First and second conditionals

Про матеріал
This worksheet contains three exercises - in the first, pupils fill in the gaps with type 1 conditional sentences, in the second they fill in with the 2nd conditional and in the third they choose between the first and second conditionals according to the verb tense given in one clause.
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Fill in the gaps with the type 1 conditional sentences.

1. If you _________ (squeeze) an orange, you ___________ (get) orange juice.

2. You _______ (put) on some more weight if you _______ (eat) too much sugar.

3. If I ________ (study) a lot, I ________ (pass) the year.

4. If you __________ (press) that button, the machine _________ (stop) functioning.

5. If you __________ (not / apologise), she ___________ (not / forgive) you.

6. If you __________ (wash) the dishes today, I __________ (dust) the house.

7. What __________ (happen) if I _________ (press) this button?

8. If there ___ (not / be) enough water in the next few years, many people ___ (die).

9. If we __________ (not / recycle), we __________ (put) our own survival at risk.

10. It ________ (be) damaged if you  _________ (press) it too much.

11. If you _____ (touch) the dog, it ______ (bite) you.

12. Students _________ (get) good marks if they ________ (study) regularly.



Fill in the gaps so as to build correct type 2 conditional sentences.

1. If I __________ (be) you, I ___________ (study) for the final exam.

2. If my parents __________ (be) rich, I __________ (not / need) to work so much.

3. If Sara ___________ (have) a good handwriting, I could understand her texts!

4. If my computer __________ (function) properly, I __________ (use) it more often.

5. You __________ (be) healthier if you __________ (eat) less red meat.

6. If we __________ (eat) more vegetables, our body __________ (be) healthier.

7. If you ________ (tidy) up your bedroom every day, it ________ (not / be) in a mess.

8. I __________ (not / do) the chores myself if I __________ (have) more money.

9. We could stay in Tom’s house, if he ___________ (live) in a big house.

10. There _______ (be) confrontation if the two opposite cheerleaders ______ (appear).

12. If they ________ (know) more vocabulary, they______(be) able to understand more easily.


Fill in the blanks with either zero or first conditional.

1. There ____________ (be) difficulties in the traffic if it snows.

2. You will see London Eye if you ____________ (visit) London.

3. If you ____________ (go) to the disco tomorrow, you will dance a lot.

4. If you ____________ (not / go) out, please be sure to rent some up-dated films.

5. I won’t go to the party if it ____________ (rain).

6. If you _____________ (sit) in the sun, you get burned.

7. If I _____________ (be) even 5 minutes late for work, my boss shouts at me.

8. If you _____________ (speak) too loud, I am able to hear you.

9. If babies _____________ (not / sleep), they become too easily upset.

10. My friend Laura will be too disappointed if she ____________ (fail) the driving test.

11. What will you do if she _____________ (refuse) to go out with you?

12. I will give you a candy if you ______________ (behave) yourself.

13. I always _____________ (feel) miserable when it rains.

14. You will fell healthier if you _____________ (exercise) regularly.


30 січня 2019
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