’t swim.

There is a fox near the river. “I can swim,” says the fox. “Sit on my head.” The Gingerbread Man sits on the fox’s head. The fox starts to swim. “The water is deeper now,” says the fox. “You must sit on the fox’s nose. And the fox opens its mouth and eats him!




  1. T
  2. F
  3. F
  4. T
  5. F
  6. T
  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F
  6. T


  1. a
  2. c
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c
  6. b
  1. b
  2. a
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a




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Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Пекар Таня
    Добрий день!Будь ласка, скиньте посилання на аудіо матеріал до діагностувальної роботи (аудіювання) для учнів 4 класу. якщо можна на ел.пошту: t.pekarjova@gmai.com Щиро буду вам вдячна.
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  2. Скрипніченко Марина
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