English Lesson 'Enviromental pollution'

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Environmental pollution is a global problem and is common to both developed as well as developing countries, which attracts the attention of human beings for its severe long-term consequences.
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  1. Read, translate and write your translation in a notebook.


Environmental pollution

Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as a byproduct of man’s actions, through direct or indirect effects of the changes in the energy pattern, radiation levels, and chemical and physical constitution and abundance of organisms. Environmental pollution is a global problem and is common to both developed as well as developing countries, which attracts the attention of human beings for its severe long-term consequences. The decline in environmental quality as a consequence of pollution is evidenced by loss of vegetation, biological diversity, excessive amounts of harmful chemicals in the ambient atmosphere and in food grains, and growing risks of environmental accidents and threats to life support systems. Pollution is viewed from different angles by different people but is commonly agreed to be the outcome of urban-industrial and technological revolution and rapacious and speedy exploitation of natural resources, increased rate of exchange of matter and energy, and ever-increasing industrial wastes, urban effluents, and consumer goods. Holdgate (1979) defined environmental pollution as the introduction by man, into the environment, of substances or energy liable to cause interference with legitimate uses of environment. Singh (1991) has defined pollution in a very simple manner, i.e., “Disequilibrium condition from equilibrium condition in any system.” This definition may be applied to all types of pollution ranging from physical to economic, political, social, and religious. Over the past couple of decades, various sources of pollution were identified that altered the composition of water, air, and soil of the environment. The substances that cause pollution are known as pollutants. A pollutant can be any chemical (toxic metal, radionuclides, organophosphorus compounds, gases) or geochemical substance (dust, sediment), biological organism or product, or physical substance (heat, radiation, sound wave) that is released intentionally or inadvertently by man into the environment with actual or potential adverse, harmful, unpleasant, or inconvenient effects. Such undesirable effects may be direct (affecting man) or indirect, being mediated via resource organisms or climate change. Depending on the nature of pollutants and also subsequent pollution of environmental components, the pollution may be categorized as follows:


1.Air Pollution


2.Water Pollution


3.Soil/Land Pollution


4.Noise Pollution


5.Radioactive Pollution


6.Thermal Pollution


Among these types of pollution, air pollution is the main type threatening the environment, humans, plants, animals, and all living organisms.

  1. Do exercises and write in a notebook.

1. What causes pollution?

A. Cars

B. Animals

C. Factories

D. A and C only

 2. How many people die of air pollution around the world each year?

A. 50,000


B. 1 million

C. 3 million

D. 500,00

 3. Which of the following pollutants can damage lungs?

A. Ozone

B. Smog

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Nitrogen

 4. Which of the following gases does an automobile produce?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Nitrogen

C. Helium

D. Carbon monoxide

 5. This type of pollutant causes acidification of rivers, lakes and also damages tree foliage and degrades soil quality.

A. Ozone Layer

B. Acid rain

C. Oil

D. None of the above

 6. When burning fuel for energy, small particles are thrown into the air that are visible in the form of smoke. It is called this type of pollution. 

A. Black carbon pollution

B. Indoor pollution

C. Outdoor pollution

D. Air pollution

 7. The average temperature around the world has climbed during the previous century due to global warming by this much.

A. 2 degrees Fahrenheit

B. 1 degree Fahrenheit

C. 3 degree Fahrenheit

D. 4 degree Fahrenheit

 8. Which of the following substances is harmful to water?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Salt

C. Hydrogen

D. Oil

 9. Which of the following is ozone not used for?

A. Bleach

B. Softening clothes

C. Sterilizing water

D. All of the above

 10. The ozone found in the lowest layer of the atmosphere is often called "bad ozone." What is the name of this atmospheric layer?

A. stratosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Mesosphere

D. Intersphere

 11. Ozone pollution is worst at what time of day?

A. Afternoon

B. Early evening

C. A and B only

D. Nighttime

 12. The Air Quality Index (AQI) measures which of the following?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Particulate matter

C. Ultraviolet radiation

D. All of the above

 13. Which of the following is not a symptom of ozone exposure?

A. Chest Pains

B. Naseua

C. Coughing

D. Sore throat

 14. In the last several years, the level of many air pollutants has:

A. Increased

B. Decreased

C. Stayed the same

D. Hasn`t changed

 15. "Good ozone" is found in what layer of the atmosphere?

A. Troposhphere

B. Mesosphere

C. Stratosphere

D. None of the above

3.  Посмотрите фильм (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU  )  и ответьте на вопросы следующие:

  1. How long has the cinematographer been flying above earth?
  2. Name the country in which tea plantations were shown.
  3. Where is the slummiest neighborhood in the world?
  4. In which countries do they collect cotton by hand and in which by other means?
  5. Where do people live like in the old times?
  6. Where did the cultures of Maghreb and black Africa get mixed? Why did that place attract travelers? What were they making their sails out of?
  7. Whose yardage is 25 bigger than France?
  8. What part of Antarctic is not covered by snow?
  9. Which country has the highest gas emission into the atmosphere?
  10.                      What is the largest city in that world?
  11.                      In which country did it take 20 years to be able to capture videos and pictures?
  12.                      What is the filthiest city in the world?
  13.                      On which ridge is the air as polluted?
  14.                      Where do they massively cut down palm trees to make oil?
  15.                      What is a Vulcan that emits dirt called?
  16.                      What is the leading country of alternative source of energy?
  17.                      What is the name of the deepest lake?
  18.                      Which country borders 3 oceans?
  19.                      Which tree grows 10 years?
  20.                      Where do they cut down trees for coal?
  21.                      Where is the camp with the refugees located at?
  22.                      What does the slowest and most uncomfortable train transport?
  23.                      Where is the shrimp trapping located?
  24.                      How is the Amazon formed?
  25.                      Where do people live in a landfill?
  26.                      Where is Japan’s, England’s and Austria’s nuclear waste processed?
  27.                      Where did atomic energy destroy a city?
  28.                      What were some of the feelings you had while watching the film?
  29.                      Did the film inspire you to have any ideas?



31 березня 2020
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