Дидактичний матеріал `Film Review Activities`

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дидактичний матеріал по темі Film Review включає завдання: заповнення пропусків, правильний порядок, знаходження еквівалентів, відповіді на запитання, альтернативний вибір. Дана розробка стане в нагоді вчителям при проведенні уроків у 7 класі з теми Cinema.
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Film Review Activities

  1. Complete the film review with the given words:

  a) about      b) excellent       c) friends           d) soundtrack        e) moving      f) character         g) stars      h) set           i) film          j) scenes        k) worth        l) develops        m) directed      


Free Willy, 1) ______by Simon Wincer, is a fascinating and 2) _______adventure. It is 3) _____ on the west coast of North America. The film is 4) _______the relationship between a boy and a whale. Jason Richter 5)  ______   in this film.

Jesse, the main 6) _______, meets Willy in the sea park. They become good 7)______. As the story 8)_______, Jesse decides to free his friend, Willy.

The acting is 9) _______. The film is filled with moving 10) ______. The 11)______ is really catchy.

This is a wonderful 12)______ for the whole family. Don`t miss it. This movie is really 13)_____ watching.


  1. Put the paragraphs of the film review into the right order.

Stuart Little

  1. The cast is excellent and Michael J. Fox is perfect as the voice of Stuart Little. With the use of computer animation, Stuart looks more like a real mouse than a cartoon mouse. He is very convincing. The combination of computer animation and live action is superb.
  2. Stuart Little is a wonderful film for the whole family. The cute little mouse will make all members of the family laugh. Don`t miss it!
  3. Stuart Little, an animated film directed by Rob Minkoff, takes place in New York City. The main characters are Mr and Mrs Little, played by Hugh Laurie and Geena Davis, their son George, played by Jonathan Lipnicki and, of course, the adorable mouse Stuart, whose voice is provided by Michael J. Fox.
  4.  The story begins when Mr and Mrs Little go to an orphanage to adopt a little brother for their son George. At the orphanage they meet Stuart, a tiny mouse, and are so charmed by him that they decide to adopt him. However, George isn`t pleased because he wants a real brother. The family cat, Snowbell, has plans to get rid of Stuart forever!
  1. _____;  2. ______ ; 3 _____; 4 _____.
  1. Read and translate the film review. Find the English equivalents of the Ukrainian words:

щасливий кінець, фантастика, страшні сцени, переконливий, відмінний, агресивний, спецефекти, грати головну роль, проте, в загалом, оснований на, захоплюючий, неймовірний, швидкоплинний, гра акторів, незважаючи на, нещодавно, хоча, чужоземний, космос

     I recently went to see War of the Worlds. It`s a science fiction film starring Tom Cruise.

    The film is based on a book written over 100 years ago, although it is set in modern times. The story is very gripping. It`s about alien machines from space which land on Earth. Nevertheless, the film has a happy ending.

    The acting is very good. Tom Cruise, who plays a father who is looking for his family, is excellent, as usual. But, I don`t think Dakota Fanning was very convincing as his daughter. The special effects are incredible – the machines look terrifying. However, there are some very scary scenes which I didn`t enjoy.

This is a classic Spielberg film: fast-moving, not too violent, and full of action. In spite of the fact that it was a bit scary, overall I really enjoyed it. Go and see it if you can.



  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Wall-E is a CGI animated film about a little robot. It was directed by Andrew Stanton and it was created by Pixar Animation Studios. Most of the characters in the film are robots so there aren`t many speaking parts for actors.

The story follows Wall-E, the robot that was designed to clean up the Earth which is full of rubbish. Humans, who evacuated the Earth 700 years earlier because they had destroyed the environment, live on a huge spaceship in another part of the galaxy. In the beginning, many robots like Wall-E were created but now Wall-E is the only one left. During all these years, he has built huge towers of rubbish. Another robot called Eve is sent to Earth to search for life. Wall-E becomes friends with her and shows her a planet he has found. She returns to the spaceship with the plant to show that life has returned to Earth. Wall-E follows her and they begin an exciting space adventure.

Wall-E is one of the most successful animated films of recent times and it was awarded the Oscar for the Best Animated Feature. It also shows us how important the environment is, and how we can stop destroying it.

  1. Who directed the film Wall-E?


  1. Why weren`t many actors needed to make the film?


  1. Where is the film set?


  1. What kind of film is Wall-E?


  1. What is the film about?


  1. What award did the film Wall-E win?


  1. Read the text. Choose the correct answer.

Owen wrote the text for his homework.

Favourite Animations

I think the best animated films are Toy Story 1, 2 and 3. The films are CGI (computer generated imagery) and the pictures are fantastic. They made the first one in 1995. That was before I was born!

Toy Story 2 was the first film I saw at the cinema. My parents took my older sister for her sixth birthday and I went too. I was very young but I loved it. For my next birthday, my grandparents gave me both films on DVD and I watched them all the time.

The films are about a boy called Andy and his toys. In the first fil, he is about seven years old and in the second he is a bit older. His toys, including Woody and Buzz Lightyear, are great characters. They are the heroes but each film has a villain. These bad characters always plan to harm the toys but lots of exciting, funny and frightening events, the toys always win.

In 2010, eleven years after Toy Story 2, there was the third and final film. This time I went with my friends, not my family. We were all fourteen and we loved it! Like us, Andy was older – he`s about eighteen in the film – so it was time to say goodbye to his toys.

Owen, Bolton

  1. Owen`s letter is mainly about …
  1. the Toy Story films.
  2. his DVD collection.
  3. Going to the cinema.
  1. Owen …
  1. only likes Toy Story films.
  2. sometimes goes to the cinema.
  3. doesn`t like films with real actors.
  1. Owen saw Toy Story 2 …
  1. at home.
  2. at the cinema.
  3. at his grandparents`.
  1. Owen saw _______ of the films at the cinema.
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  1. Andy, the boy in the film, …
  1. has got two toys.
  2. hasn`t got any friends.
  3. has got many toys.
  1. Andy is …
  1. a child in all the films.
  2. the same age as Owen.
  3. a teenager in the last film.





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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Лис Ірина Анатоліївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
12 травня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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