Розробка допоможе вчителеві перевірити рівень знань учнів з теми "Дозвілля"- оволодіння лексикою та граматичними навичками.
1.Write the past form of the verbs./Напиши форму дієслова у минулому часі.
1) skate - ________________ 6) plan -________________
2) want - ________________ 7) like -_________________
3) try - ________________ 8) ask -__________________
4) danse -_______________ 9) stop -__________________
5) tidy - ________________ 1 0) cook_________________
2.Read and circle the correct item./Прочитай і вибери правильний відповідь.
1) Tom was / were at the cinema yesterday
2) Jane and Mary was / were in the supermarket yesterday.
3) My parents and I was / were in the park last Saturday.
4) There was / were a swimming competition last Friday.
5) My mother was / were at the clothes shop yesterday.
6) I was / were at the birthday party last Sunday.
3.Read , guess and write .Use the words from the box . There are 3 words that you don't need . / Прочитай , здогадайся і напиши . Використай слова з рамки . Будуть зайві 3 слова.
1) You buy food in this big shop.___________________
2) You can play football here.____________________________
3) You buy T- shirts , jumpers and jeans there.____________________
4) You can swim there in autumn ,winter and spring.________________
5) You need it to play tennis.____________________________
6) You can play this game with your friends in winter.________________