Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови 5 клас НУШ

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Діагностична контрольна робота для 5 класу НУШ II семестр. Роботу складено у формі тестових завдань на вибір 1 правильної відповіді.Робота передбачає завдання з читання, використання мови, сприйняття інформації на слух.
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Діагностична контрольна робота з англійської мови у 5 класі НУШ за ІІ семестр

Ivan is _____ than Sasha.

варіанти відповідей












  the tallest

Запитання 2

Carnival is the ____ festival in Brazil.

варіанти відповідей


 more popular



the most popular




Запитання 3

They ____ London last year.

варіанти відповідей





will visit




Запитання 4

Samantha ______ to Los Angeles tomorrow.

варіанти відповідей


 is going







Запитання 5

There ____ any sweet drinks in the refrigerator, so I went to the supermarket.

варіанти відповідей


was not




were not




Запитання 6

Прочитай текст, дай відповіді на питання.

A Happy Man

Many years ago there lived a king. He was very rich and he had everything he wanted. His country was strong and famous, but the king was not happy. So one day he went to a wise old man and asked him how to become happy. The wise man listened to him and then said, “There is very little happiness in this world, but I know the way to find it.”

“Show me the way to find it, then,” said the king.

“It’s very easy,” answered the old man. “You have only to put on the shirt of a happy man.”

The king thanked the old man and began to look for a happy man. He visited most of the capitals of the world. He met kings, barons and other aristocrats, but they were not happy.

At last he came back to his own country. One day, he saw a poor farmer working in a field. He was singing and there was a happy look on his face. The king went up to the farmer and said, “My good man, are you happy?” “Very happy,” answered the farmer. “Well, then,” said the king, “sell me your shirt.”

“My shirt?” said the farmer in surprise. “I haven’t got a shirt. I hope to buy a shirt soon, but I am happy.”




Питання 1 Many years ago there lived a queen.

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Запитання 7

The country was powerful and famous.

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Запитання 8

Прослухай текст, дай відповіді на питання.

I like summer holidays very much. It’s warm. I spend much time outdoors. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like swimming in the Black Sea and lying in the sun.

In July my parents return to their work and I go to a camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. They have a big old house and I go to see and help them. We spend a lot of time near the river: fishing or swimming.

I have a nice time in the country.                                   

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic. I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.


ПИТАННЯ 8   I spend June at…

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at the seaside







Запитання 9

 There is …near our camp.

варіанти відповідей


   a church




  a forest



a lake


Запитання 10

Answer the questions:

When does she return home from the country?

варіанти відповідей


I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.



She returns home at the beginning of August



She returns home at the end of August

Запитання 11

Where do they go to have a picnic in the morning?

варіанти відповідей


There is a lake near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.




There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.




There is a river near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

Запитання 12

Whom does she go to see in the country?

варіанти відповідей


August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents



August comes and she gos to the country to see my grandparents



August comes and she goes to the country to see her grandparents


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Контрольні роботи
12 грудня 2023
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