Do we need to ``learn`` a language or we can use devices and gadgets to make it easier?

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Do we need to ``learn`` a language or we can use devices and gadgets to make it easier? Essay on the very crucial at our times theme. This essay tells about the advantages and disadvantages of gadgets and learning language with a help of technologies.
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Do we need to ``learn`` a language or we can use devices and gadgets to make it easier?

 Every one of us had the challenge in life, at least one time per life, to learn some language. We could have experienced this at school, at work, at university or in travelling. We all had the chance to hear it and to be influenced by foreign language.

 Everyone can learn language, we are able to do this. But do we really need a teacher/tutor or some ``helper``, like a guide, to learn it or we can do it alone? Do we need someone to show us the main ideas and then we will be free birds and we could develop the knowledge by ourselves? What should we do? Let`s find out.

 First of all, we need to take into the account our background knowledges. For example, if person had learned a language before or at least had a clue what it is, it will be much easier in the future to ``return`` to ``recover`` the knowledges. On one hand, the progress could be much visible for this person. But on the other hand, this person could had learned the rule not correctly in the past and for herself or for the ``guide`` it will be much harder to ``teach``  a person correctly. It will be much harder to make the person do ``right`` because the skill is in the person`s head and you can`t make it disappear fast.

 Second of all, if the person doesn`t know language at all, before the learning, it`s much easier for the ``guide`` to teach a person from the scratch. The tutor or the teacher will give the person needed knowledges and the person will learn the rules and the other staff correctly. But on the other hand, personally for the learner it will be much harder, from the beginning to learn everything. But at the end the results will be awesome and the person will know the ``right`` language without some common mistakes.

 So, if person has a background she or he can learn a language by himself, with a help of some program, gadget or some book. But only it`s a coin of two sides. If a person knows the rules and some general staff it could be possible, but if not, it`s could be ``dangerous`` to learn like this. The person will not know what is right or what is wrong and this will make future tutor or a teacher very busy. In this case, is person wants to learn language with a help of the devices there is strong need to have a help, at least at the beginning, from a person who knows better. I think, if a person wants to learn language for everyday life, just for ``talking``or some ``not deep`` knowledges it`s ok to learn it with a help of devices, gadgets or some digital help.

 For learning language in the professional level, or for learning grammar rules and how to use any language at work, how to teach anyone else, a person definitely needs a help. This ``help`` needs to be from the person who has a special education in this field. This ``help`` needs to be guided through all the rules, all small mistakes and all of these need to be corrected by a person, who knows how to correct. If a person wants to read native articles or to watch movies and other staff like a native speakers do, he/she needs a help. A tutor/teacher or a ``guide`` will give some personal advices, will help to ``understand``, will help to find the hidden context inside some texts and will help to understand the phrases, idioms and slags. The tutor will share the ``secrets`` and some ``tricks`` for learning and for making it easier for the person. The tutor will find ``what a person likes`` not what is written in the book. A tutor will be a friend, not a strict teacher who will scream and quarrel. The tutor will share the experience and ``life`` examples, which will never be shown. The tutor will give real advices how to use this or that and explain what is better.

 So, the learning of language could be through devices and with a professional help. It only depends on what you really need, what you want and what is your aim in learning. But on my view, it is really good to some somebody who can help, because some help is always needed.

7 червня 2023
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