Додаткові вправи за темою : "Computing"

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Додаткові вправи за темою : "Computing", та на використання Past Simple Tense
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  1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

  1. My phone battery is dead. Can I borrow your                ?
  2. Can you turn on the                 so I can connect to your Wi-Fi?
  3. All tablets have a                 built in so you can make video calls.
  4. Your new wireless                 are great. The sound fills the whole room.
  5. I prefer to write emails on my                 because it has a keyboard.
  6. I keep all my important files on a                 . I hope I don’t lose it!
  7. I use my                 to listen to music when I go running.
  8. This                 is great for surfing the web when you’re travelling.
  9. To open the file, you need to click with the                .
  10. I need to read this document on paper, but I can’t connect my computer to the                .


  1. Circle the word that doesn’t go with the verb.


1 connect to

the internet

a Wi-Fi network

an app

2 scan

a document

a video

a photo

3 upload

a photo

a password

a video

4 print

a contact

a document

a photo

5 enter

a Wi-Fi network

a password

contact details

6 download

some software

a comment

a song

7 post

a comment

a photo


8 delete

a document

a contact

a network

  1. Match words from exercise 2 with the pictures 1–8.






Писаренко Анна
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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 7 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
23 березня 2020
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