Діагностувальна робота (письмо) ІІ семестр для учнів 3 класу

Про матеріал
Діагностувальна робота з письма для учнів 3 класу за 2 семестр до підручника Smart Junior. Складається з 4 вправ на перевірку лексико-граматичного матеріалу за 2 семестр.
Перегляд файлу

Writing (The Second Term)

I variant

Task I. Підбери пару.

1. How old are you?                                      a)  My name is Natalia.

2. What’s your name?                                   b) I’m ten.

3. to make                                                      c) centre

4. to buy                                                         d) a fire

5. an amusement                                            e) park

6. a shopping                                                 f) postcards

Task II. Поглянь на малюнок і встав прийменник.

on /     between  /    next to     /   behind   /   under  /        in front of


  1. The bear is _________________ the chair.
  2. The armchair is ________________ the cat.
  3. The picture is _______________ the wall.
  4. The lamp is _________________ the book and the vase.
  5. The carpet is_________________ the table.
  6. The table is ________________ the carpet.

Task III.

1.+ She swam in the sea last summer.

   - ___________________________ .

  ? ___________________________ .

  +/- __________ / ______________

2.+ You were at the amusement park yesterday.

   - ___________________________ .

  ? ___________________________ .

  +/- __________ / ______________

Task IV. Напиши листа другові.

1. Write a letter to your friend about your last summer holidays.

• the name of the place you were

• who you stayed with

• where you lived

• what food you ate


Writing (The Second Term)

IІ variant

Task I. Підбери пару.

1.How old are you?                                     a) I’m from Ukraine.

2. Where are you from?                               b) I am nine.

3. to pick                                                      c) fish

4. a fast food                                                d) restaurant

5. an amusement                                          e) park

6. to catch                                                     f) flowers

Task II. Поглянь на малюнок і встав прийменник.

on /     between  /    next to     /   in   /   under    /     next to  


1. The book is _________________ the table.

2. The ball is _________________   the table.

3. The lamp is __________________the book and the vase.

4. The cat is _______________ the armchair.

5. The table is _________________ the chair.

6.  The flowers are _______________ the vase.   

Task III.

1.+ They went to England last summer.

   - ___________________________ .

  ? ___________________________ .

  +/- __________ / ______________

2.+ He was at the supermarket yesterday.

   - ___________________________ .

  ? ___________________________ .

  +/- __________ / ______________

Task IV. Напиши листа другові.

1. Write a letter to your friend about your last summer holidays.

• the name of the place you were

• who you stayed with

• where you lived

• what food you ate

Tkachuk Yana
16 травня 2023
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