English in our life. Інформаційна година

Про матеріал
Метою проведення інформаційної години «English in our life» є удосконалення знань, вмінь та навичок отриманих на уроках англійської мови, розширення світогляду та ерудиції учнів; розвиток їх творчих здібностей, самостійності; виховання любові й шанування людей свого рідного краю і країни, мова якої вивчається, а також формування вміння концентрувати увагу, логічно викладати думки, заохочувати учнів до роботи над собою; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу




Токарівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів








Інформаційна година


на тему:


“English in our life”







учитель англійської мови

Томік-Чернякович Ірина Йосипівна




















Метою проведення інформаційної години «English in our life» є удосконалення знань, вмінь та навичок отриманих на уроках англійської мови, розширення світогляду та ерудиції учнів; розвиток їх творчих здібностей, самостійності; виховання любові й шанування людей свого рідного краю і країни, мова якої вивчається, а також формування вміння концентрувати увагу, логічно викладати думки, заохочувати учнів до роботи над собою; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

        Oбладнання: мультимедійна дошка.



Slide 1.

Today we explain you why English is so important for us. 


Slide 2.

We have made a questionary among the pupils of  the 7th and 11th form. The theme was “Why do we need English”

30% learn English for their future

20% learn English for travelling

15% learn English for reading, watching.

From 5 to 10% learn English for exploring , because of teachers.


Slide 3.

What about the role of English at present for 44% is strong and for 52% is moderate. Only for 4% is role of English weak.


Slide 4.

78% of all the pupils can not imagine their life without English and 22% can do it.

And now we try to persuade these pupils to change their opinion.


And now listen to some interesting information about English language.

16 interesting facts about English


The language of innovations

80% of the information stored on all computers in the world is written in English

2 ) Importance in the world

1 billion people speak English. This is almost every seventh inhabitant of the planet.

3) English is the language of aviation and any pilot, regardless of the origin country,  must know English.

4) The words “I”, “We” and “three” are considered the oldest in the vocabulary.

5)  Every 98 minutes appears a new English word in the world
6) Most of the modern rules of grammar and spelling correspond to the rules of the Johnson’s dictionary, which was published in 1755.

7) The Rhythm is the longest word which  has no vowel sounds

8)  89% of people in Sweden speak English

9) In publishing to check the fonts people use pangram. This sentences contains 26 alphabet  letters.

10) every year In the english vocabulary appear  at least  4,000 new words

11) the word «bride» comes from the German word, which means “to cook food”

12)  the word “mortage” comes from French and means death contract

13) the pronunciation of the word “queue” will not change even if we remove the last four letters

14) 90% of all texts written in English, consist of  1000 most popular words

15)  West Flemish and Dutch are the closest languages ​​to English

16) In English, the largest number of words begins with a letter “S”



Slide 5. You see such expression “Wherever you go, you need English.” And now we try to prove it.




Slide 6.

  • English is the international language spoken in many countries both as native and as second or foreign language.  It is taught in the schools in almost every country. It is spoken by over 300 million people as their native language.
  • English occupies the leading position among such languages as Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French.


Slide 7.

Why do we learn English?

  1. It helps you to read
  2. It’s the language of technology, business, science
  3. It’s interesting
  4. It’s useful for traveling
  5. It is  international
  6. It helps to operate a computer
  7. We have to because of our school curriculum
  8. It is necessary while looking for a job
  9. It helps to develop friendship between people of different nationalities


Slide 8. Why is learning a foreign language important to me?


 Learning to speak foreign languages is the best thing I can do to improve my life and open new doors.

First of all, I get access to knowledge. Today's media, such as the internet, television, and the press, give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favourite subjects. But most of this knowledge is in a foreign language.


Slide 9.

Secondly, If you speak English, you can contact people from all over the world and make new friends on the internet.


Slide 10.

Books on every subject are written in English around the world. You can read books by American, Canadian,  Australian or British authors.

Whatever you are interested in, you can read about it in English.



Slide 11.

If you know English, you can watch your favourrite TV shows without  any translation, without reading subtitles! You will be able to enjoy these movies in their original form. It is more pleasure to listen to the real voices of the actors, isn`t it?


Slide 12.

In addition, in my nearly future I want to find  a well-paid job related to foreign languages.


Slide 13.

My dream is  to read Shakespeare in the original..

To be  or not to be , that is the question….


Slide 14.

So, make your right choice…… Speak English!





























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