Food and cuisines. Traditions.

Про матеріал
It's all about food and cuisines! It comes like double lesson.I hope It'll be interesting for teachers.
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 Розділ 3.Урок3-4 в 10 класі (профільний рівень) за підручником Несвіт А.Англійська мова 10 клас профільний рівень. Київ «Генеза »,2010

Тема:Українська кухня

Мета :Практикувати учнів в говорінні,читанні,аудіюванні та письмі;розвивати всі види умінь та навичок;виховувати в учнів повагу до національної кухні.

Вид уроку:комбінований урок

Обладнання:Презентація до теми ,ноутбук,картки,записи з відео за темою уроку.

Хід уроку

I. Введення в урок

1.Повідомлення теми і мети уроку

Teacher :Today we’ll have a very nice lesson it will be devoting  to Ukrainian cuisine .We’ll have practice in reading ,listening, speaking and in writing.

2.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Бесіда за темою уроку


-How many meals a day do you usually have?

-What is the first course of your dinner?

-What traditional Ukrainian dishes can you name?

-What do you know about Ukrainian cuisine?

II.Основна частина уроку

1.Перевірка д/з

2.Практикування учнів в аудіюванні

1)Pre-listening activity. Name and write  as many as possible food items you’ll see in the video .(Videoclip “Ukraininan cuisine”)

2)While-listening activityEx.2p.93

a)Look at the pictures and talk about the dishes you see.Use the words from the box

to made of,to be seasoned with, to be stuffed with ,dough

b)Listen to the information about traditional Ukrainian dishes .Put the number of the dish which is being describe.

3)Comprehension ex.3p.93

Read and say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the wrong sentence.

3.Практикування учнів в читанні

1)Pre-reading activity. Ex.4 p.94

Look through the words in the vocabulary file. Consult the dictionary to know their meanings

To originate ,a staple ,to be stewed ,bay lea f, parsley ,dill ,to resemble ,extensive

2)While-listening activityEx.5p.94

You are going to read the text about Ukrainian cuisine .Some sentences have been removed from the text .Put the sentences (A-G) to spaces (1-6).There is one extra sentences which you don’t need/

3)Comprehension ex.7p.95

Find the dish names and their descriptions in the text. Use them and the phrases from the box given below in your sentences.

To be based on, to be popular with ,to be used in/with ,a variety of ,to be specific to ,to be left aside ,to go back to ,to be similar to.

4.Актуалізація опорних знань учнів

1)Read the information about the Passive Voice on p.276.And revise it.

2)Find the sentences in the text of ex.5 with the Passive Voice .Write them into your exercise book. Decide what tense from the verb is used.

5. Практикування учнів в говорінні

Ex.8 p.95

a)Read and act out a dialogue.

b)Make a similar dialogue about other traditional Ukrainian dishes .Use the verbs in the Passive Voice

6. Практикування учнів в письмі

Ex.9 p.96

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form and voice

III.Заключна частина уроку


Answer the questions

1.What food Ukrainians usually preferred?

2.What dishes were  the most popular among the Chumacks and the Cossacs?

3.What vegetables are commonly used in Ukrainian cuisine?

4.When were these brought to Ukraine?

2.Home task

1)Ex.11p.96 Read and complete the sentences with the name of dishes from the box

2)Ex.12 p.96 Write the name of your  favourite  dishes and how often you cook them






Koliesnikov Sergii
12 листопада 2021
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